What an unexpected confession this was.

It was dinner time before she left the house. I had no inkling that such a confession was coming.

On the contrary, Sohee seemed to have been worrying about something lately.

Her face had been shadowed for a while, and since yesterday, her chopstick movements seemed particularly heavy.


During dinner, after finishing my storytelling duties and eating food bought from the inn, Sohee stopped her heavy chopstick movements and called me.


Was she finally about to share what’s been bothering her?

I was prepared to listen to her concerns, as the new story had been a hit for two days, easing my worries.

“The main character in the new story. Is it always different beauties under different names?”

“Haha! Usually, they have separate names. But who is this oppa? He goes to women who seem like they’d spend money, well-dressed, and sells them naming rights!”

“To women who look like they’d spend money?”

“That’s right! Even today, I went up on the stage, looked around before starting the story, and thought, ‘Ah, that lady will spend some money!’ So, I approached her! Thanks to that, I made a good profit today.”

“……I see. So that’s how it is.”

Sohee smiled faintly and resumed eating her food with lighter chopstick movements.

What’s this? I thought she was going to discuss a different worry.

After dinner, Sohee left the room. I couldn’t have imagined she would return to utter such shocking words.

“Sohee? What are you talking about?”

Sohee wasn’t someone who fantasized about spending Christmas with a female colleague just because they had lunch a few times. This was too sudden.

“Be my husband.”

Sohee boldly repeated herself, ensuring I hadn’t misheard.

What’s going on?

Was this some kind of penalty game?

After hearing Sohee’s abrupt confession, I quickly scanned the surroundings.

I looked for assassins from the “Salmaek” who might be watching and laughing at us.

No sign of them. But if they were really hiding, it’d be impossible for me to find them.

This wasn’t the first unexpected confession I’ve received. I had one during high school too.

-Yunho. I’ve liked you for a long time. Will you go out with me?

-I can see your friends watching us from over there.

-Haha! Sorry! Sorry!

The girl sheepishly laughed and returned to her friends who were watching.

-Idiot! You got caught!

-What? If you guys weren’t there, he would’ve totally fallen for it. Let’s quickly play the embarrassing game again! 𝒻𝓇ℯ𝘦𝘸𝑒𝑏𝓃𝑜𝓿𝘦𝑙.𝑐𝑜𝓶

-As if I’d fall for it. Like such good fortune would come to me. The girl who I had a crush on confessed, and I was momentarily stunned.

While I watched the retreating group of girls with disbelief, my friends who were observing came over.

-Wow, Yunho. You just got confessed to.

-Bastard. You got excited for a moment, didn’t you? To celebrate your confession, buy us dinner.

-Stop messing around and let’s go eat.

Love was for university. I planned to study hard, get into a good university, and date as a freshman. Hiding my feelings of having my youthful innocence trampled, I talked loudly during dinner.

Of course, that never happened.

Going to a good university didn’t guarantee dating as a freshman.

I looked at Sohee’s face, who had made the unexpected confession.

Her expression was serious, but I could see her eyes trembling. She was clearly worried about being rejected.

‘Did she really propose?’

For someone to decide on marriage, there needs to be a significant emotional exchange. Such a proposal was just too abrupt.

Going through the stage of meeting and getting to know each other, walking together, creating memories, sharing the past, becoming emotionally intense, hugging each other, and then as the relationship deepens, becoming more physically affectionate…

‘We’ve done all that.’

I had achieved that difficult task. I did.

What had I been doing all this time?

Could it be that I had been dating her without even realizing it?

No. Even so, that’s going a bit too far.

“Sohee, are you asking me to marry you right now?”

Sohee, if that’s the case, it would be polygamy for me.

If Sohee’s mindset about marriage was akin to a small or medium-sized enterprise looking to hire a new employee, that might be better.

In a society like mine, where experienced workers were valued, wasn’t that great?


Sohee tilted her head slightly in response to my question.

“Huh? Aren’t you proposing to me?”


Her expression froze for a moment.

Then she quickly bowed her head deeply.


“……Infiltration mission in Daehung County. I need your help.”

So that’s what it was.

Was it a communication mishap?

Sohee’s face wasn’t visible, but her pale neck was unusually red.

“Can I hear more about what it involves?”

I need to hear the details of what’s going on.

After finishing a meal with Yunho, the Heavenly Death Star headed to the Chilgok County branch of the Salmaek.

“You’re here. Take a seat.”

As usual, the middle-aged branch head was sipping tea in the secret room.

“What’s the matter?”

Unlike usual, Sohee sat down and asked.

“What else could it be but to summon the Heavenly Death Star? A new mission.”


“Daehung County. The request is to kill the head of the Sung Family.”

A familiar name. The requester was all too easy to predict.

“I’ll refuse.”

Just being by Yunho’s side was enough. There’s no need to assassinate anymore. With that thought, the Heavenly Death Star turned down the assassination mission.

“You’re doing this again. The mission came from a nearby place on purpose. Do this one. The higher-ups are worried that the Heavenly Death Star might have been affected by the previous massacre incident.”

“Do I really have to?”

“Even if I say you’re fine, the higher-ups are insisting on confirmation from the Salmaek headquarters. Just pretend to accept the mission this time to prove you’re normal. It’s also an opportunity to diminish the remaining murderous intent.”

Murderous intent.

That phrase troubled the Heavenly Death Star.

Being by Yunho’s side made the murderous intent fade. But away from him, she feared she might succumb to it.

