The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 69: Chilgok County’s An Family (5)

Cheongsapa Massacre Incident.

I’d rather call it an enactment of justice than a massacre, but it seems that’s how it’s being referred to in Chilgok County.

In a world where human life was as trivial as a fly’s, the brutal murder of thirty Black Path members could indeed be called a massacre.

Even if the Cheongsapa folks were troublemakers, their total annihilation was a significant incident in Chilgok County, where such events were rare.

Someone must have set out to understand and investigate the cause of this incident.

If, in the process, they discovered that these people were killed by a skilled female martial artist with black hair, naturally, both she and I, who traveled with her, would be mentioned.

If the investigator actively connected the dots, they might link the recent Gapsu Trading Company murder to the black-haired martial artist, and if so, Sohee and I would have to flee Chilgok County.

“There’s good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?”

“I’d prefer to hear the bad news first.”

That’s the rule with bad news.

“We tried to quickly cover up the incident but failed. It’s easy to dispose of corpses, but chunks of flesh were scattered everywhere.”

The middle-aged man looked at Sohee with a reproachful gaze.

How fiercely did she cut them?

Well done, Sohee.

“So, the incident became public?”

“Very much so. From Changgeomun, who managed the marketplace, to various small factions around Chilgok County, many rushed to the scene to find the culprit. It was quite a scene.”

With that many people, shouldn’t they have preemptively eradicated the Cheongsapa?

“It must have been serious.”

“Indeed, it was. The brutality of the killings led to bizarre speculations like the appearance of a demon or the leader of the evil faction hiding in Chilgok County. You should have been more restrained.”

I was momentarily speechless.

“Actually, it was insufficient.”

Sohee responded defiantly to the man’s complaint.

“Even though you two suddenly disappeared during the investigation?”

“Is that true?”

My heart sank.

Does this mean a warrant for our arrest? Should I escape in the middle of the night once I recover and master some martial arts?

What happens if I get caught? Was it safe to leave Hubei Province? The black-haired female assassin was too conspicuous. Did this mean I could never be near a black-haired assassin again?

Lost in thought, the middle-aged man spoke again.

“Aren’t you going to ask about the good news?”

He asked us, a slight smile on his lips.

“What’s the good news?”

“Since concealing the scene seemed impossible, we quickly shifted to hiding the culprit. We threatened the witnesses to give false testimonies.”

“What kind of testimonies?”

I asked without dwelling on the extent of the threats.

“They claimed it was an internal conflict over money.”

“Did that work?”

It’s hard to believe that such a brutal murder was just over a money dispute.

“It worked. Luckily, there were no victims other than the Cheongsapa, so such testimony was plausible. Plus, if there’s a killer capable of easily massacring thirty Black Path, the factions of Chilgok County can’t handle it, so they concluded it that way.”

Choosing a fake truth they prefer rather than continuing an investigation that could lead to greater losses.

“So, what about suspicion about us?”

Even if that’s the general belief, someone might still suspect us.

“I had my men disguise you two as Korean men, bandaged and hospitalized after being beaten up by the Cheongsapa. You shouldn’t face any suspicion.”

“Thank you.”

The man in front must be a high-ranking official of Salmaek. I’m grateful for such concern.

I bowed 90 degrees in greeting and then tried to hint to Sohee why she wasn’t expressing her gratitude, but she remained unmoved.

Maybe it’s because it’s Salmaek’s business.

As the middle-aged man seemed to have nothing more to say, Sohee led me to practice the Jade Face Self-Protection Technique again.

Regardless of whether the man was watching or not, Sohee had me practice the Jade Face Self-Protection Technique.

Was it alright to practice martial arts in front of someone from Salmaek?

Even though it was Salmaek’s martial arts, Sohee didn’t seem too concerned, which could be dangerous for her.

The man from Salmaek observed our training with a serious face, then smiled and watched my training in a relaxed manner.

It seemed that it’s not Salmaek’s martial arts that Sohee was teaching me.

“I wondered what you were teaching, but it’s Bobo Gong.”

The middle-aged man said, sipping tea from who knows where, as I absorbed the medicinal paste and rested.

“Bobo Gong?”

It’s not the term ‘bobo’ used in game reviews. What was he talking about?

“Are you applying silver on your body right now?”

“Silver? You mean as in gold, silver, copper?”

The currency units were gold, silver, and copper, but when people here talked about them separately, they normally say ‘silver’.

“This kid. He doesn’t even realize how lucky he is to receive such training.”

