Chapter 706: Getting Someone’s Attention

That group of girls retreated back to the base just two hours after leaving. It’s because the master level mage noticed that someone is looking at her from far away and her earth magic couldn’t help her to detect the presence of the one who was watching them. Me. It was me who was looking at her.

I did it on purpose to make them retreat since I want her to quickly contact someone else if my thought is right. Because I don’t think that she’s doing everything she did to help the girls. She must have another ulterior motives. And if I’m right, she must have someone else to help her.

I don’t want to wait for too long until she returns. That’s why I did it.

Well, I did it mainly to prank her though. But it’s good that it worked.

And while they are retreating, I also retreated while slowly looking away from her. That will make her feel that whoever watching her is running away as well.

This way, if she gives report about a powerful creature’s sighting, she will also report that it was retreating after she started retreating. So it’s normal if it’s not sighted anymore.

Maybe I can get their attention and make some master level mages leave the base. That would be great. But I don’t think it will be that easy.


Even if I gain their attention, it’s not like they need to tame monsters like the lower level cult member does. They don’t need money. Just the fact that they are master level mages is enough to make other people to respect them. And even their higher ups think that they are too precious to let go. Just being a master level mage can make one do anything they want.

Though there’s another level beyond that. I hope there’s no one among the cult who has or will exceed master level mage and reach the stage above that level.

Even if they have any, the thing we need to do won’t change. We will destroy anything related to the cult if possible.

After I pretend to run away, I chase after that group of girls. Now that they are too far from me, I can no longer hear them talking. But chasing after them took no time since I’m riding on Ray’s back. With Spot wrapped around my waist, no one can see us.

“Roy, what did you hear from them?” Victoria asked.

“That master level mage is suspicious. She’s acting like the benefactor of those girls and probably some other girls inside the base as well. But I feel like she has other intention. Also, one of the girls told her about the escape back to Earth that I told our spies to spread. Maybe we will have even fewer people to save because of this,” I said.

“You really don’t care unless you destroy the cult, huh? Well, I hope at least your mission can be done soon,” Victoria said.

I wonder why do I no longer care about other people even if they are innocent? I think back when I was just returned back in time, I didn’t have this mindset.

But now, after everything I went through, I got to know even worse side of the cult. And that is probably what make my mindset altered. Not changed completely. Just slightly altered.

Although I don’t mind casualties even back then, it wasn’t as bad as it is now. And now, I just think of let’s kill everyone. Is there something wrong with me?

Well, everything will be cleared once I destroy the cult. If I still have this mindset of not caring about innocent lives, I’d end up as criminal in the future. And all the kingdoms will do everything they can to kill me.

I don’t think that will happen though. Even if my mindset can’t be returned back to normal, I still have my lovers to help me recover my sanity so I won’t go too far in the future.. Maybe I should marry them instead of waiting until the cult is destroyed. I’ll think about it after this mission.

We reached the base in soon after. The master level mage then split up from the rest of the girls.

The girls entered an inn in the middle area together while the master level mage enter another establishment.

Although from the outside it looks like a bar, it’s closed. But there’s one man inside that store.

I no longer need Ray to walk inside the base, so I had him run free outside while asking him if he can get other horse-type monsters to obey him. It would be great if he could.

I moved toward the empty bar where only that master level mage woman and another person is in. And when I got closer, Airy pulled my hair lightly. It means that there’s a wind magic used around here.

It’s just like the place I marked before on the map I gave to the inn owner. There’s a wind magic which was used and it was centered around that empty bar.

Which mean that the person who is meeting with the woman I followed is a master level wind mage.

It would be impossible to get closer. The woman is an earth mage and the man is a wind mage. Getting any closer than this is impossible without being found. Eavesdropping is out of the question.

So, the only thing I can do is to bait the man.

The two are talking about something. Probably about the news that the woman just heard. Maybe that man has a high standing in a place like this since the woman seem to speak to him in a respectful manner.

I found a cafe nearby and ordered some coffee while waiting for the two of them to have their discussion over.

It was not long before they split up. The woman entered the inn that the other girls entered previously. Leaving only the man behind in that empty bar.

Now, I need to bait him. I have to say something that will make him approach me if possible.

“Sigh... I don’t have enough money to get those girls out of here. I hope someone will come and save them,” I said to myself.

I said that on purpose. Though only wind mage can hear me.

I want to make him think that I’m someone who wants to save the girls. If he’s thinking the same, or he wants to use me because he knows what I want to do, I’m sure he will approach me. But I don’t know when.

And I can’t just keep staying in this cafe every day and say that. Not because of what I said. But because the coffee in this cafe is terrible. There’s no sane person who would come back here for a cup of coffee. No wonder it’s empty.

I need to find another place nearby. Maybe just a bar and get some cheap beer. But that’s no reason for me to be in this area.

“I shouldn’t have come here. The coffee sucks and I started thinking of weird stuffs,” I said as I leave my table.

I can see the wind mage’s reaction. He’s watching me from the window of his bar. Maybe if I come again tomorrow, he will approach me.

I left the range of his wind magic from before. But seems like he used more magic as the range of his wind magic increased. Making it so that he can still listen to me when I’m far. And he also followed me.

But even as I reach the inn I stayed at, the man is still following me from the sky. Maybe he’s going to check whoever I’m going to bring back to Earth.

I entered the inn and before anyone could greet me, I put my finger on my lip. Telling them to not speak mindlessly.

“Hey, I’m here again. It sure is empty here,” I said.

Everyone was confused at first, but the inn owner is sharp enough to know that something is wrong. So she asked the other girls to serve me. That way, they will be too busy to talk about anything important that needed to be kept secret.

I keep talking to not let anyone say anything unnecessary at all. And by this time, they started to understand that someone is using wind magic to eavesdrop on us.

“I will stay here again if you can give me a discount that would be great! Of course I’d like to have a girl by my... alright, he’s gone now. We’re safe.”

The guy has left and he returned to the bar he came from. And neither Airy nor I can sense his wind anymore. So we’re safe.

“Roy, do you think it’s a good idea to do that?” Victoria asked.

“Maybe not. And you girls must keep acting this way when you meet me. Just like a normal customer and staff. Just do it until I say that we’re safe. Also, be careful when you spread the rumor again. One of the girls you’re talking to has just spoken with a master level mage. Does anyone know about that master level earth mage woman?” I asked.

“I don’t know much, but she has been in this place longer than I did. And she seems to be kind to girls in the middle area,” the inn owner said.

“Find more about any master level mage if possible. Including her. And do it as discreet as possible. If you get any news, tell me if we have the chance. I’ll be looking around the base after this,” I said as I leave the inn.

Maybe I gained some unwanted attention. But I don’t care. It was just one person after all.

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