The story with the most homages among classic romances.

To briefly summarize the story, two young individuals from enemy families fall in love. Complications arise, and Juliet plans to fake her death to elope with Romeo.

However, Romeo, unaware of this plan, commits suicide in front of the pretending-to-be-dead Juliet. Upon witnessing this, Juliet also takes her own life. Shocked by these events, the two families reconcile. It’s a tragic tale for the protagonists, but ironically, it ends in comedy due to the reconciliation of the families.

‘Pity as an expert in faking death and escaping.’

Faking death and escaping demands meticulous planning.

If one is to fake their death, they should start with a buildup and prepare various safety measures. A half-baked attempt led to tragedy, didn’t it?

After all, the protagonists of Romeo and Juliet were just teenagers, perhaps explaining why their plan was poorly executed.

‘I chose this story because of its tragic ending.’

It’s a regrettable tale for an expert in faking death, but I chose this story because of its conclusion.

Romeo and Juliet was so renowned that even those unfamiliar with the story were aware of its ending.

As long as the tragic ending was preserved, any story could fill the rest, and characters could be minimized and performed.

Truly, it’s the optimal story for a neighborhood storyteller.

“Ro! Mi-o! Ro! Mi-o! Still unsatisfied?”

With a booming voice, I began the story by calling out the protagonist Ro Mi-o, not Romeo, twice.

To start, Romeo’s friend is introduced for a simple setting explanation.

“Should be practicing martial arts every day. Dragging me to a feast like this.”

“It’s not just any feast. It’s a once-a-year event where men and women can dance and have fun. Why are you so dissatisfied?”

“Wouldn’t those from the Ro family and that detestable family also be here?”

“It’s a banquet. Even if they’re sworn enemies, would they draw swords at a feast?”

I played the role of the good-natured friend trying to appease the grumpy one.

“Whenever such lines come up, they always draw swords.”

“Is it a story of two families fighting and bickering?”

“Martial arts stories are too brutal, aren’t they?”

The audience, provided with basic information about the new story, began to murmur and show curiosity about what was unfolding.

This was a good start for immersion.

“They say Miss Ju, the most beautiful in Joseon, will be here. Let’s at least see her face.”

“Not interested… Really, is she that pretty?”

I acted hastily, lowering my fan and tiptoeing around to get a look.

“Ha ha! Thought you were serious, but you’re just a regular young man.”

“But, that storyteller. Does he also do female roles?”

Yep. He’s good at it. He did a great job playing the evil stepmother as Prince Hamurin. But this time it’s different.

I quickly descended from the stage.

“Hey! What if you come down too early!”

“Hey! Hey! The story has barely started, and you’re already trying to use some underhanded tactics!”

Just wait a little.

I went to where the female audience was gathered and spoke to a beautiful young lady.

“Are you perhaps Miss Ju?”


The lady I approached was startled, her mouth agape, tilting her head sideways.

“Such beauty. Are you the legendary Miss Ju I’ve heard about?”

“Ah, that’s…”

Darn, I blew it. Next person.

“You’re not her. Are you perhaps Miss Ju?”

I quickly switched to the next person.

“Yes. I am Miss Ju!”

Another quick-witted lady volunteered with a bold smile.

“May I know the name of such beauty?”

“Keke. Of course! I’m Soso!”

“Ju Soso! Such a beautiful name.”

Indeed, it’s a name that fit anywhere.

Expensive-looking jewelry, silk clothes, an appearance without a wrinkle. She seemed like a lady raised without hardships, with a lively personality.

Thanks to her, she handled this sudden situation amusingly.

After expressing my gratitude to her, I went back up on the stage without taking a penny. Then, pretending to dance for a moment, I shouted loudly to the people.

“Ah! We have fallen in love!”

Romeo fell in love, but it seemed like a great tragedy. He knelt down, agonizing.

“Why is he acting like that just for falling in love?”

“What’s wrong with him!”

After piquing the audience’s curiosity about why Romeo was in despair, I sighed deeply while kneeling.

“Miss Soso! Oh Miss Soso is from the Ro family’s sworn enemy, the Ju family! Our love is impossible!!!”

“Oh my! An impossible love!”

“Seems like a forbidden love between a handsome man and a beautiful woman.”

Indeed, forbidden love was a cheat key. Even the uninterested female audience members began to adjust their postures and immerse themselves.

“Ah! I cannot forget Miss Ju Soso’s appearance! That beautiful face! Did a fairy from heaven come down to dance!”

I made an ecstatic face, looking up at the sky, imagining a fairy.

“Hey. That handsome storyteller has fallen for you.”


“It’s fine. It’s just acting, right?”

After explaining to the people the reason for the feud between the Ju and Ro families, I began to actively praise Ju Soso.

The more I praised her, the more Miss Soso in the audience seemed to float on air, and the surrounding women looked on enviously.

Romeo, tormented. After much contemplation, Romeo confessed to the audience his undeniable love.

“Ah! I must sneak into the Ju family’s house just to see her face.”

I started to descend from the stage again.

This time, with a basin in hand.

“Looks like he’s coming to you again!”

People made way around Ju Soso. I strode near her, stopped once, and then shouted loudly in front of everyone.

“Ah! Miss Ju is so beautiful I can’t remember her name! Even though the names of ladies are written in so many rooms, which room is it!!!”

“I’m hereee!!!”

The real Ju Soso raised her hand to indicate her location.

I know. But I won’t go.

“Ah! Was that lady Miss Ju? I can’t quite remember!”

I subtly raised the basin while bowing my head.

Give money.

If you want to continue being the heroine.

“Hmph! Love can’t be bought with money!”

