Chapter 72

Jiefeng did not understand where Jianjing's quiet melancholy came from, nor why she was so heartbroken.

"It's just a pair of shoes, right?" He was perfunctory, "Come quick, look at the surveillance."

Jianjing: "Send me a copy."

Jiefeng's intuition radar started up. He didn't dare touch the hornet’s nest at this time, and quickly sent a copy over. As it turned out, his own video opened first, and hers was also completely transferred: "You have a really fast network."

"The school has 5G." Jianjing's face was cold as she lowered her head to look at her phone.

It had to be said that the police were indeed efficient. With so much surveillance at the school, they had already accurately found footage of the suspect.

It went without saying that Cheng Jiayou was there, and Wang Roommate and Zhang Bestie were also present.

Let's also review what several people have said: After the interview, Wang Roommate returned to the dormitory, and after accompanying the victim for the interview, Zhang Bestie left on her own. Zhao Xuan, Fang President, and Liu Kai then returned to the student union office after dinner.

The layout of the school was with a lake in the center. On one side were the classroom buildings, and on the other side were the dormitories, roughly as follows:

......Main Entrance......


Classroom Building...Library...Admin Building.

Classroom Building...Lake......Lab Building.

Classroom Building...Dock..................

Classroom Building..................Gymnasium

..........Dormitory Area........PE Field.......


From the route, it was nothing out of the ordinary for Wang and Zhang to appear by the lake.

Jianjing carefully compared and found Wang Roommate appeared at the milk tea shop entrance, across the road from the lake. Zhang Bestie was even closer, not far from the lake.

Dragging the progress bar, you could see Wang Roommate walk to the trash can and throw away a wad of tissues - she had just bought and eaten a grilled sausage at the milk tea shop.

And after Zhang Bestie saw the victim fall into the water, she anxiously rushed to the edge of the lake.

But this was meaningless. If the murderer was careful enough, they should have cleaned up after administering the poison, rather than waiting until the incident happened before taking action.

Jianjing said, "Most likely nothing will be found."

"Even with only a one percent probability, it still has to be looked for," Jiefeng taught her. "Don't think of the perpetrator as being too smart. A lot of times, when people panic, they can do all kinds of silly things. But this is our job, and has nothing to do with you. "

Jianjing raised her eyebrows: "Then what does have to do with me?"

"Let's analyze this. Everyone has a window of time to commit the crime, and everyone also had a chance to destroy evidence. So in order to find a breakthrough, we need to investigate from two aspects," Jiefeng held up his fingers. "The source of the □□, and the motive for the murder. The former we will investigate, and the latter..."

Jianjing knitted her brows.

After a long silence, she asked, "Has anyone mentioned me to you?"

Jiefeng raised his thumb to show his appreciation for her wit: "The little miss surnamed Zhang."

But Jianjing was not very happy: "I'm not good at doing this kind of thing."

"Teacher Jian, this is called psychological tactics," Jiefeng strongly encouraged her. "Questioning them one by one wastes too much time. Your school also requires us to solve the case as soon as possible to avoid panic. In such extraordinary times, extraordinary measures must be used. I absolutely believe in your potential."

With the discussion going this far, Jianjing could only reluctantly nod: "I understand, fine."

The two walked around the lake back to the principal's office. The others had already given very detailed accounts.

There were no flaws.

Jiefeng signaled to Jianjing with his eyes. She took a deep breath, prepared her acting skills, and walked up to Zhang Bestie, grabbing her collar: "I have a grudge against Jin Meixian, hmm?"

This "hmm" was completely mimicking the tone of the overbearing CEO in idol dramas - cold, disdainful, condescending. Of course, slapping her directly beforehand would have been more powerful, but Jianjing could not bring herself to do that. She could only mimic the stance of street ruffians.

— This was learned from the little ruffians in Jiang Baiyan's crew.

Zhang Bestie was stunned for a moment, with some panic in her eyes: "I'm telling the truth."

"What truth?" Jianjing sneered coldly, "Go on, let me hear it."

Zhang Bestie's face flushed red, stammering: "I... I heard it from Meixian too."

Jianjing was a little surprised at her obedience. She pressed the attack: "Oh?"

Zhang Bestie hadn't wanted to give in, but she was used to being a follower and could not stand firm against the arrogant Jin Meixian. Jianjing's momentum was no weaker, but stronger than Meixian's, and she wilted all at once: "She said... you are shameless... and the like, she wanted to teach you a lesson... I was just telling the truth."

Jianjing recalled the conflict that morning. What Zhang Bestie said was probably true, Jin Meixian did have a grudge against her.

This was very interesting.

She and Cheng Jiayou had only some interactions in September, and hadn't said a word to each other since. Where did Jin Meixian get the intelligence to know about her?

Her gaze turned to Zhao Xuan, who was fearless and showed no guilt. Then she looked at Liu Kai next to her... He avoided her gaze as if wanting to dodge it, vividly demonstrating the meaning of the idiom "shifty-eyed".

"It was you," Jianjing understood everything now, staring firmly at him. "You resented the hiking incident that day, and deliberately said nonsense to Jin Meixian. What, with your position in the student union, you can't deal with me directly, so you wanted to use Jin Meixian's knife to commit murder? Let me guess, you wanted to rob me of my spot for graduate school exams?"

How much power could a student have, other than the tiny plot of land at school? And Jiefeng had hinted earlier that Jin Meixian's family was well off, putting no small pressure on the school to urge them to solve the case as soon as possible.

The best way for Liu Kai to plot against her was to use someone else's hand.

Jin Meixian had an arrogant and spoiled character. To put it nicely she was naive, and less politely, she was a dumb cutie. If she heard that she and Cheng Jiayou were being indecent, it would be strange if she didn't take action.