‘Would assassinating the target reduce the murderous intent?’

Perhaps the 30 people in the slums weren’t enough. The lingering murderous intent smoldered within her like embers. Assassination might snuff out those embers.

Even if it proved futile, attempting the assassination mission was worth a try.

‘I must bring Yunho along for the assassination.’

To avoid succumbing to the murderous intent, she needed him with her. With that realization, Sohee’s shoulders felt heavier.

If only they had assigned the mission a few days earlier. She wondered how he would react if she suggested they leave now, especially since his finances have stabilized.

Would he coldly suggest she go alone? Sohee briefly envisioned Yunho telling her to proceed by herself. Her heart twinged at the thought.

She needed Yunho, but Yunho didn’t seem to need her.

At this thought, Cheon Sohee’s shoulders sagged involuntarily.

“Lately, your expressions have become quite interesting, haven’t they?”

The branch head smiled and addressed the pensive Cheon Sohee.


Interesting expressions. She felt anything but amused. Yet, the branch head laughed even harder at her disgruntled face.

“Haha! You always had a poker face, making it hard to decipher your thoughts. Now, you appear more human.”

“I was always human.”

Was he implying that she was not a person but the Heavenly Death Star?

“No, not just a person, but a Salmaek assassin! Always tense, thinking, ‘I am the assassin of Salmaek. A lone wolf.’ Haha. Just like a novice assassin of Salmaek who entertains such nonsense.”

The branch head shrugged with a look of incredulity, as if he couldn’t even begin to imagine such a scenario.

“An assassin is meant to be solitary.”

“Tsk tsk. That’s the problem. These youngsters at the Salmaek headquarters, training assassins in the same traditional, centuries-old, and outdated way. ‘The heart of an assassin! Do not hesitate to kill! Be cold and thorough!’ When will they stop teaching this nonsense?”

“That’s what an assassin is.”

“You’ve lasted so long because you’re the Heavenly Death Star. Don’t you know that among those who answer like that, none last long?”

“They don’t last long?”

“Solitary assassins, great! But do novice assassins always succeed? Those who claim they never lose their guard! They always slip up once and face death. Then they think, ‘I must kill at least one more before I go.’ These crazy fools.”

The branch head seemed almost resentful towards the novice assassins, grinding his teeth as he spoke. However, Cheon Sohee couldn’t understand the man’s perspective.

“If it’s a life-threatening situation, isn’t it better to take down at least one more…”

“Do you really think that? Close your eyes for a moment.”

The branch head spoke seriously to Cheon Sohee.

Cheon Sohee, sensing his seriousness, quietly closed her eyes.

“Imagine a desperate crisis where you are surrounded by enemies and cannot escape.”

“……I’ve imagined it.”

Countless enemies. A wounded body. She imagined herself in that situation.

“In that desperate situation, think if there’s a reason to return alive.”

Cheon Sohee was puzzled by his words.

Anyway, it’s a life bound to die. Wouldn’t it be better to kill at least one more person in that time of weakness?

Was there a reason to return alive from such a desperate situation?


Cheon Sohee’s face contorted into a mess at the voice that suddenly popped up in her mind.

“See. There is, isn’t there?”

The branch head spoke as if he knew everything.


She couldn’t respond, but the branch head could read everything on her face.

“An assassin shouldn’t create weaknesses, they say. That’s nonsense spouted by those at the headquarters. Only an assassin with something precious in their heart survives long. If you want to retire like me, make sure you have a place to return to.”

The man nodded outside towards a woman.

The branch head’s wife, working in the branch disguised as a tea shop.

“Honey!!! I told you to tidy up when the black tea arrives!!!”

“……Sometimes, I don’t want to come back.”

The branch head said with a bitter smile.

“Okay. I’ll take this mission.”

Cheon Sohee spoke with a faint smile.

“Right. The issue is the fake identity…”

Cheon Sohee and the branch head began discussing the mission and the plan.

“Be my husband.”

Sohee looked at Yunho and recalled the conversation she had just had with the branch head.

-Did you get invited as a storyteller? You don’t need a fake identity or anything. Just play the role of a wife and go.

-I can’t put Yunho in danger. Besides, I can go as a bodyguard; there’s no need to play the role of a wife.

-A foreign warrior can’t enter the inner court. You have to be at least the wife of an invited guest. And what danger is there if you’re there to protect me? You’re not worried about getting caught assassinating, are you?

-It’s a mission to kill after the feast, not during it like last time. I won’t make the same mistake again.

-Then go and tell him to be your husband. How much money he’s been paid off, he can’t refuse that. Let’s go together.

Would Yunho really give up his livelihood and follow her?

She needed him. But did Yunho think he needed her?

With a trembling heart, Sohee spoke to Yunho.

“So that’s it. Let’s go then, Sohee.”

Yunho agreed after hearing the detailed explanation.


Sohee’s eyes widened, and she leaned forward, looking up at me to ask.

“Yes. Daehung County. There’s nothing to worry about if Sohee is there to protect me. Let’s go.”

Since the last incident, I had been showering with the Thousand-Mile Tracking Fragrance that Sohee gave me.

As long as she doesn’t abandon me, I can’t even dream of escaping.

There’s nothing to worry about if she’s there to protect me.

It’s a pity to give up the income, but I owe her a favor, so I should go.

“Yes! Let’s go together.”

Her face, as she answered me, was free from the shadows that had lingered there for the past few days.

Was she worried about going on a mission together?

Daehung County.

I wonder what will happen there.

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