Chapter 312 Dread ahead

Amidst the confusion, Kevin, Keyara, and Viana exchanged horrified glances, their hearts pounding in their chests. They knew they had to get out of there, but with the situation escalating rapidly, finding a way to safety seemed increasingly impossible.

With every passing moment, the sense of dread only intensified, the air thick with the stench of blood and the echoes of screams. The ship, once a symbol of luxury and comfort, had become a nightmare.

Each security guard possessed a strength comparable to Kevin, some even stronger than him and Keyara. Despite this, they were perishing rapidly, akin to swatted flies. Understandably, fear gripped the crowd, hindering their efforts to flee from the imminent danger.

"Let's head into the corridors," Viana suggested, leading the way towards the passageway leading to the suites.

As chaos erupted and panic spread like wildfire through the ship, Viana's suggestion to seek refuge in the corridors seemed like the only rational course of action, but many others had the same idea, causing more panic as it became difficult to pass through the narrow passage. Nevertheless, the three of them managed to navigate through the crowd and head in a different direction, away from the chaos. Keyara suddenly stopped, causing Kevin and Viana to look at her with questioning expressions, as behind them, people were being killed indiscriminately. They weren't even sure who or what was responsible for the killings.

"Why did you stop?" Viana asked, her voice tinged with both anger and fear.

"We can't afford to rush blindly." She explained, her words a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking in the shadows. "We need to assess the situation and choose our path carefully."

Both nodded in agreement with Keyara's point, and upon hearing her observation, they fell into deep thought. "Yeah, you're right," Kevin said, recalling the recent events with a heavy breath.

Viana nodded in confirmation, her expression tense with concern as they processed the implications of Keyara's observation.

"But that doesn't mean we'll be safe here," Kevin remarked, his mind racing with thoughts of Lidia's warning. "From what it looks like, it seems to be some sort of terrorist attack. That loud sound from before could have been their attempt to blow up the ship."

Kevin nodded thoughtfully, considering the options. "What if we try to find an emergency exit? We could jump out from there."

Keyara's expression turned grim as she reminded him, "But we're at least tens of thousands of feet up in the air. Jumping might not be the best idea."

"Do you have any sort of flying treasure that could help us?" Kevin asked, noticing her expression. Unfortunately, both women shook their heads, prompting them to brainstorm for other ideas.

Boom Till then another deafening blast reverberated through the hull, intensifying the pressure on them to finalize their escape plan from the ship.But before long, Viana spoke up with renewed enthusiasm. "We're near the hangar bay, right?" she asked.

Kevin and Keyara nodded, their expressions turning from uncertainty to hope as they observed Viana's enthusiasm. "Then let's head towards it. Didn't you see the small aircraft parked in the hangar bay? We can use one of them to fly off this ship," she suggested, sparking a glimmer of optimism in Kevin and Keyara's eyes as they finally had a plan to escape the chaos.

The hangar was getting closer, but they still had to cross some hallways to reach it. Luckily, most of them were empty of any other passengers and other dangers. However, Keyara suddenly stopped abruptly, causing Kevin and Viana to look at her with puzzlement. "What happened now?" Kevin asked, concerned by the sudden halt.

"Something's ahead," Keyara gestured towards the next turn, her expression a mix of concern and worry.

All three fell silent hearing this andKevin approached cautiously, pressing his back against the wall as he peeked around the corner. The two women followed suit, with Keyara focusing intently, her heightened senses due to strong body cultivation giving her an advantage. Although Kevin was the weakest, being bit more agile, he remained in front to potentially dodge any threats.

Viana, being a Qi cultivator, possessed her own sensory abilities, but they were limited in range and couldn't detect hidden dangers from a distance. On the other hand, body cultivators like Kevin relied on instinct and heightened senses to evade attacks, even from Qi cultivators.

As Kevin cautiously peeked ahead, he spotted a figure approaching. Although he couldn't discern the person's face, the uniform indicated it was a security guard. With a skeptical tone, Kevin muttered, "Looks like just another security guard." Keyara and Viana exchanged perplexed glances, wondering how a lone guard could stroll around unscathed when their comrades were dropping dead like flies.

As the figure drew nearer, Kevin's keen eyes picked up on some peculiar details. The guard's gait was oddly mechanical but animalistic, lacking the fluidity of human movement. Moreover, its body appeared unnaturally lanky, with limbs that seemed to elongate with each step.

Keyara's heart raced as she shot a glance at Kevin and Viana, her expression tense. "Do you hear that?" she whispered urgently. "That breathing... it's not human. It's like... it's like a beast. A really big one." As she spoke, Kevin's gaze returned to the figure ahead, his expression turning horrified. A chill ran down his spine as he caught the unmistakable sound of heavy breathing emanating from the creature just at inch front of his face.

The mouth, if it could be called that, was barely discernible amidst the grotesque features. Lips were nonexistent, replaced by a series of contorted folds and creases that twisted unnaturally upward, forming a grotesque parody of a smile. With each labored breath, the skin rippled and shifted, creating an unsettling symphony of movement.

The eyes, normally positioned on the front of the skull, were now at the top of the skull, their gaze fixed eerily downward. Where the eyes should have been were now two gaping nostrils, elongated and stretched upwards and downwards till they cover all the face, almost as if seeking out the scent of fear that permeated the air.

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