The Outcast Writer of a Martial Arts Visual Novel

Chapter 65: Chilgok County’s An Family (1)

After completing the Tonap Technique, I opened my eyes to find that night had fallen deeply.

I listened intently for a moment, but to my relief, I didn’t hear any screams.

Could it be that she didn’t turn into the Heavenly Death Star? Or perhaps she simply didn’t come this way. The situation was unclear.

‘Is that the sound of water?’

Concentrating on the noise, I made out the sound of water coming from a corner of the room.

Since the room was pitch black with no lights on, I directed my attention towards the sound.

Locating the source, I saw a figure washing their hands and face with water in the corner.

The sight startled me so much that I nearly let out a scream, but I managed to suppress it just in time.

Who could this be? The man who had brought me here? I strained to make out their identity, but the darkness made it impossible to see anything beyond their silhouette.

While I was still taken aback and trying to guess who it might be, the moon emerged from behind the clouds and shone through the window, casting a weak light that revealed the person’s form.

The silhouette bathed in moonlight was unmistakably that of a woman.

In the darkness, I couldn’t see her face, but the outline of her ample breasts was clear, something no clothing could hide unless it was a binder meant for women masquerading as men.

Who else could it be? There was no point in wondering. If the previous owner hadn’t forsaken a gumiho and left, then there was only one person who could be standing before me.


I called out the name of the only woman who might enter my room at this hour, in this world or any other.

She reacted immediately to my voice.


The responding voice was familiar, a relief. The woman who rose quickly was indeed Cheon Sohee.

As she approached, her face was a whirlwind of emotions.

Thankfully, it wasn’t the visage of the Heavenly Death Star, but rather that of Cheon Sohee herself.

While I was using the Tonap Technique, she must have waited for me, worried, without engaging in her usual ‘guess who I am’ game.

“Sohee, how did you find me… Ugh!”

I tried to stand up to greet her, but my legs failed halfway through.


She immediately wrapped her arms around me, supporting my body.

As she held me close, I could see the concern for me etched on her face.

“You found me well.”

“I remember Yunho’s scent.”

Has the Thousand Li Fragrance still not worn off?

I had resigned myself to not escaping a long time ago, and yet, I was astounded by the unbelievable tracking ability of the Thousand Li Fragrance.

Sohee carefully sat me down while maintaining her hold on me.


Why are you still clinging to me?

Shouldn’t you have let go after sitting me down?

“I’m sorry.”

Against my hopes, she clung to me even tighter, as if she couldn’t bear to release me.

What’s happening?

I felt her shoulders shake slightly. With her chin resting on my shoulder, she spoke.

“I’m sorry. Really… I’m sorry.”

Was the shock that overwhelming?

I could sense the tears in her voice, as she fought to keep her emotions in check.

Should I comfort her?

Convinced she wouldn’t react as my classmate had, who snatched her eraser back after I touched it, I mustered the courage to move my aimless hands.

Then, gently, I encircled her with one arm and began to stroke her head with the other.

“It’s not your fault, Sohee. I was the one who acted recklessly.”

Before my stay at the inn, I had traveled this path daily without trouble. How could I have anticipated the resurgence of Cheongsapa there?

“No, it’s my fault. I couldn’t protect you. I promised to be by your side. I vowed I would escort you… but I couldn’t.”

The quiver of her shock, laden with grief, transferred from her chest into my body.

Having lost loved ones before, this event must have been a profound shock to her.

Was the bond we had formed to evade death turning into something deeper? Had I secured a small place in her heart?

Silently, I stroked her hair until her trembling subsided.

Honestly, my whole body was sore, and her embrace was painful, but the feeling of her chest against my upper body was quite comforting, so I endured and held her.

As her trembling eased, she naturally stepped out of my embrace and stood up.

Leaving my embrace, her face was still slightly flushed, perhaps not completely over her intense emotions.

“Sohee. So, have you finished avenging your brother?”

I was surprised to hear myself asking her so casually about her killing, but it seemed like the right topic to lighten her mood.

“Yes, thoroughly.”

She began explaining how she had dismembered them, as if a child proudly telling a mother about her achievements.

I was not good with gore.

There were descriptions that made me want to grimace, but I couldn’t show my disgust while she earnestly explained her revenge, so I listened.

