Chapter 716: Preparing the Stage

And now, we’re about to get the summoners to send their report letter. Which will be a disguise so I can deliver a Blobby to their transfer point. That way, we can attack that place anytime we want.

What we’re trying to do here is... preparing the stage where the summoners will act. Although they will just put the letter for the report into a small portal so they can deliver it, we need to make it look as if everything is normal. No sign of destruction at all.

“Yes. The room is big enough as it is. For the decorations, I don’t think we need to put chandelier. The sofa will be placed here, and there’s a table over there. This should be enough furniture for the set. Now it’s time to paint the wall,” I said.

We had Kayla built a big room similar to the room where the three summoners stayed together. I remember it because I’ve seen it every time we had raid.

“This feel like a movie set. But the act will just be delivering a letter. I think it’s too much for that,” Victoria said.

“But we don’t know if they have master level mage in their side or not. Maybe someone with good eyesight as well. As for the one who will pretend to be the master level mage who protects the summoners, just Derek sitting on this chair is enough. They will think that the other master level mages are busy with the raid,” I said.

“But there’s no raid at all. You think they will be tricked?” Victoria asked.


“It doesn’t matter as long as the letters are delivered. We will make it as real as possible to not make them suspicious of the portal. And look at that guy happily painting the wall,” I said.

The wall of the room that the summoners were staying were painted white. And so, after I told Kayla to prepare the set, I return back to Cassau and bought white paint to paint the wall.

And right now, the King of Tatrama is happily painting the wall while wearing black overall. It was Victoria’s idea to get him wore that. So she created Blobbies for us to wear when we’re painting.

“Your Majesty! Let me do it! You shouldn’t do something like painting the wall!”

That was Mustache. As a loyal guard of the king, he obviously rejected the idea of his king painting the wall. But Albert is happily doing it.

“No. I want to do it myself. I have never tried to paint or do many things that commoners do. Not like all commoners do this. But I like doing it,” Albert said.

“And that’s why the paint is uneven. You’re real bad at this, aren’t you?” I said,

“Well, this is my first time. But is this not enough?”

“You can’t just sweep the brush once and done with it! You need to sweep it twice or even more times so the paint will cover everything! Do it slowly now. We’re not in a hurry. There should be more than twenty hours left until the next supply come,” I said.

“Okay, I’ll take it slow,” he said.

It’s not like that part of the wall is something that will be seen. The summoners will open a really small portal enough for their hands to enter. And it will only face one side of the wall.

The wall that Albert is in charge of won’t be seen. As for the rest, I can finish them long before Albert could finish painting even half of the wall.

“But no one wants to wait that long. I’ll take care of the rest of the wall. You only need to paint that side,” I said as I picked the brush.

I can hear the summoners and Derek are gossiping about Albert.

“Is that guy really a king?” the man with missing arm asked.

“I don’t know. But at least he had never done anything that most commoners do. That’s my observation of him,” the woman said.

“He said it himself. And first time I met him was in his palace. So he’s a real king. I was promised to meet other kings as well soon. Well, as long as I can finish my objective, I will be happy to be his dog,” Derek said.

“I see... Wait, you! Why did you betray us?!” the man with missing arm asked.

“For my objective. I have a goal that I can achieve by getting their help,” Derek said.


“Enough. If you want to live, we can only obey their order. The king isn’t a big problem. But that man called Roy is the biggest problem. He must be the Aura user that the higher ups warned us about.”

The one who said that was the man with... nothing special in his look. What should I call him? He’s just like any average people you see on the street.

Since he rarely talk unless he was asked, let’s call him the quiet summoner.

“He’s an Aura user?! That... actually make sense. No wonder the higher ups told us to report if we find anything related to Aura user. I thought that was just some fairy tale,” the woman said.

“Not just that. He was also a summoner with multiple contracted monsters for some reason,” Derek said.

Seems like he was so bored so he started talking with the summoners. And since he’s not that close with Kayla, Mustache, and I, he won’t approach us.

“Multiple contracted monsters?! That’s the dream of all summoners! How did he do that?!” the man with missing arm asked.

“I don’t know. And the fact that he could enter this world and talking casually with a king, they must have many other summoners with multiple contracted monsters. And they can also easily come to this world and find any monsters they want for themselves. From the look of it, you guys never had a chance against them,” Derek said.

“That might not necessarily be true. We have a lot of master level mages back on Earth. Even if you join their side, it was just one more master level mage. Sure, I will help them give a false report. And I might die later after doing that. But at least the others from above are much stronger than you. We can still defeat them. Let’s think of a plan,” the quiet summoner said in whisper.

Previously, when the man with a missing arm got the collar removed, he summoned an Ice Giant to attack me. I released him not to send a false report at that time. I did it purposely on him so that he would summon his monster which he seems to be confident about. And I killed that monster right away when he summoned it.

I thought that he would give up after seeing that. But I still put the collar back on his neck again so he won’t do anything stupid.

In the end, he’s still trying to fight back it seems. Along with the other two summoners.

The three summoners were whispering about their plan to report everything to the higher ups. They don’t care if they die on the way. Just one report. That’s all they need to do.

“...Hey,” Derek called the three.

“Don’t get close to us. You’re a traitor,” the man with a missing arm said.

“No. You’re an idiot to think of a plan close to me. even if you’re whispering, I could still hear you. I’m a wind mage,” Derek said.

“But you still can’t listen to our plan,” the woman complained.

Are they stupid? They are not three summoners but three idiots? Maybe three idiot summoners.

“I want to say that the Aura user’s hearing is so good that even if you three are whispering, he could still hear you. Why else would they leave you be without a care and just paint the wall?”

“...What?” the three were confused.

“Sigh... I’ll show you.”

Derek then approached the three and started whispering like they did.

“If you can hear me, imitate dog’s sound twice and cat’s once,” Derek said.

I stopped painting, turned toward the four of them, and did as he said.

“Woof! Woof! Meow!”

“Holy shit, Roy! What the heck was that?!” Albert was shocked to hear that I suddenly barked and meowed.

“They are checking if I could listen to them whispering or not. And I showed them that I could,” I said.

“Oh, I see.”

Albert looked at the summoners who are too shocked that I followed what Derek was saying.

Yup. They gave up. They no longer dare to give a real report to the cult.

Why don’t they just fight back and let me kill them instead? That will be more helpful to the cult than do what I said to them.

I guess pain is much more threatening than death.

When people were talking about death, they are thinking about painless and peaceful death. But I showed them pain. Real pain. And they don’t want that.

Well, let’s continue painting.

A few minutes later, I’m done with my three sides. As for Albert...

“I’m out of paint,” he said.

“And you couldn’t even paint half of the wall! How did you make just a part of the wall so thick with white paint! Enough, I’ll do it myself!”

Yup. The king can’t do any chores. Is being a king means that you can only ask for people to do things for you? Yes.

“At least I had fun painting.”


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