The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Chapter 620 - Chapter 620: Breaking Point, Path to Godhood (2)

Chapter 620: Breaking Point, Path to Godhood (2)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Ji Chen revealed a mysterious smile, offering no explanation, only saying, “Tonight, I will be away for some time.”

Tian Shu hesitated for a moment, then nodded reluctantly.

Suddenly, there was a sense of frustration in his heart. They, as part of the Northern Dipper Seven Stars, had gained some fame in the Maple Principality, having completed many challenging missions and commissions. Their strength was undeniable.

But now, it felt like they were just extras, and whether they were in this instance or not, it wouldn’t make much difference.

They wanted to be carried by the pros, but they didn’t want to be truly idle!

Of course, Ji Chen had no idea what was going on in their minds.

He looked at the battlefield situation and said, “The Orc army is likely to temporarily retreat soon.”

Tianshu hesitated for a moment, not yet having the chance to inquire. In the next moment, from the direction of the Orc fleet, there came a long and primitive horn sound, echoing across the wilderness. Countless orcs abandoned their foes and hurriedly returned to their landing ships, rowing their oars for a swift retreat.

Tian Shu was astonished, “Hey, how did you know that, boss?”

Ji Chen smiled and pointed to the slightly dimming sky, where a tinge of orange was gradually spreading, “Orcs dare not fight against the Elves at night.”


Tian Shu and the others suddenly realized.

Orcs had good night vision, but it would still be somewhat affected, while the Elves’ night vision was exceptionally strong, almost identical to their daytime vision, and even superior. It was as if they were naturally wearing night vision goggles.

Attacking the Elf’s position at night would be suicidal.

The coast that had been filled with the sounds of battle finally fell silent. Elves and human warriors silently cleaned up the battlefield, gathering the fallen soldiers together. Special priests performed the last rites to ease their souls, allowing them to rest in peace, temporarily placed in the rear base.

The bodies of the Orcs were burned to ashes directly to prevent the spread of diseases.

After a whole day of fierce battle, both sides suffered casualties, and both their energy and morale significantly declined. It was impossible to reignite the battle at night.

The brief night was their time to silently lick their wounds.

In a day of fighting, the Ocean Crown’s team had withstood numerous consecutive attacks by several Orc units. They were then ambushed by high-level Demon Hunters, resulting in significant losses.

Preliminary statistics showed that the Naga Guardians had suffered losses of more than one-fifth of their forces. As for the Blue Dragon Blood Murlocs, being a five-tier 9-star unit and benefiting from Benbo’s unit attribute enhancement, they had already approached the sixth tier, with only fifty casualties.

Meanwhile, the Sea Crystal Wyrms had battled Stormwing Wyverns. They suffered fifty casualties but managed to eliminate more than one hundred of the enemy, achieving an impressive record.

Compared to the damage inflicted on the Orcs, their own casualties were completely acceptable.

However, Ji Chen didn’t display much joy because he knew that tomorrow’s battle would be even more intense. Both sides would continuously lower their bottom line, and neither the Elves and humans nor the Orcs and Demons had fully revealed their elite forces. They were all holding back.

The true core armies of both sides, the sixth-tier units, had only seen a little over a hundred Stormwing Wyverns so far, while more powerful units remained hidden.

When the scorching sun completely disappeared, and a crescent moon slowly rose from the horizon, Ji Chen instructed Anina, Herald, and Benbo to guard the position with the Ocean Crown’s team.

He also had Tian Shu inform Theodore that he would be leaving for some time. Afterward, he disappeared into the pitch-black sea with fifty Sea Crystal Wyrms and Alice.

This journey is to search for the traces of the Sea Clan.

Whether it was a coincidence or some other reason, this instance seemed to be designed specifically for him. The terrain allowed him to unleash his full power in the ocean and along the coast. The enemies were all Orcs, Demons, and similar races and units that had no advantage in such terrain.

Even the only breakthrough point, the Sea Clan, he could rely on his own power to search for in the ocean.

If it were Tian Shu and his group, even if they could withstand the initial onslaught, they wouldn’t be able to find the Sea Clan. In the end, they would likely fall before the Orcs and Demons, and Panas Coast would be lost, just as history had foretold.

This was a battle and a course of events that had occurred in the God War and was not easily reversed. Otherwise, the difficulty of this instance would not be rated at 7 stars; it definitely had its challenges.

As soon as he entered the sea, his mental senses extended far and wide, easily perceiving any movements within a range of several kilometers.

Swimming fish, landing boats floating on the sea surface, Orc corpses rolling in the underwater currents…

The massive Orc fleet was anchored tens of miles away from Panas Coast. If he wished, he could simply create massive waves on the sea surface with a single thought. While it wouldn’t completely wipe them out, it would deal them severe damage.

However, if he did that, the completion of the instance would likely not increase at all. Even if they eventually cleared it, they wouldn’t receive rich rewards.

This would be contrary to his purpose in undertaking this instance.

Moreover, the instance seemed to favor participants in clearing key nodes, gradually increasing the completion rate to eventually complete it.

Putting aside his distractions, Ji Chen tapped his Sea Crystal Wyrm beneath him. The Sea Crystal Wyrm swiftly swam toward the depths of the ocean until it reached a point hundreds of miles from the coastline, in waters several hundred meters deep, where it came to a stop.

With a thought, an invisible force began to extend.

After a moment, marine creatures from all directions swam towards him without any fear, approaching with wide eyes.

Soon, tens of thousands of marine creatures appeared from various corners, surrounding him and forming a huge “fish” tornado, as if it were something out of a fairy tale.

Seeing so many marine creatures gathering, Ji Chen felt quite satisfied and nodded gently at them.

Then, as if receiving some command, the marine creatures all turned and swam away in various directions.

Time passed, minute by minute.

No marine creatures returned, and Ji Chen didn’t hurry. He simply stood on the back of the Sea Crystal Wyrm, waiting patiently in silence.

Several hours later.

A small fish, no larger than a palm, swam over, fanning its tail and staring with wide eyes. It swam a few meters southwest before returning, as if trying to convey something.

“Lord, it seems like it wants us to follow it…”

Alice said, her eyes showing some surprise. She had never witnessed such a magical scene before. No, it was the second time she had seen such an incredible sight.

The last time, when Lord Ji Chen faced Lord of the Waves, he summoned tens of thousands of sea creatures to fight for him. This time, he had once again gathered marine creatures to help them search for the Sea Clan in this area.

Between Lord Ji Chen and these marine creatures, it was as if they had found a means of communication. The unintelligent marine creatures had become beings that could communicate, which was unheard of in her experience.

And all of this seemed to happen after Lord Ji Chen absorbed the power of the ocean.

In fact, it was exactly like that. After absorbing the power of the ocean, Ji Chen was surprised to discover that he could communicate with and command those instinct-driven marine creatures. He had built a network with him at the center, connecting with a large number of marine creatures.

Much like the will of the ocean, the will of the plane, or the often-referenced Gaia’s will, had the ability to cross through space to connect with and compel the beings of this particular ocean.

Although his current maximum summoning range was a hundred kilometers, which was insignificant compared to the entire ocean, as his power continued to grow, this range seemed to be constantly expanding. Perhaps in the future, his will could extend to every corner touched by seawater.

And by that time, he might become a nominal deity of the ocean.

At this point, Ji Chen understood some things to some extent. The power of the ocean was the initial qualification for obtaining divinity and evolving into a god. Only by continuously strengthening it could he truly embark on the path to godhood..

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