Chapter 668: No Execution

Burnes and I split up to capture or kill the people on the list. Although the list is no longer in my hand, as long as Burnes is within my Divine Vision range, I can still check it.

There are many people that Randy has noted. Most of them have been listed as dangerous and it says that they are allowed to be killed. Some are dangerous but might have some important information so it’s best to arrest them. Some are just suspicious and there’s no reason to capture them. They need to be put under supervision. Randy is so great to be able to find all that out.

Our targets are people that we are allowed to kill and dangerous people that we need to capture for information. As for the rest, we won’t take action. Unless they have explosive devices in their mouth just like the woman in front of me.

The woman just come out of a brothel. Probably that’s where she works at. I can see the explosive device in her mouth so I know that she’s a cult member lower than expert level mage. At least that’s what I assume who she is.

Though I won’t know the truth. So as long as I can capture them instead of killing them, I will. And since she has explosive device in her mouth, she is at most an advanced level mage. It’s easy to knock her out with sleeping gas and bring them to the prison. Though I’d like to gather all of them in one place first so I don’t need to continuously use portal.

There are also some more people not on the list with explosive device in their mouth. Of course I captured them all. As for where to put them, I just throw them to the sky so Spot can get them. Once he caught them, he will bring them to the lord’s mansion’s garden. And Spot will watch over them until another person is being thrown into the sky.

All that’s left after capturing all of them is for me to open a portal to the prison. Albert will be busy later.


This is just show how important lie detection ability is. I hope Alan inherited that ability as well so he can become a great king in the future.

On the list, not only the picture and the name of the person. There are some more description about them as well. And some even tells how strong they are. Some are intermediate level mages, some are advanced level mages, and some are expert level mages. There’s also the picture of the master level mage woman that I apprehended quickly as well. And she was written as ‘Potentially a master level mage’. Just how detailed is Randy?

There are a lot of them. But with the help of Burnes, the members of the circus, and even the former agents who were captured and enslaved, it didn’t take long to get most of the people in the list. Though unfortunately, some of them are not in the city. And it was also written that they are not in the city!

I also checked the city if those people are nearby, but there are no trace of them still in the city. Which means Randy is correct that they’re leaving. He’s so good to the point that it’s scary. If he’s really willing to do anything to protect Tatrama, then I have no problem in believing him.

Right now, Albert, Candy, Wendy, Shirley, and Kayla are explaining things to Randy. I can see them. And Kayla asked a lot of questions to Randy as well. If even Kayla decided to trust him, then everything will be good.

I might be sold to him and being enslaved. But if he’s this capable and join us, I won’t hold a grudge. As long as we don’t need to pay him back though. I think Thomas made more profit in selling me than from the circus.

Now, all the people in the city almost all have been captured. Only the slaves left. And we let them stay behind in the prison. Since they have slave collars on, I don’t think they will do anything bad.

Unless they’re master level mage. I guess I need to get things done sooner as well.

I let Burnes and the others take care of the slaves. Most of them were freed. Though we can’t do anything about the slaves outside the city.

Some were captured. They needed to be questioned. Burnes will handle them. Let’s go back to the mansion and get all the captured people enter the prison. They’re all sleeping soundly. The effectiveness of my air magic improved even more after reaching expert level. I hope I can reach master level.

After that, I returned to where Albert is and ask him about what they’re talking about.

“Mostly about the cult, the alliance between the countries, and you. There are many things that he wants to know. Including how to get stronger,” Albert said.

“Oh, you can ask someone with similar element as you are. I’ll introduce Angela and the others to you later. Now I want to ask you a question. How did you get all that intel that is impossible for you to do alone? How many helper do you have?” I asked Randy.

“Helper? Officially, none. Unofficially, many. I’m the lord of this city and I enslaved a lot of people. I asked them to do it without making them suspicious of me. You might want to ask me where I sort all the information, right? I do it in-”

“In that hidden room behind the bookshelves in your office over there. I can see that,” I said after I interrupted him.

“...You are really as they say. Able to see many things. How was the future me? If Tatrama is in danger, I would have done everything I can to help,” Randy said.

“Don’t ask me something like that. I’m too stupid and have terrible memory. But if you’re really as capable as I expected, you should have made some action by yourself right after Marie gave birth,” I said.

If he knows that the queen becomes mentally ill, he should know that Albert needed someone he can trust by his side and do anything for him. Since I prevented Marie from being ill, that never happened in this life.

“About the birth of the twin, right? Albert told me about it. If that’s the case, as you say, I would return back to the capital as soon as possible. Not because Albert needed something he can trust, but also because Marie is my cousin,” Randy said.

Wait, Marie is Randy’s cousin? And Randy is Albert’s cousin?

“You mean... incest?” I asked Albert.

“No! My father’s brother is Randy’s father. And Randy’s mother is Marie’s aunt,” Albert explained.

Oh, that does make them not blood related. But maybe their ancestor have incestious relationship. It’s actually common in the story I read about how the king needed pure-blood heir so it’s natural for the king to marry his own sister. But I guess it didn’t happen here.

Whatever. They are happy and have two children. I don’t need to care about the rest as long as we can destroy the cult.

“So, will he join us? In what manner?” I asked.

“I will join your alliance. Using the event here, I can probably gain reputation from the cult as a criminal. And they might approach me if all the cult members here are captured or killed. So it’s best to pretend that I escaped prison and look for intel by myself. I still have some reputation so it shouldn’t be that hard for me to get shelter from other nobles who bought slaves from me. Since we can communicate using the ghost, I can ask for help right away,” Randy said.

Letting him escape, huh? That’s fine.

“How is it, Albert?” I asked Albert.

“That’s fine. We’ll let him stay in prison for a few months. At least that’s what we’re telling the public. When the truth is he will be improving his strength. Let Randy learn a lot about magic and other stuffs that he hadn’t learned yet. Once he learned everything, he should be strong enough to handle one or two master level mages. He will be a super spy and we might be able to find the Evil God sooner,” Albert said.

We then make a plan of what Randy will do next. Although we will say that he’s imprisoned, he’s actually free and is training his magic so he can become much stronger than he already is.

Once he left, he will be free to do anything. Other slave owner will probably help Randy in some way if he asks for their help. And it will be easier to find the cult since Randy has gained notoriety. That’s what the cult mostly wanted from their new recruit after all.

Though it means he will avoid execution. But he would never be executed anyway so it’s fine.

“Well, I guess that’s it. Roy, get a royal carriage from my place. I will make my leave from this city as fancy as possible. And bring some more carriages to escort Randy. Though he won’t be in there since you will take him elsewhere to train. I will leave in two days. During that time, discuss with Randy about other nobles who owned slaves and see if they will be the one that Randy ask for help after escaping prison, or you can arrest them right away,” Albert said.

“Okay. I’ll finish it in one day,” I said.

From trying to perform here, to fighting the lord, and getting the lord to join us. Many things happened here in just two days. It was just yesterday that I arrive here. But we gained an amazing ally.

He’s much better than the best agents from Tatrama. And his fighting potential can even surpass Candy or Wendy if he learned magic control. I hope there are more of people like him from other kingdom who are as loyal as he is. Then, it won’t be long until we find the Evil God.

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