The lady who played the role of Miss Ju crossed her arms and tried to ignore me. Right. That’s how’d you react.

“Ah! Was she not Miss Ju? Then! Then! Who was Miss Ju?”

I sighed and loitered around, making eye contact with other women.

“Over here!”

Then, a quick-witted female audience member threw money!

“No!!! Could it be that you are Miss Ju?”

I walked very slowly towards her with a surprised face.

At a speed that allowed others to throw more money.

“Ah! I’ll do it! Here!”

Another woman, quickly grasping the situation, threw a larger amount of money into the basin than the previous one.

“Ah! It was another lady. You are my Miss Ju!”

“Here, take more!”

“Ah! Indeed, that lady! Miss Ju!”

“I want to be Miss Ju!”

“I’ll do it!”

“Eeek! You just danced with me!! Here’s 2 silver!”

“Soso, are you crazy? Throwing 2 silver at the storyteller, what if…”

Eventually, the original Ju Soso resolved the situation by generously donating 2 silver.

Yes, this was it.

The new tactic I was using in this performance was to include the name of the lead character.

Approaching someone in the female audience wearing obviously expensive clothes and using this tactic seems to guarantee generous support. It’s more effective than I thought.

After all, paying a small sum to become the heroine of the story was an attractive sponsorship opportunity.

I went back up on the stage and acted as two people whispering love to each other.

“Ah! Romeo! Why are you Romeo!”

Miss Ju Soso agonized over her love belonging to the enemy family.

“A rose would still smell sweet by any other name! You are you, and I am me!”

Romeo stressed that our love has nothing to do with our families.

“If you promise to be my love! I will no longer be of the Ju family. I will abandon everything and become your Soso!”

Once again, I used a fan to cover my face and acted as Miss Ju Soso confessing her painful love towards Romeo, who was out of reach beyond the window.

“Oh, look how romantic.”

“Even if they’re from enemy families, they can love each other so desperately.”

“Look at that! Despite her father’s care, she’s totally fallen for another man!”

“Hey! Did you forget when you begged me to marry you because your father arranged someone else for you?”

“No. That’s one thing, this is another!”

“A man should at least have the courage to sneak in! Crying out loud on the street when I said I was engaged.”

“…Honey. We agreed not to bring that up.”

It seems like a similar marriage story happened to someone here.

The couple, deciding on their fateful love, went to a temple to have a secret wedding through the head monk.

But here’s where trouble has to arise.

Big trouble!

“Ah! Heavens! For my beloved! I wish to adorn her with beautiful jewelry and clothes!”

I shouted to the heavens as a young man in love but lamenting his poverty. fr𝚎𝗲𝐰ebnov𝐞𝐥.𝐜o𝗺

“You have a lot of money at home!”

Someone quickly caught on and tackled the statement. No. Was that my money? It’s the Ro family’s money.

“Ah! Heavens! She and I will abandon the Ro and Ju families and leave far away! As an unfilial son, I cannot extend my hand to my parents!”

Then quickly descended from the stage with the basin in hand.

“Heavens! Please be witnesses to this secret wedding today! Be our guests! Bless this man and woman in love!!”

Dear guests. You’re now at the wedding venue. Hurry up and give your wedding gifts!

“Here, take this! First time giving money to a storyteller as a wedding gift.”

“This storyteller’s tactics are ingenious! Here, take it!”

“Soso! You must be happy! Here’s a wedding gift!”

“I’m not married yet! I’ll give some too!”

Perhaps because the female audience was so immersed, they actively threw money, and the basin for wedding gifts began to fill up.

At this rate, I almost wanted to say, ‘Go eat noodles or something with this.’

The performance ended successfully.

“The Ju and Ro families will reconcile and achieve peace through the deaths of these two young people!”

The two families reconcile over the bodies of the tragically deceased couple. With the audience deeply moved, some were wiping tears from their eyes with their sleeves.

“Uhhuhu. It’s so… so sad!”

“Why did the two have to die! They should’ve just loved each other!”

Although it was the first performance, my body, trained in martial arts, didn’t tire, and the acting went smoothly.

“Well done!”

“We’ll come again next time!”

“Indeed, a Joseon storyteller tells the story best!”

“I’m so sad, my legs won’t move. Help me up.”

“Prince Romeo should just forget someone like Soso and remarry.”

“Soso. You were so pitiful.”

“Yeah. Even I thought it was pit, pitiful.”

“Soso, are you crying? You were so immersed. Next time, I’ll be Miss Ju.”

“Ne, next time, I’ll do it again.”

Unlike the previous performance as Prince Hamurin, this romance-focused ending elicited a much more passionate response from the female audience.

Such a success. No need to worry about new stories for a while.

Looking at the money in the basin, it’s a big hit after a long time.

Maybe I should take Sohee for her favorite food.

“Are you the famous Joseon storyteller from Chilgok County?”

As I came down from the stage and waited for Sohee, a man who seemed to have just become an adult approached me.

“Yes, that’s me. And you are?”

Who is he?

Broad-shouldered and a glance at his hands suggests he’s skilled in martial arts.

He had a manly face and wore fine clothes.

His posture and way of speaking didn’t seem like he’s from the underworld, not giving off a sense of delinquency.

None of the Changgeomun guys I saw before were like him. His identity was completely unknown.

I quickly looked for Sohee.

Whenever someone talked to me after a performance, something bad tended to happen.

Fortunately, Sohee, having learned from experience, was standing behind the man, adopting a cautious posture.

The man, oblivious to the potential consequences of approaching with malicious intent, introduced an unexpected topic.

“I’m from the Sung Family in Daehung County! I’ve come to invite you to the Lord Sung Family’s birthday celebration!”

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