Chapter 633: They Asked for a Match

“Stop! Who are you and what are you here for?”

The one who stopped us is one of the two master level mages from the city. The two of them coming here after they sensed our arrival.

The fact that I only noticed them with my Mind’s Eye after they moved means that their detection ability has further range than my Mind’s Eye. That shows how strong master level mages are.

Angela understood that. And she didn’t hesitate to show the two her desire to fight. Is it another moment of her when she will grow stronger by her instinct? And her instinct is telling her to fight them?

For now, I’ll try to talk with the two first. I am the representative of the circus after all. Since Thomas is gone because of diarrhea.

...In truth, after I brought Thomas to Cassau, I gave Lina an order to made a meal solely for him with some ingredients that will give him light diarrhea. It won’t be bad, but he will need to relieve himself a few times today. So, it’s not really a lie that he’s down with a diarrhea.

After the master level mages stopped us, I who was inside a carriage to pretend to be the leader of the circus come out.


“Ah, excuse me. Are you two from Rygis by any chance?” I asked the two women.

Because of their level, they can maintain their beauty. And becoming a master level mages mean that their lifespan is much longer than average humans. Just like me who have become an Aura Master. Though I know how old I am. But I don’t know how old these two are. But for now, I will treat them like people of the same age because they look that young.

“Answer my question first,” said the master level mage.

The two women look similar. Probably they are sisters. Though I don’t think they are twins. But maybe they are mother and daughter. I can’t tell.

The one who spoke was someone who look slightly older among the two. She’s a bit taller than the other one.

“Okay, okay. My name is Roy. And I’m acting as the representative of this circus troupe since Thomas, the leader of the circus, is sick. And we are traveling around the continent to spread happiness. We’re going to do amazing performance for everyone to enjoy in every city and country we visit. That’s our reason in coming to Rygis,” I answered politely.

I didn’t lie at all. I’m a good person after all.

“A circus you say? Grandma, what’s a circus?” the tall woman asked.

“That’s something when people with weird abilities gather to perform something,” the short woman replied.

...Let’s ignore how the tall woman doesn’t know what a circus is. They live a long time in what we expect to be an isolated country. A country closed to other people.

The short one is the grandma!? That means the tall one is the granddaughter, right?

As expected, we can’t tell how old they are from the outside. Even their inside ages as slow as the outside. I can’t tell how old any of them are.

Although I didn’t use Divine Vision, I can tell their inside should age as slow as the outside appearance because I have seen the previous master level mages from the cult. Although they are weak, their body has adapted to their magic level. That’s why I can tell.

And I won’t use Divine Vision on them even if they know I’m looking at them directly here. It’s because master level mages will feel disturbed when I look at them with Divine Vision even if I don’t have any intention to fight at all. Their senses are much greater than expert level mages.

It seems like the two most powerful mages from Rygis are a pair of grandmother and her granddaughter. What about the mother? I didn’t see anyone else who have reached master level mage in the city. Maybe they are outside.

“So, a circus is a group of weirdo looking for money. Am I right?” the tall woman asked me.

“Well, that interpretation is not incorrect. We are looking for money. But that’s not our real goal. We are going to spread happiness to the whole continent. Especially during this time of war against the cult,” I said.

I didn’t just randomly said it. I’m also asking them whether they know about the events going on outside their country or not.

“War? What war? And what cult?” the two master level mages were confused.

“Seems like we have a lot of explanation to do. Everyone, we’ll take a break here. It seems that we won’t be able to progress to the city for a while. And prepare us some tea and snacks while I explain everything to them,” I said to the others.

After preparing everything, we treated the two master level mages politely. And I started explaining to them about what happened in outside world.

Only me, Burnes, Shirley, and Angela is here with the two master level mages. And the others are resting.

I started explaining to the two about the existence of the Evil Cult since it seems that the two doesn’t know anything about it. If that’s the case, that’s fine. But if they are actually members of the cult, but their knowledge of the cult is different with what I had in my mind, a fight is unavoidable.

We think that they are Evil Cult. But the members of the cult think that they are in the right side and called it True God Cult instead.

Of course I explained that to the two. But it seems like these two also know nothing about the True God Cult. So we’re safe and can still avoid battle.

“...I can’t believe that the fate of the world is at stake, and we know nothing about it,” the short woman said.

“Oh, just to remind you that sooner or later, a messenger from Tatrama might come and they will ask Rygis for their cooperation to eradicate the cult’s influence. I think if you don’t know about this event, you should inform the one in charge of Rygis about this. After all, the war will affect everything in this world,” I said.

“What if we decide to not cooperate? Will you guys fight us?” the short woman asked.

“No. We’re just a circus troupe. We’re here in peace and only want to perform. If we can’t get permission to perform, we will leave to another city,” I said.

“There’s no way a circus troupe can have so much powerful members. Some of you, including yourself, are expert level mages,” the short woman said.

“Oh, these two are hunters and they are acting as our guard. Because we don’t know if we will meet any members of the cult on our tour. And they are quite famous since Angela over here is the champion of a tournament we set for the four kingdoms,” I said.

“What about you? I think you are stronger than her,” the short woman pointed her finger at me.

“Well, I might be an expert level mage. But I’m a summoner. I’m strong because I got help from my familiars. Excuse me, but may I know your names?”

I fogot to ask the identities of these two. So I used this chance to ask.

“I’m Patricia and this is my granddaughter, Emilia,” the short one said.

...Even if it makes sense that she’s older because she maintains her youth as a master level mage, it’s still weird to see someone who could be mistaken as a child to have a granddaughter.

If other small countries have master level mages like these two, I might get surprised even more. I need to get used to it. We’re entering a country which was almost completely unknown to us after all. And it won’t end with just this one.

“I’d like to report this to the president right away, but my granddaughter seems to feel intense fighting spirit from the one called Angela. If you don’t mind, I’d like Angela to test her strength with Emilia if that’s okay with you,” Patricia said.

“I agree! Let me do it!”

Without even being asked, Angela quickly agreed to have a spar with Emilia. And Emilia herself seems happy to have a chance to fight Angela.

“...By any chance, is she also the kind that move first before thinking?” I asked Patricia.

“...Seems like your friend is the same. I’ll watch your fight first and report everything to the president after I witness their fight. No matter what, if the existence of the cult is real, Rygis will be in danger as well,” Patricia said.

“Then, the two of you should-”

Before I finish talking, the forest in front of us got flattened. A large open area was made in an instant. It was Angela’s magic.

“...It seems like you two are prepared already. Everyone! Angela and a master level mage is going to have a sparing session! Put up your barrier so you won’t get hurt!” I shouted so the other members of the circus can hear me.

“So you know that we are master level mages, huh?” Patricia asked me.

“Yeah. It’s kind of obvious for us,” I said.

Angela who is crowned as the strongest mage in the continent because of the tournament, against a real master level mage, Emilia. This will be great.

If Angela lose, the two won’t think that we will be a problem to them and they will think that it’s not a problem for us to enter Rygis. And if Angela win, they will think that the outside world is far more dangerous than they thought. Then, there’s a chance that they will cooperate with the kingdom. Though they might not give us permission to enter.

In any case, Angela can show her power against a real master level mage. Not a training session, but a real fight. Let’s see how it goes.

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