The Omnistore System

Chapter 314 Not an a opponent

Chapter 314 Not an a opponent

As Lidia clashed with the monstrous security leader, the battlefield erupted into chaos. The creature moved with unnatural agility, its elongated limbs propelling it forward in erratic bursts. Its attacks were unpredictable, a fusion of bestial ferocity and calculated precision.

With a swift swing of her long silver sword, Lidia deflected a barrage of strikes from the creature's bone axe. Each blow reverberated with a thunderous force, threatening to shatter her defenses.

Her body emanated a radiant silver glow, while her sword gleamed with an even brighter silver light, almost blinding to those who dared to stare at it for too long. Amidst the chaotic battle, the monstrous adversary cursed her, questioning why she chose to fight alongside what he deemed as mere moss-headed savages. He demanded answers, questioning her identity and motives for provoking their Messiah's wrath by battling against his green insect minions.

Despite his barrage of inquiries, Lidia remained silent, responding only with grunts and roars as she fought fiercely to vanquish her foes. This silence only served to further enrage the hybrid monster, his black skin pulsating with fury. With a thunderous roar, he slammed Lidia aside, causing her to collide with one of the bloated monsters. Seething with anger, he taunted her, raising his axe hand high as he prepared to strike down upon her, declaring, "If you won't speak, then prepare to meet your end."

As the colossal shadow of the monster loomed over Lidia, her face broke into a smirk. Seeing her adversary leaping high into the sky, she tightened her grip on her sword. Without hesitation, she thrust it upward, even though the monster was still quite distant. There was little chance it would reach him, but she acted with unwavering confidence.

Neither the monster nor the onlookers understood why she did it until they witnessed the light enveloping the sword growing from the tip. In the blink of an eye, it grew enough that it?pierced the monster's chest still high in the air. The move shocked both the monster and the green-haired leader. With amusement, he whispered, "So that's why she's called the Silver Stabber."

The quick burst of light faded in a blink, leaving only the thud of the monster hitting the ground.

Lidia took down her opponent with a victorious grin, then glanced around for more trouble. Seeing everyone else was fine, she relaxed for a moment. However, her satisfaction waned as she noticed her collaborator in this attack standing free doing nothing, annoyed she casually taunted, "You should have shown off some of your moves too, next time."

The guy with the green hair smirked, turning to check out the place where the blast was contained before as it had subdued completely now. "Sure thing, Silver Staber," he replied, strolling over and shutting down the transparent shields before picking up a busted glass orb. It still had some black water sloshing around inside, dripping as he examined it, a big grin spreading across his face.

Lidia's irritation was evident as he called her by her nickname. With a wry smile, she retorted, "Well, I'm excited to see how the infamous Whispy the Qi Whisperer handles his enemies."

His green eyes flashed with irritation at her comment. After finishing pouring the remaining liquid into a glass bottle, he turned to Lidia with a grin and teased, "Don't set your expectations too high," he mocked, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I can't promise to be as skilled as a silver stabber." His smirk widened as he teasingly poked fun at Lidia's abilities.

Lidia felt her annoyance grow, but she managed to keep her temper in check as she inquired, "Why are you collecting that stuff anyway? Aren't we here to destroy it?" She watched as he tucked the bottle filled with dark liquid into his ring.

"We might need them later," he remarked, glancing at the nearly finished battle. "They're almost finished; let's stick to our plan and split up afterwards, like we discussed."

Lidia nodded and began to walk away, but not without reminding him to refrain from harming any civilians. "Just remember my warning," she emphasized. "Not a scratch from you or your troops on the civilians. They're just trying to survive by doing this; the real culprit is the Emporium."

The leader, nicknamed Whispy, smirked, but this time he nodded and replied, "We won't touch them. But if they attack us first, don't be surprised if they end up headless."

Giving a nod, Lidia headed towards her group, her eyes flicking towards her watch. A worried expression creased her face as she contemplated something, silently asking herself, 'I hope he gets out of the ship in time.'

As the group massacred the humans now transformed into the so-called darklings, others were also encountering them, and it wasn't going smoothly for everyone.Like, Near the ship's hangar bays, in one of the connecting hallway to it, a group consisting of two blonde-haired women and a young man found themselves in a peculiar situation. The man in the group was now staring at a head attached to an unusually long neck. The head possessed two extremely wide nostrils that twitched as it took sniffs, wriggling around like a snake.

Kevin stared into the stretched nostrils, despite their unsettling appearance. They were still made of human skin, with traces of hair visible, which disgusted him. However, he kept his composure, showing no sign of his revulsion. He gestured to his companion to stay calm and slowly began to move back.

As they moved back cautiously, just as Kevin feared, the head began making strange noises, resembling teeth chattering. Startled, Kevin's instincts kicked in, and in a moment of fear, he pulled out a knife with a distinctive yellow stripe. Without hesitation, he stabbed at the nonexistent cheeks of the head.

To Kevin's shock, he found himself unable to pierce the skin. As he applied force, encountering resistance, the knife crackled with lightning before ultimately breaking. A blast of energy erupted from the broken blade, propelling the face away into the opposite wall with a thunderous force. Kevin's hand into the other one, which broke upon impact, becoming bloodied in the process.

Fear gripped his heart as the pieces of the knife handle slipped from his grasp. He knew that no matter how formidable the opponent is, a weapon shouldn't break on the first strike if it do you are not the opponent of that person. So, with urgency in his voice, he shouted, "Run!" without a moment's hesitation.

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