Chapter 88

Qiao Rui listened and immediately resisted, "I'm not living on campus!"

He'd have to be crazy to give up the huge villa to squeeze into a small dorm with other people.

Xiao Chen glanced at him coldly and warned, "Shut up. We'll settle your issues when we get home."

Principal Qin also ignored Qiao Rui and continued, "Alright, the reason we asked the parents to come today is to understand the children's situation at home. Granny Song Yan, Qiao Rui, I hope you can restrict their entertainment time a bit more. Just get through one more week, then during winter break there will be plenty of time to play."

With that, Principal Qin stood up and said to Yu Na, "Teacher Yu, please show the two parents downstairs."


With the fourth class still in session, Qiao Rui and Song Yan went back to class.

Yu Na walked Song Yan's Grandmother and Xiao Chen to the school gate.

Along the way, Granny Song Yan didn't ask Yu Na about Song Yan's grades, but rather asked if the classroom was cold and if her grandson would get cold.

Since the school had a cafeteria, she also asked how the food was and if the children could get used to it.

Yu Na didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but still truthfully answered.

After seeing them to the main school gate, Granny Song Yan thanked her repeatedly, "Thank you for your trouble Teacher Yu. Please take good care of Song Yan."

"Don't worry, I will."


Granny Song Yan bid Xiao Chen farewell before leaving by herself.

Now only Xiao Chen and Yu Na remained.

"Teacher Yu—"

Xiao Chen lowered his head with an amused look, but since they were off campus, was very restrained and didn't touch her inappropriately. He tried sounding her out politely, yet his words carried flirtatious suggestions, "Could I also ask you about Qiao Rui's situation at school?"

Yu Na really wanted to punch him. She said through gritted teeth, "...Of course."

"It's cold out here," Xiao Chen lowered his voice, "How about we talk in my car?" His volume returned to normal, "I happen to have something I must show you."

Yu Na: ?

What a terrible excuse!

Luckily there was no one around. She guiltily followed Xiao Chen to his car.

Xiao Chen's car was parked in the school parking lot.

Arriving at the car, he deliberately opened the back door for her before getting in himself.

As soon as they entered the car, they passionately embraced and kissed without another word.

The air conditioning wasn't on, but the temperature rapidly rose.

Dazed by his fervent kisses, she hugged his neck tightly. Her earlier restraint completely melted away.

Xiao Chen gently kissed her soft lips while occasionally trying to deepen the kiss.

Yu Na leaned into his embrace, stroking his neck and cheeks. Her voice was gentle, "You should still go back to Yun Bay Mansion tonight."

Xiao Chen was reluctant.

She explained, "Qiao Rui and Song Yan were definitely gaming late into the night. They were both dozing off during my morning class today. I had to wake them once, yet they still dared to fall sleep again during the principal's class."

Xiao Chen considered before saying, "I'm planning to apply for campus housing for him next term."

"...Huh? You're really applying for dormitory housing?"

"Mm. Because of him I can barely spend time with my girlfriend. Also, shouldn't people like him be living on campus? So teachers can keep a proper eye on him."

Xiao Chen asked, "By the way, what are the dorm conditions like?"

"The environment is pretty good actually, though of course not as nice as home, as your home that is."

"Wrong," Xiao Chen squeezed her cheek admonishingly, "it's our home now."

Yu Na smiled and snuggled into his embrace, "I know!"

That afternoon, Yu Na rearranged the seating, separating Qiao Rui and Song Yan.

Qiao Rui was placed in the last row beside the window furthest right, while Song Yan was in the last row beside the door furthest left.


"I'm not living on campus!"

That night, Xiao Chen also didn't go to Huating One.

After sending Yu Na home, he obediently returned to Yun Bay Mansion. As soon as Qiao Rui got home and heard Xiao Chen suggest dormitory living arrangements, he immediately jumped up, "No way, why would I live on campus?" Xiao Chen crossed his arms and sat on the sofa, looking like a judge. He gave a cold laugh, mockingly saying, "With your trash level at PUBG, you dare call others useless? Quite gutsy. Who'd have thought you'd have the nerve to fall asleep even in the principal's class. I didn't have that kind of guts even when I was a student."

