LAUREN was confused why Reas didn't respond at all. The other just stood there, frozen, as if he had seen a ghost. He pouted. Was it really so surprising to see him dressed up like this?

He actually came from the shooting of his latest movie project. There was a character there that had to cross-dress and an idea suddenly popped up in his mind. So, he borrowed some of the clothes from the set and even applied light make-up on himself, all so he could show it to Reas and see the other's reaction. 

But what's this? He was acting like this was the worst thing he had seen in a while. Yes, Lauren went here in this get-up just so he could see Reas' shock face. But he didn't expect the other to react so negatively. Now, he's starting to get annoyed. More at himself rather than Reas.

Because what was he thinking, dressing up like this? What did he expect, really? For Reas to blush and stutter and tell him that he's pretty? What kind of shit was that? No, this was only so he could play a prank on Reas. Nothing more, nothing less. If the other was so surprise that he could only freeze there in shock, didn't that mean that his prank succeeded?

Yes, that's the most important part.

But even after Lauren told that to himself, he still couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Hey, this is just a disguise. Don't make that face as if you're disgusted," he said in a light tone, trying not to show that he was affected despite the prickling in his chest.

"I'm not disgusted!"

This sudden outburst startled Lauren. He raised his head and was surprised once again when he saw the expression on Reas' face. The other looked like he was offended by what he said.

What the hell? Now he was truly annoyed.

"Then what's with your reaction?" he retorted. "You're all frozen, your brows were furrowed like this, and you're just emitting this 'I don't like what I'm seeing' energy. What am I supposed to think?"

Reas was dumbfounded at first. Then, feeling overly infuriated by what Lauren said, he simply said the first thing that came to his mind without really thinking much about the consequence of saying it.

"It's because you're too beautiful, okay?"

This time, it was Lauren's turn to stand there, frozen. How could he react when he was too stunned to do so? And before he could come back to his senses, he saw Reas' whole face suddenly turning red. As if the other had only realized what he just said.

Now, Lauren was not only taken aback, he also felt flustered. Heat rose up to his cheeks. He was sure that his face was now also as red as Reas.

Then, as if to add fuel to the fire, he heard conversation from the people not far from them.

"Oh, look, they're both blushing."

"They must be a new couple. How cute."

"Oh, to be young and in love."

Lauren and Reas looked at each other, and their faces became even redder. Then, as if they couldn't bear the embarrassment, both looked away at the same time.

"L-let's go inside and eat!"

Before Lauren could answer, Reas had already walked towards the restaurant. He watched his back and felt complicated somehow. He actually wanted to tease the other more. But he felt like he would be the one more embarrassed if he did so.

At the end, he could only follow Reas and tried his best to calm down himself.

Reas, on the other hand, was also trying his damnedest to calm down. What the heck was that? He couldn't believe that he would actually embarrass himself that much. And for what? Just because he was too surprised to see Lauren wearing women's clothing?

No, that's definitely not the only reason.

If it was, he wouldn't really feel this flustered. Yes, Lauren might have looked too pretty wearing women's clothes, but he was still Lauren. Didn't he already know how good looking the other was? Was it the hair or the dress? Or maybe it's the way he smiled playfully at him.

Deep inside, he already knew the answer. The problem was, he's not yet ready to face it.

Because he wanted to be sure that it was not just some passing whim that would be withered with time. That the small sprout that was steadily growing inside his heart would really grow to become a study tree at the end.

"Welcome to [Galactic Grill]! Do you have a reservation? If you don't, please wait in line."

The voice of a female AI robot that was standing just at the entrance of the restaurant pulled Reas back to the present. He looked at the AI robot and then at the line she just gestured to.

There was a line of people there. It was only then that he realized that he actually walked straight to the part of the entrance where those with reservations walked through. He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice that.

Reas was about to just line up when Lauren, who walked beside him, spoke;

"Yes, we have a reservation."

He glanced at the other. Although there was still a slight hint of blush on his cheeks, Lauren was already back to his normal self, for the most part. A bitter taste spread in his mouth at that. But he didn't show it and tried his best to also go back to normal.

"You made a reservation?" he asked, in the most normal way possible.

Lauren stared at him and then nodded. "Yeah, I thought it would be hard for us to get a table if I didn't."

Reas nodded. "Good thinking."

Lauren only chuckled and then answered the AI robot that asked in which name the reservation was under.

"It's under the name of Lauren and Reas."

Reas' ears twitched when he heard that.

Lauren and Reas...

He kind of liked the sound of that.

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