The Omnistore System

Chapter 219 Feel like cheating

Chapter 219 Feel like cheating

Kevin's gaze fixated on the black box cradled in Keyana's hands, absorbing her detailed explanation of its functionalities. Piece by piece, she pieced together the mechanism of the device, now equipping everyone with a clear understanding of its operation.

It appeared remarkably straightforward—a mere press of a button would unveil the box, revealing an empty space within its center. Placing the desired herb within this space would register it, effectively configuring the box to locate the designated flora.

As Keyana concluded her explanation, she probed the audience, her query hanging in the air. "Does anyone happen to know how this is capable of locating the herbs?" she inquired, her tone inviting any potential insights or knowledge the team might possess.

Arya's hand rose gracefully, signifying her understanding of the mechanism, prompting Keyana's smile and a nod, inviting her to elucidate further. "If I'm not mistaken," Arya began, her tone confident and poised, "this device essentially learns and captures the Qi signature of the items placed within it. Subsequently, it emits waves of Qi, and upon encountering a similar Qi signature in the vicinity, it triggers a response—be it a beep or another identifiable indication—that alerts us to the presence of the herb."

Kevin's prior knowledge about herbs and related matters resonated with Arya's explanation. He comprehended that everything in the world, from humans to the tiniest pebble, possessed a unique Qi signature, akin to a distinctive energetic fingerprint. However, capturing the Qi signature of non-living entities, such as herbs, presented a complex challenge compared to living beings.

Keyana nodded in agreement as Arya elaborated further. "To add to Aunt Arya's explanation," she interjected, "the device then emits these Qi waves, but its detection range is limited—around five meters in every direction."

The revelation about the device's functional mechanism and its limitations struck a chord with Kevin. The intricacies of capturing and emitting Qi waves to detect specific herbs fascinated him, yet the spatial constraint posed an interesting challenge. The restricted detection range implied the necessity for strategic maneuvering and precision in using the device effectively within a confined area.

"Only five meters?" Kevin muttered in surprise, a tinge of disbelief evident in his voice. His treasure radar system boasted a range of 15 meters, with the potential for expansion through upgrades. However, the upgrade rested upon the comprehensive enhancement of the store, a task currently beyond immediate reach.

"It's going to be challenging..." Benny remarked, seated beside Kevin, his contemplative expression mirroring the mix of tension and thoughtfulness evident in the faces of their companions.

Keyana, sensing the collective concern, interjected with a reassuring explanation. "I anticipated the difficulty in locating the herbs with these devices. However, it's our most viable option to find the Noxlight flower. I've secured ten of these devices, one for each of us. If we move in parallel, aligning our paths, we can collectively cover a 100-meter radius. It might seem limited, but in reality, it's quite a significant area. Additionally, it will allow us to maintain proximity, ensuring our unity and safety."

As Kevin deliberated on whether to disclose the existence of his treasure radar to the group, he weighed the potential outcomes. Revealing its existence might prompt inquiries and requests to demonstrate its capabilities, whereas concealing it would entail utilizing the inferior device at his disposal.

With a resigned sigh, he decided to come clean. "Miss Keyana, I actually possess my own herb detection device, similar in function. It has a range of about 15 meters and operates on a similar principle. I just need a sample of the herb to register its Qi signature in the device."

"Really?" Keith's astonished query highlighted her lack of awareness about his possession of such a valuable treasure, prompting a similar expression of surprise on the faces of the others gathered around. Their collective astonishment echoed Keith's disbelief, their eyes fixed on Kevin, curious and intrigued by this unexpected revelation.

Fortune favored Kevin as the assembled individuals demonstrated an understanding nature, refraining from probing further into areas Kevin preferred not to address. Keyana, in her usual perceptive manner, simply acknowledged his revelation with a nod before swiftly steering the conversation back to practicalities.

"So, you'll need the Noxlight flower to register its Qi signature, correct?" Keyana inquired, her tone amiable and solution-oriented.

Kevin affirmed this with a nod, prompting a gentle smile from Keyana. "Well, I happen to have it here. You can utilize it, but under one condition: for every five herbs you detect using it, I'd ask for one in return."

Kevin inwardly bristled at the condition, finding the terms less than ideal. However, he swiftly weighed the advantages against the trade-off. Keyana's offer of the rare herb, a scarce commodity in current times, coupled with the protection and support from the group, tilted the scales in favor of acceptance.

The notion of added protection amid the pursuit, warding off potential troublemakers and facilitating a smoother herb search, swayed Kevin's decision. With a resigned nod, he agreed to the terms, recognizing the practicality in Keyana's proposal, despite the added obligation.

