The Omnistore System

Chapter 249 Stealing Lines

Chapter 249 Stealing Lines

Not much transpired after the meeting. Kevin and Keith, now both a couple, took the second shift. As they completed their duties, they settled down, finding solace in each other's embrace.

Lost in his thoughts, Kevin idly toyed with Keith's breasts, gently squeezing them as if they were a stress-relieving toy. The act seemed to ease his tension, even though he wasn't particularly stressed. He simply enjoyed the soft, warm, and cuddly sensation in his hand.

"You know," he mused, "sleeping together, chatting... doesn't it feel like we're already dating?"

Keith, engrossed in watching a movie as her usual nighttime routine, responded, "I suppose so..."

He gave her a snug squeeze and tried again. "Then what if we make this official between us? I mean, everyone in the party knows we're a thing, but for ourselves... it's been a bit on the chill side."

Keith's attention shifted from the holographic screen as she paused, whatever was playing on her watch. Kevin kept talking, "I wanna prioritize us, you know? I want you to be my main thing, and I'll be yours."

She looked a bit sad, about to say something, but Kevin softly hushed her. "Wait, hear me out. What I mean is, let's make this real for ourselves. It doesn't mean we can't have a good time with other people. I know you're into girls... and guess what? I dig them too. We could check that out together, if you're down."

Keith chuckled and, gently running her fingers along Kevin's face, replied, "We're pretty much doing that already. And I'm not rejecting the idea of being your girlfriend... It's just that, you know, I don't think we're in it for the long haul."

"I'm cool with that. I just thought we could be more than fuck buddies, you know? So, even if we do split later on, at least I won't regret not having you as my girlfriend," Kevin said, a smile playing on his lips.

Keith beamed at Kevin's words. Leaning in, she planted a quick kiss on his lips and replied with a grin, "Then I wouldn't mind having you as my boyfriend."

"Seriously? So, are we officially a couple now?" Kevin's face lit up upon hearing Keith's agreement to be his girlfriend.

Keith nodded in affirmation, and Kevin, beaming, leaned in and planted a lingering kiss on her lips. "You might think I'm overly hyped, but you're actually my first girlfriend..."

Keith chuckled at his claim. "As if I'd buy that..."

"No, really, it's true. You're my first real girlfriend... I've had fun with other girls, sure, but they were just casual. You're the first in both this life and the one before," Kevin confessed, his tone earnest and genuine.

"You remember your past life now?" Keith, still skeptical, scoffed.

"I do," Kevin reiterated, maintaining a serious expression.

Keith couldn't contain her laughter. "Come on, Kev, you can't expect me to buy into that. Remembering a past life? That's some next-level stuff!"

Kevin grinned, knowing it was a stretch for anyone to believe. "I get it. Sounds far-fetched. But seriously, I have these vivid memories, like bits and pieces from before." He didn't want to say he was transmigrated or whatever about the system, but he still wanted her to know some truth about him.

"Alright, spill the beans then! What were you in your so-called 'previous life'?" Keith asked, a playful glint in her eyes.

Kevin leaned back, grinning, and said. "I was a gigolo..."

Keith chuckled, shaking her head. "A gigolo, huh? That's a good one!" She continued laughing, clearly amused by Kevin's claim of remembering a past life, finding it both entertaining and endearing.

In the midst of Keith's laughter, Kevin joined in with a chuckle of his own. "I know, it's a bit outlandish, isn't it?"

"Yeah, just a tad," Keith replied, still grinning. "But I have to admit, you do have a knack for pleasing women."

Kevin chuckled at Keith's remark. "Well, thank you for the compliment. Maybe that's where my charm comes from."

Keith playfully nudged him. "Oh, so you're saying you're carrying on the legacy from your previous life?"

"Exactly," Kevin said with a wink. "Gotta live up to my gigolo past, right?"

They both burst into laughter, the lighthearted banter adding a joyful atmosphere to their conversation.

Amidst their shared laughter, Keith smiled. "Well, whether you were a gigolo or not, you've definitely got your own charm in this life."

As she moved to lean in for another kiss, a loud sound from outside interrupted the moment. It was a familiar noise they had heard frequently since they entered the den—the distinct echo of Ken's gun. Both Keith and Kevin exchanged worried glances. A gunshot meant trouble, and for the past few nights, they hadn't encountered any issues. Quickly, they slipped on their armor and grabbed their weapons before rushing out of the tent.