“So, I split the stomach and the intestines…”


Her graphic description suddenly made me feel nauseous.

Wait, this wasn’t just nausea.

This was blood.


She was startled, grabbed my wrist, and noticed the blood on my palm.

Had I injured my intestines?


I suddenly clutched my stomach in pain.

I thought I felt queasy because of the gruesome story, but it seemed to be due to an internal injury.

“Yunho! Yunho! No! Yunho!”

Why was she panicking? It wasn’t that painful.

Suddenly, Cheon Sohee’s voice broke into a panic, and her eyes began to tremble uncontrollably.

“So, Sohee.”

I wasn’t dying. I just needed to lie down. I was about to say ‘ya’ when a drop of blood splattered on her face.


Her eyes were losing focus. What was happening! If she awakened as the Heavenly Death Star because of this, it would be troublesome!


Fortunately, my shouting brought her focus back.

“Yunho. Quickly. I’ll carry you!”

She bent her knees, turned her back to me, and gestured.

“Sohee. That’s not necessary…”

“Let’s move you first.”


As I waved my hands to refuse, Sohee approached me as if there was no time to waste and began pressing specific points on my body.

Suddenly, I felt sleepy. Could this be an acupoint and not a heat switch?

I tried to resist the overwhelming drowsiness, but I couldn’t hold out once she activated the sleep switch in my body.

“It’s fine. She won’t take me anywhere bad. Just sleep.”

Feeling her lift me, I succumbed to sleep.

The destination Cheon Sohee reached while carrying Kang Yunho was not the inn where they were staying.

“Yunho, lie down here for a moment.”

Upon arriving at the Chilgok County branch of Salmaek, Cheon Sohee laid the sleeping Kang Yunho in a corner and entered a secret room.

Clap Clap Clap.

As the Heavenly Death Star entered the secret room, applause greeted her.

“Wow. You’ve really caused quite a stir.”

Inside the secret room, the branch chief, already informed of the incident, was waiting.

“I need help.”

“Agent No. 5? Are you in your right mind?”

“I’m fine.”

The Heavenly Death Star replied, unfazed by the chief’s sarcastic tone.

“It doesn’t look like it. Considering we’re somewhat comfortable with each other, you know you shouldn’t bring outsiders here.”

The branch chief gestured towards Kang Yunho, who was lying beyond the wall, his expression grave.

The chief had once given her the Qiyasheng and even overlooked her refusal to take on a mission. However, this time, even the Heavenly Death Star had to address the matter seriously.

“I’ll take responsibility.”

“For the sake of your beloved lover?”

At that comment, the Heavenly Death Star instantly unsheathed her sword.

“Relax. You’re obviously smitten.”

“Don’t touch him. I won’t forgive anyone who does.”

Her words carried a killing aura that seemed to emanate from her entire body.

“Just kidding! It’s a joke! I know you came for a blood transfusion. As if I would do that.”

The branch chief raised his hands in surrender, a smile on his face.

“Don’t make that kind of joke again.”

The Heavenly Death Star received a warning before she sheathed her sword.

“So, what kind of help do you need? Disposing of a body?”

“Yunho is injured. I need a doctor.”

“Why not wait until morning and go to a doctor then?”

“I need one now.”

She couldn’t waste a moment. Her heart seemed to burn with urgency.

“I thought you were here to ask for help with hiding a body or finding a hiding place.”

The branch chief scratched his head, his expression troubled.

“This is more important than anything.”

“Judging by your expression, that seems to be the case. Then go to the Salmaek safe house in Chilgok County. They’ll summon a doctor immediately.”

He handed her a note with the location of Salmaek’s safe house.


She had no time to spare. Turning, she made her way back to Kang Yunho.

“Heavenly Death Star.”

The branch chief’s voice was serious as she started to leave.


“Stay at the safe house with that man until the situation calms down.”


“Are you planning to run away with the injured man? Just stay at the safe house and rest for a bit. I’ll handle the aftermath. Hide until everything settles down.”

He had a point. It was rare for thirty martial artists to be savagely dismembered, even amidst martial artist conflicts.

It could be a major incident tied to favors, the emergence of a devil, or a scheme by someone from the evil sects. The incident would likely be scrutinized from multiple angles.

“Thank you.”