“Training. Don’t interrupt.”

As the man was about to reveal something with a mischievous look, Sohee stopped him.

“Tsk tsk. Since you can’t gold-plate your own face, you can’t tell the truth. The medicinal paste you’re applying is worth its weight in silver.”

“Is that true, Sohee?”


Shocked, I looked at Sohee, who avoided my gaze, confirming it.

The medicine I applied every day was worth as much as its weight in silver?

“Unlike typical external martial arts training that can damage the muscles and bones, and without roughening or damaging the skin, just applying and absorbing this medicine can block swords. Have you ever thought this martial art is unbelievable?”

Of course, in a world without roots in reality, I thought such martial arts would exist.

As I looked puzzled, the man sighed and continued.

“You apply treasures to your treasure. That’s why the martial art is nicknamed Bobo Gong (宝宝功). It costs a fortune, so it’s never used for training ordinary warriors. But teaching such martial arts to you, what does that mean?”

The middle-aged man looked at Sohee with a sly eyebrow wiggle.

“It’s because Yun-ho got hurt because of my mistake. That’s why I’m teaching it.”

Sohee cut off the man’s words sharply.

“Hmph. You came to me saying you’d spend all the money you’ve gathered for your mission, just please…”

“You. Talk too much.”

Sohee drew her sword to interrupt the man.

“Hahaha! I’ll take my leave now!”

The middle-aged man quickly emptied his remaining tea and hurriedly left the house.

Sohee gazed in the direction where the middle-aged man disappeared for a while, then slumped her shoulders as if drained and muttered to me.

“…… I taught you because I had no use for the money.”

Once I recovered, I returned to my daily routine as a storyteller.

“Oh heavens! I cannot go without travel expenses!”

Worried that no one would come to see me after a long absence and recovery, I was relieved to see both new and familiar faces in populous Chilgok County.

“Here, take this! You must avenge your father!”

“In my life, I’ve never seen someone use tactics so well!”

“I’m tired of the same story! Try seducing your stepmother this time! I’ll give you money if you do!”

“I, as Prince Hamurin, cannot commit such a violation of heavenly principles!”

I couldn’t change the story just to please a patron. A writer who pandered to high-paying patrons might anger other readers.

“How about 1 silver?”

“Ugh! The will of the heavens leads me into a dilemma!!!”

“Add 20 copper to make it 1 silver and 20 copper!”

“I’ll give 1 silver too!”

“We’ve pooled our coppers too, so make it more risqué this time!”

“I’ll give more too! It’s boring coming here every day. Make it different!”

Suddenly, the audience began raising their voices in unison.

“Hamurin does not defy heavenly principles!! But! The will of heaven is itself a heavenly principle. If heaven wills it, instead of killing my stepmother, I’ll do something even more extreme!!!”

If that’s what the majority wanted. I was not swayed by money, but by public opinion.


“The storyteller is witty!”

“No wonder he’s the most famous in the marketplace these days!”

“Ugh! I’ve tied up my stepmother. Is it permissible for me to do such a violation of heavenly principles? Oh heavens! Please make a decision!!”

Having progressed the story as the audience desired, I quickly grabbed the basin and weaved through the crowd.

“Take it!”

“Hurry up! Quick!”

Today was a total jackpot.

“Yun-ho. What are you thinking about?”

Seeing me sitting in front of the food without picking up the chopsticks, Sohee asked.

“I’m concerned about my job as a storyteller.”

“It’s going well, isn’t it?”

“The income is, yes.”

But the problem was the dwindling audience.

Though I drew crowds for a few days with risqué stories, it was only for a short time.

I had managed to keep the income steady by getting the hang of storytelling tactics, but the decreasing audience was a clear red flag.

The tale of Prince Hamurin was nearing its end.

Even though Chilgok County had a large floating population, new customers didn’t keep increasing indefinitely. I was not in a position to write a book and earn money, and I needed to train more in martial arts before moving to a new county.

I need a new solution.

“Eat up. We need to train after the meal.”

Sohee picked up a piece of meat and placed it on my rice.

She’s been unusually kind lately. 𝚏𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝚋n𝐨𝘃𝗲l.𝐜𝐨m

Since I had been beaten up by the Cheongsapa, Sohee’s attitude seemed noticeably different.

“Right. Let’s eat.”

It wasn’t urgent right now, and I needed to train after eating, but I needed to think.

A story that could shake up the pockets of Chilgok County as much as Prince Hamurin did.

I needed a new tale for the storyteller.

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