Chapter 723: Stopping a Hurricane

From how it looked, the man I’m fighting is not a master level healer yet. I heard that they can regenerate lost limb. But after I shot him and get him lost his hand, and he just healed it by stopping the bleeding and not regenerating it, he’s not a master level healer yet.

I wonder why? If he’s that strong, he should have realized that a healing element is the most important and could be the most annoying element.

Imagine that with so many people under him, he could just heal those who are wounded. That would make the battle harder since the enemies’ stamina will also recover.

But he didn’t do that. He focused more on his wind element and earth element.

Well, he’s still a difficult enemy to handle. Especially after who knows how long he had been fighting. He has a lot of experience in fighting.

While staying in the air, he attacked with both wind magic and earth magic from below. Making it hard for anyone other than me to dodge.

Well, in my case, I just forcefully breakthrough the magic with Aura. As long as the magic he used isn’t strong, I can just brute force my way to him.


But having both wind element and earth element meant that not only he has agile movement. He also had strong defense. He could even make soil from the ground float and use it for defense.

Even after I managed to catch up with him in the air, he could just burrow himself into the ground and move freely. I had to move my hands real fast so I can dig the ground.

Even then, as long as there’s a little bit of space for air, he could easily use wind magic underground. And I have no choice but to block it since there’s no place to dodge it.

As expected of someone experienced. He might be stronger than the Archbishop I previously caught from the cathedral.

...Or maybe that Archbishop was too stupid. He got himself knocked out real fast without being able to use any power at all.

Maybe I was wrong. I should have acted like Angela before. Instead of trying to protect the others, I should have just flew inside as fast as possible, and kill those who seem strong.

But I can’t undo it. For now, I just need to waste his Mana and stamina until he can’t use magic anymore. As an Aura Master, I’m confident that I have more stamina than anyone else in the world.

Of course I will still continue to find his weak points. I’m sure that he will make an opening. Either I forced him to, or when he lets down his guard.

But I can’t just focus on him. There are some other powerful priests in this church.

I can’t do the same thing as I did in the cathedral. Using Graham or other angels to act as theid God’s apostles. Because these guys were trading slaves.

Unlike the previous location where there were many believer of the cult, this place has believer of profits. They were trading slaves. Merchants or peddlers who seek to gain money.

As for the reason, I don’t know. Why would anyone who seeks wealth chose to stay in a village in the middle of nowhere?

A whole village doing it, it must have some sort of connection with a huge trading company or some sort. I’ll have other people to investigate it.

This won’t do. The mage I’m facing is too fast and too agile. I can’t catch up with him. Even if I could he would easily gain distance.

When he’s in the air, he could easily alter the trajectory of Blobbybullets. And when he’s underground, the Blobbybullets are not strong enough to reach his location.

So I decided to ignore him. I will fight other people until he comes out and decided to fight me. I will still watch over him so he won’t attack anyone else though.

“Don’t run away!”

Now the pursuer became the pursued. He’s chasing after me as I killed some other members of the cult.

“I’m running away because you’re running away!” I shouted back.

“It’s a tactic so someone like you who use close combat will not be able to get close to me!”

“And my job is to kill all cult members here! I don’t need to go trough the order that I need to kill you first!”

“Then I just need to kill other people first!”

He stopped chasing after me and about to cast a magic to attack at Veronica’s direction. But before he could do so, I’m already right in front of him.


I swung Reizpear filled with Aura at him while he was concentrating in attacking Veronica. It’s a mistake if he thinks that I can’t focus on several things at once. I’m truly glad that my Aura ability is Divine Vision.

Still, the opponent was too good. He managed to alter the trajectory of my swing forcefully with wind magic while used Earth Shield to protect himself. But I still managed to cut off his right leg.

“And when you’re too focused on attacking someone else, you will let down your guard and give me an opening to attack. No matter how powerful your body has became thanks to reaching master level mage, you still don’t have the ability to react quickly. It’s something you need to train,” I said.


Now, he’s trying to heal his leg. And again, I slashed Reizpear at him.

This time, I couldn’t remove his limb again. But he received a long wound on his chest.

“And when you’re focusing on healing, you let down your guard again. Come on, use your healing magic again!”

This way, he won’t be able to focus on healing or attacking others. While I still can shoot nearby cult members with Blobbygun and kill them.

I can also intercept the master level mage I’m facing using Blobbygun.

This will make me win the fight. It’s easy. But that doesn’t make me satisfied.

In the end, I can’t win in the way I wanted to. I need to use tricks like I usually did as the weak against the strong.

I don’t like it. But it’s necessary to win here since I will have another fight after this.

I keep distracting him when he tried to use healing magic, or try to attack other people. But when he was trying to attack me, I can feel from his expression that he finally panicked.

“Hey, aren’t you going to kill me?” I said.

“Wait, please! I don’t want to die!” the man shouted. Acting like he has given up.

“Me neither! And for me to make sure that I won’t die here, I need to kill you. You think I can easily be tricked by you?”

“I surrender! I’ll do anything you say! I will even join you to destroy the True God Cult!”

“You’re still calling it True God Cult? That’s not good enough. Your surrender is not accepted,” I said.

I tried to kill him again, but he either blocked it or dodged it using the remaining of his strength.

He’s way too scared of death. Maybe this is the reason why most master level mages were weak. Although they said that they were willing to risk their lives, they would shiver in the face of death.

Rather than death itself, they’re afraid of pain. Hence the need of the explosive device in their mouth. Removing explosive device as soon as they reached expert level was a mistake. They should be willing to risk everything for the cult.

Well, this makes things easier for me, so I won’t complain.

“You stay with the cult, kill people and enslave them for profit, and your goal is for the world destruction. There shouldn’t be any need to seek for profit if you want to destroy the world. Tell me why there’s a need for the cult to gain wealth. I know that you needed a lot of fund for many experiments. Is that the reason for you to enslave people?” I asked.

I approached the man who has no right hand and right leg anymore to listen for his answer.

And as I got closer, I feel danger is coming.

The man used all the remaining Mana he had to cast a powerful and destructive hurricane. Destroying the whole village.

“Even if I die, I will take everyone here with me!”

Not only those who were fighting in the church got blown away. Though the church had been destroyed for a while already. The other building where they keep the slaves were destroyed as well.

People, trees, buildings, were all flown into the sky. Only Angela, Veronica, some angels, some vampires, and some of the enemies’ master level mage were not blown. Thanks to their ability to fly. But just staying still took everything from them.

Now this is a real master level mage. The destructive power is real.

I didn’t get blown away since I used Aura to stick myself on the ground. Though some parts of the grown were destroyed from the hurricane already.

I’m in the eye of the storm with the mage in front of me. I see that he no longer spend Mana for his magic. The hurricane will still be active for a long time. So I need to stop it.

I spun Reizpear above my head, the opposite direction of the hurricane. Using both air magic and Aura, I tried my best to stop the hurricane by creating a powerful rotation at the opposite direction of the hurricane.

It took me a while until the hurricane was stopped. I actually did it. Stopping a hurricane.

“...No way.”

Angela and the others who can fly focused on saving Kayla and the others. While we let the cult members falling down from the sky like rain.

“I have other business to attend, so die.”

I killed the mage and other surviving cult members. I don’t know about the fate of the slaves. Some of them died because of the hurricane, while some others managed to survive with heavy injuries.

“Kill the survivors! Healers, go and heal the injured! Including those who were captured as slaves!”

After giving the order, I called Sonia to ask what’s happening at the other side.

I haven’t heard any news from their location, so the battle must not be over yet.

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