Keyana's smile conveyed an unspoken assurance, indicating her intention to provide the herbs upon their arrival at the destination. She added, "With Kevin not requiring it, we'll have one extra. Hence, one of you will be accompanying us. I'll confirm the selection after some checks. However, remember, this isn't a free service. Like Kevin, you'll have to contribute one out of every three flowers you find."

Her gaze shifted to Keith and her grandmother, a tacit reminder of their familial ties. Their silent nods indicated an understanding that, despite being family, Keyana's authority was respected, understanding her right to claim more, if she so desired. However, her request for only one out of three flowers was deemed fair, a testament to the mutual respect and trust within the family.

As the realization dawned upon the family members that they had to relinquish their initial two flowers and, henceforth, surrender the first three herbs they collected to Keyana, their expressions remained unfazed. The acceptance mirrored their understanding of the equitable exchange, their faces reflecting no discontent with this arrangement.

"Apologies for the interruption again during your breakfast, but once you've finished, please gather at the hangar. We'll be approaching the Dark Guard shortly, so don't leave anything vital behind. Bring only what can aid in your survival," Keyana concluded her instructions before grabbing her plate and joining Keith, engaging in conversation.

Meanwhile, Kevin contemplated how to enhance his herb detection abilities. He recalled the capabilities of powerful cultivators who possessed a remarkable skill called the "third eye" or spiritual vision. This unique ability allowed them to detect even the slightest movements within their surroundings. The spiritual vision boasted a detection range far surpassing the mere 15 meters of their devices; typically, its range extended up to 100 meters—a significant leap compared to the capability of all their ten costly devices combined.

"Ugh, it's getting fucking more hard. I'm not even sure if I'll manage to find one, let alone three," sighed Benny, his frustration evident as the others around them echoed similar sentiments.

Unable to alter their predicament, they steered the conversation toward a different subject, initiated by the bald man. "Did you hear that the youngest elder of the Benvar family is set to marry the third daughter of the Silya family?"

"Really? Someone's actually willing to marry that dick loser?" Benny's disdainful remark piqued Kevin's curiosity. Although unfamiliar with the situation, he was drawn to the prospect of drama. "Why? What's wrong with him?" he inquired with an intrigued smile, eager to uncover the details behind the disdain directed at the individual in question.

"You should ask what's not wrong with him. You know Miss Dina, one of Miss Viana's friends?" Benny's words prompted a nod from Kevin as the slightly older boy proceeded to elaborate. "Well, that young elder tried to eliminate her from the race to elderhood. He attempted to kill her and her daughter, who was just five at the time. Fortunately, she was able to defend her daughter and inflicted a significant injury that he'll never forget." Benny's smile widened, but a trace of fear lurked within it.

Intrigued, Kevin probed further, "What injury?"

Benny's expression turned ominous as he gestured with his fingers, mimicking a cutting motion. "She cut off his..." He pointed at his groin, causing Kevin to swallow hard. "Really?" Kevin asked, his disbelief evident.

"Yeah, that's why I'm surprised that any woman would even consider marrying him," the bald man chimed in, shedding light on their earlier shock regarding the marriage proposal despite the gruesome incident.

While Kevin couldn't condone the act of severing a man's manhood, a subtle smirk played on his lips as a thought crossed his mind. "So, he won't be able to satisfy his wife, huh?" It seemed like an opportunity to gain favor within both the Benvar and Silya families with a single stroke. Yet, he also acknowledged the complexity of establishing trust with someone like Dina; her alliance carried a different set of challenges, not related to sex but to trust and allegiance, which he was sure he couldn't get with good use of his penis. He also have Samira but she didn't seem to be much in her family matters.

However, his attempt to inquire about the third daughter of the Silya family met with a swift rebuke from Benny. "Don't even think about it. I'll inform Keith that you're entertaining thoughts about other women." Benny's stern warning put an abrupt halt to Kevin's probing, making him realize the delicacy of discussing matters related to influential families and their members.

Kevin chuckled nervously, raising his hands in defense. "Hey, hey, relax! I was just curious about her personality, you know, like is she into music or something?" he didn't knew why he felt nervous as he didn't care if Keith knew it or not.

Benny squinted suspiciously. "Uh-huh, sure, asking about her 'personality'." He leaned in closer, lowering his voice dramatically. "Listen, buddy, the only notes you need to worry about are the family notes, not some music preference."

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at Benny's seriousness. "Alright, alright, duly noted. No probing into family matters, got it." saying this he thought. 'why do I feel like I am cheating on her?'

At that moment, Keith, sensing the tension, chimed in, "What's going on, guys?"


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