Outside, everyone was emerging from their tents, a sense of urgency hanging in the air. Ken and Stuart, who were on lookout duty with him, were already outside, scanning the area with a watchful readiness that signaled potential danger. Keyara stood a short distance away from them, her focus on something in the darkness. Though Kevin couldn't make out the details, he sensed it was a large creature, possibly a dead monster akin to the size of the shadowcrest lupins.

With everyone on high alert, they cautiously approached Stuart and Ken. Yelena, scanning the surroundings, inquired, "What's going on?"

"Ken heard some rustling in the bushes, and then this creature leaped out at him. He had to take it down," Stuart explained, his voice tinged with unease as he gripped his axes tightly, glancing around warily.

"What kind of creature is that?" Zaria questioned, her gun already in hand, studying the monster lying lifeless on the ground. Meanwhile, Keyara cautiously took a step back, keeping an eye on their surroundings.

"It's the monster we've been tracking lately, and it seems it didn't come alone. They brought their entire family," Keyara explained. As she spoke, multiple green glows illuminated the darkness, moving up and down around them, accompanied by low growls emanating from the direction of the lights.

The glows revealed themselves to be the eyes of shadowcrest lupins, and a total count revealed 26 glowing eyes. Considering there were 13 party members, it appeared there were 13 lupins lurking nearby—two more than the total number of people in Kevin's group.

The realization of the looming presence of 13 shadowcrest lupins sent a shiver down everyone's spine. Kevin glanced around, assessing the situation.

"We're outnumbered here," he remarked, his voice low but firm. "We need a plan."

Keyara nodded, her expression serious. "Agreed. We have to act fast."

Zaria tightened her grip on her gun. "We can't take on that many head-on. We need to find a way out or a defensive position."

Ken, scanning their surroundings, added, "We could use the terrain to our advantage. Find higher ground, maybe?"

Stuart chimed in, his tone urgent. "Whatever we do, we need to stick together and stay alert."

Keyara, taking charge as the leader, locked eyes with a particular pair among the lupins. This set of eyes, towering above the rest, bore an intense, angry gaze directed at the party. Sensing the imminent threat, Keyara made a swift decision.

"Guys, we don't have time to plan. Get ready to fight," she declared, her tone firm and resolute.

No one uttered a word, but their silent readiness echoed loudly. With their unwavering focus fixed on the lupine eyes, they braced themselves as the creatures gradually emerged from the shadows.

Each creature stood larger and more imposing than any Kevin had encountered before. As he took in the formidable sight, memories of the hallucinations induced by the yellow mamba's poison flooded his mind, reminding him of the challenging battles he had envisioned.

There they were victorious, but here he didn't think they would win as easily as they did in his hallucination. As the fire's glow illuminated the scene, 12 lupins stood there, their mouths dripping with saliva, while the thirteenth, the largest among them, emerged last. It was a colossal beast, towering at least two stories high—a sight that surpassed any monster Kevin had ever encountered.

The group stood in awe as the towering lupin revealed itself fully. Its fur was a blend of midnight black and shades of deep forest green, shimmering with an ethereal luminescence under the firelight. Each massive paw left imprints that seemed to shake the ground beneath them.

Its eyes glowed a fierce, menacing red, casting an eerie glow across its massive form. The lupin's teeth, sharp and jagged, protruded from its powerful jaws, dripping with viscous saliva that sizzled upon contact with the ground.

The creature exuded an aura of dominance and power, its sheer size dwarfing everything around it. Even the other lupins seemed to cower in its presence, as if acknowledging its unrivaled authority.

Kevin's breath caught in his throat as he beheld the enormity of the beast. It was a sight that sent a shiver down his spine, a stark reminder of the daunting challenge they faced in this colossal adversary.

Keyara's voice cut through the tension, urgent but steady. "Listen up, everyone! We knew this wouldn't be easy, but we've fought our way here. These creatures might be intimidating, but think of them as just some hugely grown dogs, but not good ones." Kevin didn't like she stole his line, but not time to make a scene. He just listened as she continue.

Her gaze swept across the group, meeting each member's eyes with determination. "We're a team, and we fight together!. We've faced challenges before, and we'll face this one too. Stay focused, watch each other's backs, and let's bring these beasts down!"

There was a resolute nod from the group as they braced themselves for the impending battle. With a determined look, Keyara signaled, "Attack!"

The group lunged forward, weapons drawn, ready to confront the formidable lupins, especially the colossal leader looming before them.

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