The Omnistore System

Chapter 225 Perfect Thighs?

As Kevin swung the Soldier Blade in the intricate pattern of the Armor Destroyer move, Keyara observed silently at first. The quiet surrounding their practice allowed Kevin to focus, but he couldn't help but notice Keyara's occasional glances in his direction, her eyes reflecting a mix of astonishment and curiosity. And it was not because of kevin's ability to wield the blade as he was just novice it was about his cultivation progress.

"Try to move with the flow of your movement, don't halt it abruptly. And see if you can execute the slashing move twice," Keyara's voice offered guidance as she stepped in to assist. Her instructions were precise, and Kevin absorbed them, striving to incorporate her advice.

With each swing of the blade, Kevin concentrated on syncing his movements with the guidance provided. As he practiced, a realization dawned upon him—a breakthrough in understanding the essence of the Armor Destroyer. It was not about the depth of the strike but the precision in targeting the superficial layers of defense. Disrupting the protective barrier without deep penetration became his focus—a strategic slicing aimed at rendering the defenses useless.

As the practice continued, Keyara's suggestions began to refine Kevin's technique. Her pointers helped him understand the subtle nuances of the move, gradually making his execution smoother and more effective. With each adjustment and refined movement, Kevin sensed a new level of proficiency developing within him.

lightsΝοvel The Soldier Blade in motion revealed multiple layers of insight to Kevin. Firstly, he realized the need to amplify the number of slashes within a single execution of the Armor Destroyer move. By infusing the motion with increased speed, a principle Keyara's guidance effectively enhanced, he found the potential to escalate the move's effectiveness.

Another pivotal lesson was the imperative management of his stamina reserves. The maneuver demanded a substantial amount of energy, and optimizing this aspect became a priority. Kevin contemplated a potential solution, a theory forming in his mind as he evaluated the move's mechanics. 'What if I focus solely on the edge?'

He envisioned a technique where the blade's edge smoothly maneuvered through the defenses, its contact focused and precise, aiming to slice through the barriers using only the blade's edge. This strategy could potentially require less physical exertion compared to his previous method. The notion sparked curiosity and a sense of experimentation within him, urging him to test this theory when the time was right.

As he continued honing the Armor Destroyer technique, Kevin found himself immersed in the intricacies of the movement. Each repetition allowed him to fine-tune the balance between speed and precision, striving to optimize both aspects without sacrificing one for the other.

The concept of focusing solely on the edge intrigued him further. He imagined the seamless glide of the blade's edge, cutting through defenses with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel. This envisioned approach seemed to hold promise, potentially reducing the physical strain he experienced during the execution of the move.

However, he also recognized the need for practical experimentation. The controlled environment of practice sessions couldn't fully replicate the intensity of a live combat scenario. He contemplated the necessity of applying this theory in a real battle to test its validity and measure its efficacy.

Despite his eagerness to explore this innovative approach, Kevin understood the importance of patience and thorough preparation. Mastery wasn't achieved overnight, and refining a combat technique required diligent practice, introspection, and, most importantly, real-world application.

With a sense of determination, he resolved to refine the Armor Destroyer move further. He aimed to harmonize his body's movements, perfecting the synchronization between his physical actions and the blade's trajectory.

As Keyara observed Kevin practicing independently, she couldn't shake off a contemplative gaze that lingered in her eyes. Her mind echoed with a question that had surfaced repeatedly during the past five hours while Kevin narrated his progress in cultivation.

Keyara had ceased guiding Kevin but remained fixated on him with an evaluating gaze. Amidst his progress updates over the past five hours, a lingering question had echoed within her: 'Would he have sex with me?'

She was a woman of confidence and considerable pride, particularly in her strengths. However, when strength came into play, she was willing to shelve her pride to enhance her capabilities. Yet, this wasn't merely a matter of pride; it was a question rooted in confidence.

Her self-assuredness stemmed from her physical prowess. She was confident in her ability to lift one or even two tons effortlessly, capable of crushing bones with a mere squeeze. However, her concern lay not in her physical might but in whether it was enough to captivate a man's interest. Her confidence in her strength didn't necessarily translate into confidence in her allure.

Keith was muscular, no doubt, but Keyara felt she might have crossed the line into "too muscular." This notion stemmed from the myriad of traumas she'd carried from her dating experiences, contributing to her decreased confidence and ignorance about intimacy. Yet, the opportunity to enhance her strength by engaging in intimacy had crossed her mind.

