Chapter 631: Master Level Mages in Rygis

That fucking Timmy! It was something from more than 3000 years ago. But it gives me trouble this day! I should have killed him in a more painful way!

Unfortunately, I was too weak against him at the time I fought him. Though in present, I have grown a little bit stronger. I think even without riding on Ray, I should be able to go toe to toe against him.

How long ago was it when he came to this place that would be called Rygis? And now, all the women there enslave men. Just because of the act of one man.

If that’s really the case, if they found out that I have a harem, I would be killed. I guess I can’t bring my girls there.

Though if the women of Rygis think that there are men in the circus who are single, they might be targeted. I guess just bringing one is enough.

“Well, I guess this is it. Take me away from here, Thomas,” Thomas said to me. My name is Roy though.

“I’m not Thomas. You’re Thomas,” I said.


“Yeah, I know. But you will need to be Thomas in that country. Burnes, how long will you stay in that country? And how many cities will you stop by?” Thomas asked Burnes.

“At least it will take two weeks even if we just perform one night in each city. There are only a few cities including the capital that we will go to. But since it’s another country outside the four kingdoms’ alliance, we need to be thorough in our investigation,” Burnes said.

The tour won’t take long. But the investigation will take time since it’s a totally unfamiliar place. Even more, it’s because most men from other country were forbidden to enter that country. The fate of the men in that country must be bad.

“Though all the information we have so far might not be correct. Maybe they have changed their treatment toward men. It’s been years since that information was reported. Long before Roy started attending introductory school,” Burnes said.

Then there’s a chance that us men won’t be treated badly. But I guess it’s fine to get Thomas away from here.

“Thomas, I’ll get you to Cassau. But for the circus, I’ll stay as Roy. A representative of the circus since the leader of the circus, Thomas, had terrible diarrhea and had no choice but to get hospitalized. Then we will meet after we leave Rygis. I think that’s good enough excuse to make. Here’s the portal. Bye,” I pushed Thomas into the portal before he could say anything.

“At least make it that I got hurt from an accident during a sho-”

Before he could finish his sentence, I closed the portal and he can’t be heard again. Diarrhea it is.

“...I guess it’s fine if we make the excuse. I’ll go and tell the others that Thomas is sick so everyone have the same story if asked,” Burnes said as he left my tent.

What preparation should we make? I don’t think there will be some. But I guess getting the girls from the circus to act more dominant among us should be good enough to trick the women of Rygis. But we can only know how useful our act is once we enter their country.

Two days later, We are already in Rygis. And I can already see the gate to the capital in sight. With my Divine Vision obviously. Powered by Mind’s Eye and Aura which makes me able to see much further than ever.

“I can see the gate already. But we need to get closer so I can see everything,” I said.

“Okay. If you see anything strange, tell us right away. Depend on what you see, the setting we have prepared might need to be changed. We’re all capable agents and spies here. And you can act well. There’s nothing to worry about even if we made some improvisation. Everyone can keep up with the change,” Burnes said.

I’m the only one trained differently than the others here. After all, I’m not an agent. Though I still train like them. And my acting skill was good enough that I put acting in the list of skills I mastered for my Shameless Survival Arts.

Nowadays, I have become strong enough that I don’t need to be shameless again. But I have become better and more experienced in life so my Shameless Survival Arts should have improved as well.

“So far, everything is fine. There are men walking around the city normally. They are not being enslaved at all. Though that’s what I can see. I can’t hear anything,” I said.

“I guess everything has changed from the past. But we still need to be careful. We don’t know if their change is come from within, or it’s because of external influence,” Burnes said.

“External influence?” I asked.

“I mean there’s also a possibility of the country changed because of the cult,” Burnes replied.

Oh, right. If the current Rygis changed because of the cult, that mean the cult has taken over this country. Though so far, there’s no one with explosive devices in their mouth.

But what if all the cult members there are expert level mages at least? Then there’s no need for explosive devices.

I keep looking around could see thee largest building in the center of the city. Probably the one called the president is working there. So I looked through the wall and see that a woman is in her office doing some paperwork. She must be the one called the president.

“I think I found the one called the president. She’s doing some paperwork in a room that looks like an office. There are also many other people doing jobs in other office rooms. But she’s the only one with a room for herself,” I said.

“Unlike a kingdom where the king or the nobles take care of everything, that country must have no discrimination against status. Anyone who is competent will help the president rule the country. After all, they will change the president after every few years, right? The must be busier than Albert. Albert can continue ruling the kingdom until his son take over. So he can be relaxed with the rule. But if the previous and the current president have differences in ideas, there will be many changes. That’s why their government might be working harder than the ruler of our kingdom,” Victoria said..

A country where even a commoner can be someone amazing. If it was me before meeting Albert, I would like to stay there after the cult is destroyed. But now, Albert has promised me that I can live peacefully after destroying the cult.

One person with a lot of power, and a group of people with the same amount of power as that one person. I’ll pick one person. After all, a group doesn’t mean everyone will agree to everything.

There are pros and cons in everything. But I won’t care. I just want to destroy the cult and live peacefully.

“Yeah, they’re all seem busy. Do they get proper rest at least?” I asked out of curiousity. After all, no one want to do a job where they can’t get a rest. But seems like the people there don’t really hate their job. I guess they are fine doing what they are doing.

“They should be. If there’s no rest, no one would want to work there. That’s just slavery. Is there any man in the building?” Victoria asked.

“Hmm... oh! I see a few. Though one of them is crossdressing. But I guess if they allow men to work in helping the president, there’s no more discrimination. Or at least there are none publicly. I haven’t seen everything ye-FUCK!”

When I looked at the main entrance of the building, I saw something unexpected and instantly turned my sight elsewhere.

“What is it? What do you see?” Burnes asked curiously.

“...Two women guarding the entrance of that building. They are master level mages. They can sense that I’m looking at them. Though they didn’t do anything since I turned my sight elsewhere quickly. I couldn’t really say their appearance but they know that they are being seen. But I know they couldn’t tell where I’m looking from,” I said.

“Two master level mages!? This is difficult. So the cult have sent their people there,” Burnes assumed.

“I don’t think that’s the case. The master level from the cult that I met before couldn’t tell that I’m looking at them from this far. Which mean these two women cultivated diligently. If so, there’s no way the cult would get two master level mages to stay in that country. They will be given tasks. But if they are from the cult, that means there’s something in that country that the cult wants,” I said.

“But the fact is they have two master level mages. We can’t hide that this circus group is far stronger than any ordinary group. Let’s stop here and make some more plans before entering the city,” Burnes said.

“Okay. I’ll move around and see if there are other master level mages hiding there or not,” I said.

A small country with two master level mages. If that country decided to conquer the world, most countries will be powerless just because of those two.

Maybe I can find something about the cult here. But safety comes first. We’ll stay here until we make a sound plan to move forward.

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