The Omnistore System

Chapter 217 Kevin, a thing

Chapter 217 Kevin, a thing

Keith didn't mind his playful gestures and nodded, her hand trailing along his side muscles. "You're developing quickly... Your muscles grow impressively fast... They're flexible and firm, perfect for maneuvering techniques like the Soldier Blade..."

"Yeah..." Kevin found it strange himself; it felt like he was on some kind of steroids to develop so healthy and rapidly. And indeed, the Qi could be considered a natural form of steroids, enhancing his body's strength and health without any side effects like erectile dysfunction.

"Are we going to arrive there tomorrow?" Kevin inquired.

Keith shook her head, surprising Kevin with her response. "We're going to arrive there in about three days. Tomorrow, we'll reach the nearest human settlement close to the Chernbogs Den. From there, we'll need to use land vehicles since we can't fly directly due to some highly dangerous monsters in the area..."

"Wouldn't there be land monsters there too?" Kevin asked, puzzled"

"There will be, but from the intel, they're not as powerful, more akin to the initial stage cultivator of the meridian opening," Keith stated, lying comfortably on his body.

Hearing this, Kevin drifted into thought, his hand now gently caressing her buttocks, leaving her anus as if it were a stress-relieving toy. Keith enjoyed the touch, and after a couple of minutes, he inquired again, "We'll be in an armored vehicle, right? The one with a big seat where no one can see what the person in the back seat is doing..."

"Yeah..." Keith responded, her tone somewhat confused, her eyes closed, reveling in Kevin's massage on her buttocks.

Excitedly, Kevin heard this and grinned, saying, "Then sit with me in the back seat tomorrow and let's try to bring Viana along too..."

Keith's golden eyes sparkled with the same excitement as Kevin's, and she nodded eagerly, asking, "So, we could have some fun with her, right?"

Kevin nodded in agreement, but inside, he chuckled to himself, thinking, 'Yeah, I could have fun with both of you. Hehehe.'

And so, they delved into discussing the plan, strategizing on how and what they would do to her, with Keith expressing a desire to indulge in her usual armpit-licking fetish, much to Kevin's bemusement.

Amid their devious planning, a voice called out for Keith from the room. "Hey, Keith, are you there?"

Both Keith and Kevin looked confused, suddenly remembering it was Zaria's voice. They had only had minimal contact with her since boarding the ship, not even seeing her during meals. For Keith, despite being part of the same organization, she didn't have much of a relationship with Zaria, and it was the first time Zaria had ever come to call her.

"What does she want?" Keith asked with confusion, hastily putting on her undergarments. Meanwhile, Kevin was also quickly dressing himself, albeit only in his underwear. Even if he were fully clothed, Keith would have known what they were up to, so he didn't bother wearing anything else, wanting to avoid seeming rude.

Keith, not concerned about being dressed, opened the hatch in confusion and was met with the smiling face of the catlike beauty. "How are you, Aunt Zaria?"

"I'm doing well. And how are you, little Keith?" Zaria asked with a smile, peeking inside. "And how's that handsome young man?"

As Keith was about to answer, Kevin stepped off the bed, smiling. "He's doing great, Ms. Zaria, especially now that he gets to see you."

Zaria chuckled at Kevin's remark. "Don't you think that line of yours is a bit old?"

Zaria chuckled at Kevin's response. "Well, it's still work, right?" he asked with a smirk. Keith took note of Kevin's flirting skills—no matter how overused or silly, they seemed to work every time.

Observing them dressed only in undergarments with an amused smile, Zaria asked, "I thought you two broke up?"

Keith smiled and replied, "We patched things up again, you know how this young relationship goes, right?" She paused before continuing, "But Auntie, you didn't mention why you came here?"

"Ah, that..." she said absentmindedly, forgetting any form of welcome from Keith as she stepped inside, her gaze fixed on Kevin's muscular physique. "I was looking for him; he wasn't in his room. I thought you'd know. But who would've guessed you two lovebirds had already made up between you," she remarked.

Keith felt a touch of annoyance at the interruption, about to explain they were occupied. Yet, Kevin beat her to it, inquiring, "Why were you looking for me?"

Zaria sniffed around the room, looking here and there. "Nothing specifics. I just met Viana before coming here, and I smelled your scent on her. It was like it had mixed with hers, a scent I've only ever picked up from her," she said, gesturing towards Keith.

"It must be because I brushed against them or something, but what does it matter," Kevin replied, aware of the direction the conversation was taking but choosing to act innocent.

Zaria sniffed the bed almost like an animal, wearing a somewhat broad smile. "Don't lie... I know you two had sex... and it's not a surprise she seduced you this fast," a disgusted expression flashed across her face.

Shaking off the disgust, she continued, "But as you say, it doesn't matter if you had sex with her or something else. I came here for something entirely different..." With that, she looked at Kevin with hungry eyes, signaling her real purpose for being there.

Keith, unlike Kevin who usually tries to preempt, inquired, "What?"

Her smile waned a bit as she gazed at Keith and stated, "Well, I can't have him now as I don't like disturbing other people's moments, but if it's alright, I would like him for a night. Would you let me have him for the night?"

Kevin was about to express that he wasn't someone to be handed over, but before he could, Keith intervened, stating, "I can't give him to you..." She paused for a moment, then continued with an excited smile, "but I could let you join in if you want?" The unexpected proposition surprised both Kevin and Zaria.

Zaria's shocked expression quickly turned into an amused smile as she glanced at Kevin's surprised face, thinking to herself, 'She's just like her... a slut.'


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