"I was having a dream okay, how would I know the one shaking me awake was the principal! I guarantee that I won't play games anymore in the future, but I really can't stand the campus environment. So I firmly refuse to live on campus."

"What's wrong with the environment?" Xiao Chen took out photos, "Your Teacher Yu sent me pictures of the dorms. Beds, desks, private bathroom—be content would you? When I was living on campus back in my day, the conditions weren't even on the same level."

"What era was that? Either way I'm not living there."

Xiao Chen said, "Obediently live on campus. I’ll prepare you a mega snack pack every week. And every weekend I’ll take you out to eat, anywhere expensive you want. What do you say?"

"Bro, I guarantee! From now on I definitely won't cause you any more trouble, I’ll definitely sleep on time!"

But in the end Xiao Chen didn't force him, only leaving with, "Forget it, we'll talk about it later."


In the days that followed, Xiao Chen still drove Yu Na to and from work every day.

But he no longer spent nights at Huating One, afraid that Qiao Rui would get into more trouble again right before finals.

At home, he made sure Qiao Rui slept on time every night.

It stayed like this until the end of term exams.

There were a total of two days for finals. After students finished exams and received their winter break homework assignments, vacation quickly began.

But teachers didn't get off so easily. There were still meetings to hold and exam papers to grade. Some may still need to be on duty at school during the holidays.

There was nothing much happening during the first few days of New Year.

So Xiao Chen decided to take Yu Na, while Han Chengxun brought Lin Shuan, for the four of them to vacation on an island during the New Year break.

After receiving his winter homework, Qiao Rui happily gamed for two days straight before taking a plane back home.

His buddies there were waiting for his return to hang out.

Thus, right after Qiao Rui left, Xiao Chen moved back into Huating One.

During the day, Xiao Chen and Yu Na were occupied with their own matters. At night, the two stuck together at home without separating for even a moment.

After the end term grades came out and the teachers finished their meetings, the real vacation finally started.

Xiao Chen had things to take care of that day and came home late.

Yu Na finished making dinner and sat waiting for Xiao Chen’s return while carefully analyzing the exam results.

Compared to the midterms, their class had made great progress overall.

The few students she gave special guidance to all improved remarkably in English.

Yu Na took another look at Qiao Rui’s scores. There was also some improvement, but the progress...couldn’t exactly be called significant.

Perhaps it really was because he had been overly relaxed right before the end of term exams.

He truly needed someone monitoring him at all times.

But who had that kind of time?

He was clearly very smart. As long as he had a little more self-awareness and put in some effort on his own initiative, then with her additional guidance, his scores could improve tremendously.

But right now, Yu Na was the only one pulling him along while he didn’t take it seriously at all by himself.

Thinking of this, Yu Na felt troubled.

She sent the end term exam results as well as an analysis summary to the parents' group chat, along with some key points covered during the teacher's meeting.

Finally she sent two more reminders—

Yu Na: 【Parents please urge your children to earnestly complete their winter break homework. After returning from break, teachers will carefully check each subject】

Yu Na:【During winter break, I hope parents will remind students not to go near any lakes, rivers, frozen over areas, or anywhere dangerous. Safety first this vacation!】

After the messages were sent out, replies from the parents quickly poured in—

【Received [Rose/]】

【These scores! [Cover Face/] I can't even look】

【I also saw a child fall through the ice a few days ago [Cover Face/]】

【Ah? Really? Were they saved? @Benevolent as Water】

【Yes they were saved [@Vast Sky], a little school kid. So like the teacher said, we must listen! [Fisted Hand/]】

【My kid only writes a few words before falling asleep on his desk [Crying Face/] What can we do to get him to study properly!】

【Get your child a tutor. Time to work hard, high school entrance exams are coming up fast! [Handshake/]】

The parents chatted animatedly in the group, discussing grades, safety issues, and how to manage their kids.

Just then amidst the flurry of student-related messages, there was suddenly a line showing concern for her—

Qiao Rui's Brother: 【Teacher Yu thanks for your hard work, have a nice vacation [Heart/][Rose/]】

It was Xiao Chen.

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