"Let's first, find a room. Seriously, my back is begging for a comfy mattress right now," Arya groaned, stretching her arms after the long trek through the jungle.

Kevin nodded, contemplating their next move. "But first, we need some local currency. Our regular units won't fly here." He fiddled with his watch, attempting to connect to the city's network.

Curious, Arya glanced around the bustling shops, noticing a person using a peculiar dark reddish copper-like coin for their purchase. "So, what's the deal with the money here?"

"It's called 'chernos,' made from some rare metal," Kevin explained, showcasing images of the unique coin.

The coin depicted a solitary figure on one side, its reverse remaining unadorned. The figure appeared to portray a veiled woman, her face obscured by the intricately designed veil. The mere sight of the veiled countenance sparked an unexplainable curiosity, compelling anyone who beheld it to want to unveil the hidden face beneath.

The figure's attire was crafted intricately, fashioned from chains with remarkable detail despite being molded into the metal. Its artistry was mesmerizing, inviting onlookers to ponder the enigmatic story hidden within the design. The allure of the coin was undeniable, hinting at a mystery that beckoned those who saw it to uncover its secrets.

"The metal it's made from is pretty solid, used for crafting armors and weapons. So, if we gather some extra, it won't be a loss," Kevin explained, delving deeper into the information.

"And where can we get these chernos?" Keyara inquired.

"We can exchange them for the things we collect," Kevin responded, scanning the surroundings. He pointed towards a three-story building, painted in a calming green hue, emitting natural vibes. "See, we can trade some herbs there to earn the money."

"Let's do that, but only sell what we don't need or what isn't too valuable back home," Keyara suggested, garnering agreement from the rest as they made their way to the shop to sell their goods.

However, Kevin hesitated. He didn't want to part with his belongings, intending to sell them later at his own store for a better price. It made sense; gathering enough of this precious metal was crucial if he aimed to trade it back home. After all, forging weapons or even an armor required a considerable amount of this rare metal—something one or a few coins couldn't cover.

As the group approached the shop, Kevin wrestled with his thoughts. He understood the value of the metal and its potential trade back in his city. Yet, the allure of securing more of it clashed with the practicality of the current situation.

Keyara noticed Kevin's reluctance. "You're not selling?"

Kevin hesitated, contemplating his next move. "I think I might hold onto these for now. Could be more beneficial in the long run."

Keyara nodded understandingly. "Alright, suit yourself. Let's get what we can for the rest."

Inside the quaint shop, shelves adorned with various herbs and rare plants caught their attention. The shopkeeper, a young women, greeted them warmly.

"We've gathered some herbs and plants during our journey. Any chance we could trade them for chernos?" Keyara inquired.

The woman smiled professionally and replied, "Of course, I'd be happy to help."

"Could you tell me how much I can get for these?" Keyara asked, placing about ten herbs on the counter.

Curious about his reaction, Viana inquired, "Why the surprise?"

Kevin grinned and shrugged. "Nothing much. Hey, are you free tonight?"

"In a place where it's technically night all the time, I guess I am," Viana chuckled, returning the smile.

"Want to have some fun?" Kevin proposed.

Zaria, catching wind of the conversation, interjected with an intrigued smile. "What kind of fun are we talking about?"

"Just a simple pleasure—a good dinner at a nice restaurant, if this place happens to have any," Kevin suggested casually.

Viana appeared taken aback. "Just dinner? That's not really what I'd call fun. I mean, I can have dinner any time I want," she remarked with a hint of surprise in her voice.

"So, what kind of fun are you aiming for?" Kevin asked with a playful grin.

Before Viana could respond, Zaria chimed in, her tone teasingly suggestive. "Well, obviously the bedroom kind... something I've been itching to join in on...too." 

Kevin, caught off guard but maintaining a playful demeanor, grinned and replied, "Well, if you ladies are game, count me in!"

"Nah, I'm good. You two go ahead and enjoy yourselves," Viana replied, scanning the bookshelf.

"Don't be like that, Viana. Let's have some fun together! I've been craving something different after days in the jungle. Let loose a bit," Zaria urged, attempting to coax Viana into joining in.

"You know, Zaria, I'm not into the three-way kind of fun. You two can find someone else for that," Viana retorted, her tone tinged with annoyance.

Zaria had the urge to push further, but Kevin stepped in, attempting to steer the conversation back to their original plan. "How about we stick to our original plan? Dinner sounds pretty good, right?"

Viana seemed inclined to decline but before she could, Zaria intervened, flashing a smile. "Come on, don't say no to this now."

"Yeah, and I spotted a promising restaurant nearby," Kevin added, encouraging her.

Viana glanced at them, fully aware that they'd persist not just for dinner but for more afterward. With a knowing smile, she nodded and turned to Benny. "Hey, Benny, want to dine out tonight?"

"Absolutely! Who else is joining?" Benny replied with a smile.

"It's me, Kevin, Zaria, and whoever else is interested..." Viana teased, shooting a playful smile at the pair.

Kevin and Zaria exchanged knowing glances and nodded in agreement.

As Benny began chatting with another member of the group, Viana casually strolled away, browsing the herb shelves, leaving Kevin and Zaria alone. "Well, there's goes the chance for a group hang," threesome," Kevin sighed.

Zaria chuckled softly. "Or we could stick to a twosome."

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