Chapter 643: In the Prison

Yuria, Patricia, and I were being brought to the basement where the jail is. On the way, they carefully make sure that there won’t be anyone watching us getting arrested. I can see beyond the door to each room, there are people watching the others inside while pretending to be working.

The servants in this building are all members of the cult. As for the officers, there are less of them who are members of the cult. I guess that’s normal considering servants such as butlers or maids able to freely come and go to different places in this building.

Patricia is still conscious. But her mouth is being gagged. Not just that, her nose and the gag in her mouth were also frozen. To make sure that she can’t shout or scream. And maybe hoping that she would faint from being unable to breathe.

Yuria is still unconscious. And her mouth is also being gagged with cloth after she faints. Just like me. Though I didn’t faint for real.

Patricia keeps fighting back. Even when she is being tied with a rope, she keeps fighting back. Probably she’s thinking that the plan failed because even Yuria is being carried to the prison. And she’s thinking that I’m really unconscious.

I just made it look like I’m unconscious. I’m adjusting my breath without using magic so it seems that I’m totally knocked out. If I use magic, she might start to act docile. And the cult members who captured us might think that she’s acting. Especially after knowing that her granddaughter is a member of the cult.

Right now, Emilia is sparring with Angela. From what I heard from Angela, Emilia is growing stronger. Though Angela is having fun sparring with her, it seems that she hasn’t used her full power yet. So it will be fine for Angela to stop Emilia alone.


It will be a shame for us to kill a master level mage. Though she’s a member of the cult, so it’s not really a shame. In fact, it’s good. But unfortunately, if we kill Emilia, Patricia might refuse to cooperate with us anymore. So I need Patricia to be the one fighting Emilia later.

But for now, I will wait and see.

Eventually, we have reached the prison. With Patricia still trying to fight back to no avail. Maybe it’s because she’s a master level mage. she can hold her breath for so long because of it..

We’re all brought to a single jail room while still being tied. Only a creepy woman here to watch us.

“Hehehe... A man is finally brought here. I can do anything I want to him.”

...So, I’m going to be used to satisfy her sexual desire? Sorry, but no. She’s not my type.

As the creepy woman entered the jail room after the other cult members left, she tried to strip me naked. But I gave her powerful kick to her jaw and knocked her unconscious instantly.

“Sorry, but you’re not my type.”

“HMMM!!” Patricia tried to say something while her mouth is frozen.

“I’ve never been knocked out. I’m just pretending to faint so I can see what’s going on. Though I didn’t expect them to imprison Yuria as well. Good thing you agreed to cooperate yesterday. If not, I will just let you rot here,” I said. While I carefully destroy the ice covering her mouth.

“Enough. We need to think of a way to get out of this place. This handcuff make me unable to use magic. We have to get this thing removed,” Patricia said.

“You hear that, Victoria? Remove the handcuff, please,” I asked Victoria.

Victoria then left me and turned into her human form.

“You can easily break that handcuff, right? Why do you need my help?”

Even though she asked me why, her index finger is turned into the shape of a key for the handcuff.

“These handcuffs is good. Even a master level mage like Patricia is unable to break it. This is much better than the collar and I want to ask Marie if she can create something like this. Hopefully, an even stronger version. That would be great if possible,” I told Victoria about what I intend to do with the handcuff.

Victoria then easily unlocked the handcuff. Although the handcuff is cracked because I put too much strength before, it’s still good enough to stop me from using magic. Which mean anyone, even most master level mages, won’t be able to remove this cuff from their hands. Unless they are stronger than average master level mages.

“...Your Slime turned into a human! And she can talk!” Patricia was shocked to finally meet Victoria for real.

“Yeah. And she’s over a thousand years old. I don’t know how old you are, but she is much older than you,” I said.

“Okay. Next is me! Release me!” Patricia shouted.

“Nope. You will be the last one. I want to ask you first about what you want to do once you’re released,” I asked.

“I will kill that woman! And I will confront Emilia why she would join the cult!” Patricia said.

“She must have her own reason. Unlike Yuria who is only asking for cooperation, Emilia might be joining the cult willingly. You can confront her, but what would you do if she asks for a fight?” I asked.

“Then I will fight her. No matter what, I have to hear the reason from Emilia herself,” Patricia said.

Well, that might be good. Though if Emilia joined the cult willingly, and there’s no way for her to leave or join our cause, I will kill her. Even if Patricia hate me for it.

Well, if Patricia hate me for killing her granddaughter, there’s nothing she can do once she knows how strong I am.

Victoria then released Yuria and Patricia. Though I told Patricia to not make any move for now.

The cult is trying to attack the circus soon before the show started. At that time, we can tell that those who come to the tent are all enemies. And we don’t need to hold back then.

Yuria regained consciousness soon after and I told her what to do. While also stopping Patricia from doing something reckless right away.

“All the people who are members of the cult are going to the tent. Let’s leave now. Good thing that you hadn’t told your granddaughter that you joined us in the fight against the cult. If so, we would be in trouble already,” I said.

“Yeah. We were lucky. Let’s go out now! You are called Victoria, right? Please unlock the d-”

Before Victoria do anything, I already approached the locked door. I grabbed the iron bar, and pulled it open without much effort. And it surprises Patricia who knows that I haven’t reached master level yet.

“...How did you do that? Even I can’t destroy the bars easily like that. You’re an expert level mage, right?” Patricia asked.

“Yes. Do you somehow have a way to determine someone’s magic level or something?” I asked.

“Well, not really. It’s all just from my experience. So I can tell roughly how strong you are. But I didn’t expect you to be that strong,” Patricia said. And Yuria beside her also unable to close her mouth from the shock.

“Just know that there’s a reason why Albert and the three other kings from the major countries in the continent willing to follow me. I’ll tell you later when I decide to trust you more,” I said.

“Does it mean you haven’t trusted us yet?” Yuria asked.

“Not completely. I mean someone’s granddaughter actually a member of the cult. Though I believe you when you decide to cooperate with us,” I replied.

I thought that Emilia doesn’t know what the cult is. But it turns out that she’s lying. She’ a good liar.

Angela is with her right now. I don’t think Emilia would dare to fight us knowing that she’s weaker than Angela. Though maybe she’s going to stay behind trying to delay Angela from helping the circus. She must be thinking that Angela is the strongest one among us. Not me.

“Okay. What should we do now?” Patricia asked.

“You and Yuria will enter the circus by using the portal. Victoria will go with you as well and tell Burnes and Shirley about everything that happened. Including the fact that Emilia has joined the cult. After that, follow their command. I don’t think you have heard about it before, but all the members of our circus, except for Angela and Shirley who are acting as the guards, the real leader of the circus who is not here, and me who just do whatever I want, the rest are all agents sent by the four kingdoms. Ask for their instructions on what to do,” I said as I opened a portal to the circus.

I can see where the circus is right now. And everyone is preparing for the show not knowing that the show will be canceled.

Seeing that a portal is open, and we’re in a place with jail, Burnes understands that something important is happening. So he told Patricia and Yuria to quickly enter the portal.

“Most members of the cult are gathering right now. But there are still a few in this building. I’ll kill them all first before I return,” I said.

After I closed the portal, I didn’t forget to kill the woman who tried to rape me before I sneaked upstairs.

Without Spot, I can’t use camouflage. But my sneaking ability is good enough to not be noticed by expert level mages as long as I’m out of their sight. It’s easy.

The cult members staying behind can easily get anyone here as their hostages. That’s why I will kill them first. And then I will find other cult members who are not going to the tent.

As for those going to the tent, Shirley and the others can handle them. Even Patricia is there to help.

I hope nothing bad will happen.

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