Chapter 647: Apology and Punishment

Sophie has done well in the short time. In fact, she’s already much faster than I was in my past life. Back when I has just started to feel Aura.

At that time, I should be faster than any average doctors at least. But Sophie’s hand movement in the surgery is faster than that.

Though there are still many parts that needed to be fixed. Angela’s injuries are too much. So we exchanged position and now I’m the one performing the surgery. And I do it in a much faster rate than Sophie.

“Kayla, the ribs are fixed. Use healing magic there,” I said to Kayla.

And while Kayla is healing the ribs, I fixed the other part of Angela’s body. And when she’s done, she goes to another part that I have fixed.

As for Sophie, she had difficulty following my speed. And even though this is Angela’s body, and I was extremely pissed before, I’m still calm enough to explain everything to Sophie while moving my hand.

Maybe this is how she got so fast. Although she can’t follow my speed, she’s looking at the movement of my hands so she can perform surgery more efficiently.


After that, the surgery is over. And instead of getting Angela to stay in the hospital, I brought her to our home instead. Since we have two of the best doctors in the world, there’s nothing to worry about.

...Yes, I called myself the best doctor in the world. What’s wrong with that?

Though I have given all the medical knowledge from the future that I know. However, there are some rare disease that we need patient first so I can perform medication while being watched by other doctors as demonstration.

And I also have spread the medical knowledge from the past that I learned from Shadow. One of the ancient Aura user ghosts.

Doctors need to write down the records of everything so the people in the future can learn it. And it won’t disappears just like the medical knowledge of the past.

Though I will probably live for at least a thousand years since I’m an Aura Master. And more than three thousand years if my magic level can reach the stage beyond master level. So I can still teach other doctors in the future.

Well, that can only happen if I destroy the cult completely. That’s my first goal. After that, I live however I want.

That’s what I’ve been thinking while waiting for Angela to regain her consciousness. I’m not in the mood to return to Rygis. Shirley is there. She can do better than me. And as a princess, the others will obey her more willingly. Unlike me whom some members of the circus is afraid of because of what happened. They witnessed me being angry.

Anyway, with Shirley over there, she can also proceed to ask Rygis for cooperation to destroy the cult. She can represent Tatrama as the princess. Though the most important part should be done already when I brought them to meet Albert.

As I was laying down on the bed in my room, I can see Angela’s slowly regaining her consciousness. So I left my room and walked to hers.

“She’s awake?”

I met Sophie and Kayla on the way there. They must be reacting to when I make my move knowing that I’m going to visit Angela.

“She should be soon,” I replied.

“You can go first then. We’ll wait for your conversation to be over,” Kayla said.

Seems like she somehow know what I’m going to talk about with Angela. Well, that’s to be expected of her.

I entered Angela’s room right as she opens her eyes. She observes the situation and see that she is safe in her own room. And I grabbed a chair and pulled it to the side of her bed.

“Are you done over there?”

The first thing she asked was the situation in Rygis. Not about her condition, but what happened there.

“I don’t know. I left everything to Shirley and the others there. They can take care of everything by themselves,” I said.

I looked at her condition again and see that other than fatigue, she is perfectly healthy. She only needs to rest. Though I don’t think she is going to sleep anytime soon since I’m here.

“Can you tell me what happened to you?” I asked Angela.

She raises her upper body and sat on the bed to explain what happened.

It was the usual sparring with Emilia. Angela didn’t sense anything wrong about it. Just the usual training.

And as usual, even though Emilia is the one with higher level, Angela can overpower her easily. Though Emilia herself has grown stronger thanks ot the training according to Angela.

And then, Emilia asked Angela whether Angela can cast magic without using hand gesture like most mages can. It’s because Emilia herself can do it. But because of habit, she can’t stop herself from moving her hand.

Angela then proudly said that it’s possible. But just like Emilia, it has become her habit to aim with her hands.

And that’s when Emilia asked Angela whether they can continue sparring with their hands on their back. Without using any hand gestures.

Angela agreed. Although she felt weird when Emilia asked for that, she still obeyed and put her hands on her back.

At first, the two were sparring normally with their hands on their back. And as usual, Angela is winning.

Still, the opponent is a master level mage. Her physical strength far surpass Angela’s. So, when Angela thinks that the sparring session is over and let down her guard, Emilia make her move.

Emilia grabbed a pair of handcuffs from under her clothes, and charged at Angela. And Angela who still thought that it’s the continuation of the sparring, still put her hands on her back.

And then, she noticed some people were coming over. But before she could do anything, Emilia put the handcuff on her hands. And that blocked her from using any magic.

Knowing that the situation worsened, there’s nothing Angela could do. She knows that Emilia and the others are coming to get her, so she can only endure being hit because they wanted to knock her out. And they succeeded.

Though with her Mind’s Eye, she avoided dangerous attack by shifting her body so she can avoid getting hit in her vitals. Good thing I told everyone that they shouldn’t ignore physical training.

Still, there’s nothing she could do but endure everything until she finally fainted. At least she avoided her vitals getting hurt. Or she could die.

That’s how she ended up in that state. It’s good that she’s still alive. But that’s still partially my fault.

“Angela, I’m sorry. Everything was my fault. I should have informed you that the cult was there and we already cooperated with the President to erase them from Rygis. If only I told you about this, you won’t end up in that state,” I apologized with my head down.

Just by saying that the cult was there, Angela won’t let her guard down easily. Even when she’s training with Emilia, she won’t easily get her hand cuffed.

“No, it’s not your fault. It was my fault to let my guard down,” Angela said.

“It’s my fault that I didn’t trust you enough to tell you about our plan. I always thought that you are the same clueless Angela as before. But I learnt from this experience that I need to trust you more. You’re not just the friend that I know the longest after Victoria. You’re someone who trusted me. But I never trusted you enough. I’m sorry,” I apologized again.

“...Okay. When I got hit over and over again, I also regretted the fact that there’s something that I held back all the time. Now I know why you always pick the cult as your first mission before anything else. You want to erase your regret as much as possible, right?” Angela said.

“Umm... that’s obvious, isn’t it? So, what is it that you keep holding yourself back for? If it’s anything I can help, then I’ll do it,” I said.

“Then close your eyes. Your first punishment is to close your eyes. Don’t use Divine Vision, and don’t use Mind’s Eye. Don’t use any magic as well,” she said.


I willingly do it. And this is still the first punishment. There’s still second. And maybe there will be more.

And she suddenly grabbed my head and kissed me. All of a sudden, she kissed me.

I know that she has a feeling for me. I don’t know when, but I know it recently. Though I thought that she won’t do anything yet. But it was surprising that she suddenly do this.


“I had enough of not saying anything. By the time I noticed, there’s no other man better than you and I started to have feeling for you. I thought that I will open up about my feeling to you once I am stronger than you, but I regreted that I didn’t say it to you. And I will say it now. Roy, I love you. I know you have many lovers already, but I still love you. Now that I have said it, I don’t need to hear your answer because I already know what your answer will be,” Angela said as she lay down again on the bed trying to sleep. She turned her back on me because she’s embarrassed that I’ll be looking at her blushing face. Though I can see it.

“...Okay. I’ll do my best myself to destroy the cult so we can have a happy life together in the future. Along with the others. You can rest now,” I said as I stand.

“...the second punishment is a date,” Angela said when I was about to leave.

“Okay. During the tour, I’ll find a place that you will like,” I said.

“A date together with you and all of your lovers,” Angela continued.

“...Alright. It’s weird that you want it, but okay.”

She then covers her head with the blanket and didn’t say anything else.

...And I got one more lovers. And she’s extremely cute.

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