She bowed her head in gratitude for his kindness.

“Fine. I’ll prepare a bridal chamber. Take good care of your lover.”

“I’m leaving.”

Disregarding his comment, she set off directly for the safe house indicated on the note.

“You’re not denying it anymore.”

After her departure, the man chuckled to himself and started to manage the aftermath.

Regaining consciousness, I felt someone’s careful hands examining my body.


Still groggy from sleep, I asked the elderly man before me.

“A physician. Don’t move; it will hurt more. Just lie still.”

Sohee must have brought me to a physician.

I closed my eyes and waited for the examination results, feeling relieved.

“How is it?”

An anxious voice. It was Sohee’s. I was about to open my eyes to look for her but decided against it.

There was no need to worry about transforming into the Heavenly Death Star with a physician here. It was better to rest.

“Is this man a martial artist?”

The physician inquired of Sohee while checking my pulse.


“The internal injury isn’t severe. Normally, one wouldn’t vomit blood for such an injury. If he’s a martial artist, he would have used Qigong to remove the stasis blood from his organs. That’s probably why he vomited blood.”

So that was why I vomited blood.

I often spat blood when I was severely injured or used the Tonap Technique for recovery.

Each time, I thought my body was in danger and used the technique more vigorously, but it seemed that vomiting blood was part of the healing process.

“I used Neigong.”

Sohee’s voice carried a hint of suspicion.

“Then there’s no need to worry too much. But it’s curious. You look like you’ve been beaten up badly, but there are no broken bones or torn muscles. You’re not in perfect condition, so you’ll need to rest, but luckily, you won’t be disabled.”

“That’s a relief.”

Her voice sounded relieved and less worried.

“I’ll prepare some medicine. Continue taking it and practice Neigong regularly if you’re able.”

The physician got up to leave, and I opened my eyes.

“Thank you… Ugh!”

I tried to sit up to greet him but suddenly lost strength in my supporting hand.


Sohee quickly approached, as if using a special martial arts move, and supported my upper body as it was about to collapse.

“Thank you.”

“Just lie down.”

Sohee, with a face full of concern, supported the back of my head and laid me back down.

She then continued to examine my face for injuries with a pained expression.

“You’re too close; it’s uncomfortable. Keep some distance.”

“The couple seems quite sweet.”

The physician’s comment startled Sohee, and she quickly put some distance between us.

“A couple… No.”

Sohee hesitated slightly in her denial.

“Then you’ll soon be a couple.”

The physician made a rather alarming statement.

“We’re just like siblings from the same hometown.”

She tried to explain, but I decided to cut it short, thinking it would take an eternity to clarify.

Then she looked at me with an expression as if she wanted tteokbokki but ended up with gukbap instead.

What’s with that look? I settled it well.

Could she still be in shock from my injury? Her reactions have been somewhat odd since we left the slums.

“Young people’s love affairs are not my business to meddle with. I’ve left the prescription and medicine patches, so I’ll take my leave now.”

The physician, seemingly unable to bear any more, bid his farewell and left the room.

I just need to take the medicine, rest, and practice the Tonap Technique.

There’s no need to see those Cheongsapa guys again. Sohee becoming the Heavenly Death Star was just my misunderstanding.

This really felt like a happy ending.

Except for her, who was looking at me disapprovingly, unlike before.


Finally, she seemed ready to voice her discontent.

Could it be because of what just happened?

I hadn’t referred to us as client and contractor like the last time. And it’s not like I called us a couple. She couldn’t be upset about that.

“Huh? What’s wrong, Sohee?”

Kang Yunho doesn’t understand why Sohee is upset. If she’s angry for some inexplicable reason, as a patient, I should just lie back down.

“I have something to ask.”

“Go ahead.”

Had I done something to make her doubt that we’re just childhood friends?

No, if that were the case, she wouldn’t have fiercely taken down those Cheongsapa guys and brought me here.

Then, would she ask about her past?

I had a backstory set up for Cheon Sohee’s past.

I felt confident discussing anything except for details like her parents’ names.

However, she didn’t speak right away. She hesitated and studied me for a while.

What could it be about?

The anticipation made me anxious.

As I kept my gaze on her, she eventually posed her question.

“Neigong. Who did you learn it from?”

Ah. That was an unexpected question.

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