The chance for increased strength seemed to hinge on this act, but as she eyed her potential partner—shirtless, his muscles glistening with sweat from hours of training—she couldn't shake the uncertainty. His physique, slightly smaller than her muscular build, raised doubts about her decision.

She'd advised him against engaging in intimacy, so approaching him for the same purpose felt contradictory. But it didn't bother her as much, but the recurring question lingered: 'Would he have sex with me?' 

As the fatigue of her thoughts weighed heavily on Keyara's mind, she gazed at him with a resolute determination. "Do you mind waking up Benny and Stuart? I think it's time we called it a night and got some rest."

Kevin halted his blade practice, sweat glistening on his brow as he caught his breath. "Sure thing. Feeling a bit worn out myself," he admitted, reaching for his shirt and heading towards the tents.

Keyara lingered for a moment, the turmoil within her still echoing the unanswered questions. Her gaze followed Kevin, his silhouette navigating the darkening campsite. The doubts swirled within her mind. Should she make such a request? The dichotomy between her previous advice to refrain from intimacy and the yearning for something different persisted. A silent query repeated itself within her: would he ever consider having that kind of closeness with her?lightsnovel

Shaking off the ambivalence, she trailed after Kevin, her steps slower and more pensive than his tired stride.

Kevin stepped into the tent, the fabric barely rustling as Benny and Stuart emerged, their yawns punctuating the quiet. "Good morning, Miss Keyara," they murmured sleepily.

"It's still night," Keyara corrected them gently, following Kevin into the tent's interior.

While they look around and she was right, the darkness enveloped them, the only source of illumination being the flickering flames of the campfire outside. Shadows danced against the tent's walls, casting an eerie, shifting glow that barely pierced the night's dense shroud.

"Yeah, It's still night," Stuart muttered, strolling over to the fire with a stretch and a wide yawn.

"Yeah, it is," Benny agreed, mimicking the stretch. "Hungry?"

Stuart nodded eagerly. "Wanna grab those chicken rolls?"

Meanwhile, inside the tent, Kevin wiped down his body with damp cloths and turned to ask, "Are you sleeping here?"

Keyara nodded as she began to remove her armor and weapon belt. "Why? Are you uncomfortable with me sleeping here?"

Kevin observed Keyara as she removed her armor, leaving only her sports bra to cover her ample chest and showcasing her chiseled abdomen. Her muscles were exceptionally defined, the most perfectly sculpted he had ever seen on a human body. They were impressively proportioned, slightly larger but precisely to his taste, although his preferences could vary widely from person to person.

"Sure, I'm more than comfortable with you sleeping here," Kevin replied warmly, stowing away the wet clothes and retrieving a plastic-wrapped plate, this time with pasta. "Just going to eat. Help yourself," he offered, passing another plate to her.

Keyara, her long blonde hair pulled tightly into a ponytail with braids cascading from the front, joined him. Accepting the plate, she teased, "Well, don't mind if I kick you or do something at night then," but Kevin sensed a hint of hesitation.

"I wouldn't mind even if you came and sat on me on my face trying to cut my air supply Heck, I'd be delighted if you did," he smirked, lightening her hesitant smile just a bit.

bit more confidently, she inquired, "So, you're into that kind of play?"

Kevin's inward smile betrayed nothing as he assumed a contemplative expression. "It varies, you know. Depends on the individual."

Her brow furrowed in confusion. "Depends on what?"

Kevin's gaze lingered on her thighs, which were even larger than his by half. "Like thighs. The bigger they are, the more thrilled I am to have them rest on my face. And you, my dear, have big and perfect thighs for that," he remarked, appreciating their size and form.

Keyara appeared perplexed as she glanced down at her thighs, remarking, "Perfect? They're big, but I wouldn't say they're perfect."

Observing her confusion and lack of confidence about her body, Kevin smiled. He didn't express pity or assume that others made her feel insecure. People have different preferences, and not liking a particular feature doesn't diminish its worth. Letting go of such concerns is crucial. With a smirk, Kevin began, "Have you ever heard the saying, 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,' or something along those lines?"

Keyara's confusion only seemed to deepen as their conversation progressed, and Kevin couldn't help but smile at her reaction.


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