This was also the only way to explain her "exam" remarks that morning.

At the time, Jianjing thought she was showing off, but now thinking back, it was clearly a threat.

"You're quite gutsy," Jianjing said lightly. "At lunch today, I heard you ask Jin Meixian about her internship. Did you go to her family's company?"

She looked at Cheng Jiayou: "Your brother was poaching your woman, and you didn't get suspicious at all?"

Liu Kai was both shocked and frightened. He hadn't expected her to piece everything together so quickly, nor had he expected her to start flinging dirt so swiftly, accurately and viciously. He hastily explained: "Don't talk nonsense."

The internship opportunity introduced by Jin Meixian was clearly going south, and he still had to suck up to his "bro".

Cheng Jiayou was a little confused.

But he was not a bad person at heart, and would not maliciously suspect his brother. Hesitantly, he said: "It's all a misunderstanding." But he didn't clarify whether Liu Kai's badmouthing was a misunderstanding, or poaching his girlfriend was a misunderstanding. Clearly he was also very confused himself.

However, Jianjing had no intention of letting this go easily.

She was doing this deliberately, not to vent her anger, but with a purpose.

From the current accounts, Wang Roommate disliked the victim, but it seemed to just be emotional distaste, without any clear personal stakes. As for Zhao, Liu, Fang, and Zhang, they didn't have much connection with the victim. They seemed to have just gotten accidentally involved in the case, with no flaws found.

This was quite tricky for the police. They had to find evidence before they could continue interrogating the suspects. At the current rate, it would take at least two to three days.

Jiefeng wanted to try another approach.

Just like in the prisoner's dilemma game, sometimes people know that win-win is the best outcome, yet for various reasons, they still make unwise choices.

When he told Jianjing earlier about Zhang Bestie tattling, it was meant as a prompt for her to make an opening move.

Just like in the Werewolf game, when someone accuses you, while refuting it you also have to pass the blame to someone else. Attack is the best defense.

By mutually accusing each other, secrets would be uncovered.

So at this point, the truth was unimportant. What was important was starting a fight.

Jianjing blurted out a lie: "Did Jin Meixian have an autographed photo of a singer named Fan?"

"How do you know about it?" Cheng Jiayou did not understand.

Jianjing pointed at Liu Kai: "The wrist guard he's wearing, isn't it endorsed by that singer?"

Before the others could look over, Liu Kai hurriedly covered his wrist.

Cheng Jiayou didn't believe his friend of many years would have an affair with his girlfriend, but this... "Liu Kai?" He was stunned.

“Jia You, listen to me explain,” Liu Kai quickly said: “Mei, she wanted his autographed photo, I happened to buy this brand of wrist guard, got the autographed photo, so I gave it to her.”

Jian Jing quietly stabbed with words: “You didn’t use this brand before.”

Ji Feng’s observation improved after she got the intermediate card. She remembered everyone's characteristics: Liu Kai used an expensive brand at the time, he deliberately showed off, often sticking out his arm as if nothing had happened, and Zuo Xing even ridiculed him for pretending.

Cheng Jia You lived in the same dorm as him, so naturally he knew Liu Kai better than Jian Jing: “You just changed to this brand recently.”

Liu Kai had a bitter story he couldn’t tell. He bought returned goods nearly ten times, opened three sock puppet accounts, and repeatedly bought this wrist guard. It was indeed to get the idol's photos to curry favor with Jin Meixian.

But it was all to find an internship.

A spoiled daughter like Jin Meixian, he wasn’t crazy, how could he like her?

“Did you have an affair with Jin Meixian?” Jian Jing smiled, using his own methods against him.

Liu Kai was a petty man. When petty people encountered danger, they usually chose to betray others to protect themselves. He bit out another person without hesitation: "Bullshit, if you really want to talk about who has this idea, it should be you, right, Mr. President?"

He thought it through very clearly. Cheng Jia You and Jin Meixian could help him find a good job. The president's position seemed to be one level higher, but in fact he didn't have much power. Moreover, he was about to graduate, and the student union president was useless.

A good buddy and a useless president, it was obvious who to offend.

"I saw you pull her into the corner to talk before," Liu Kai was a good dog, an expert at biting people, "Weren't you chasing her? She didn't like you, you were lovelorn and furious, so you just killed her."

Others: The gossip is so juicy.

Fang President didn't expect to be suddenly bitten. He was in a panic for a moment, but soon calmed down: "I was a little interested in her, but after they got together, I never thought about anything else. That day I just wanted to make things clear, I didn't expect to mislead you."

He pushed up his glasses and seemed to casually say: "I'm a man, relatively open-minded. But Zhao Xuan, I also advised you to give up, unfortunately you didn't listen."

Jian Jing was amazed, a real petty man, a hypocrite, no wonder Cheng Jia You was still decent, all thanks to the contrast of his peers, huh.

Zhao Xuan sneered coldly, “Mr. President, just say it directly, why beat around the bush?”

"I was just saying it casually, no other meaning." Fang President smiled and said, "After all, everyone knows."

"Seriously, you guys disgust me," Zhao Xuan said impatiently, "What, just because I liked Cheng Jia You, I would kill for him? Are you crazy or am I crazy? Is he worth it?"

When people are forced into desperation, they can still diss someone they used to like, let alone now the white knight lost his luster and was just a dirty rice grain on clothes.

"I found a good internship position early on. During the probation period, the boss directly gave me a formal salary. His son, although useless, is rich enough and is chasing me now." She felt disgusted, like a fly falling into the dishes, "I must have lost my mind to kill for Cheng Jia You? Psychopath, huh."

Cheng Jia You was very embarrassed. Her words made him sound like a disaster for beauties. He quickly said, "Let's not argue anymore. Zhao Xuan and I are just friends. We are all classmates, how could we possibly kill for such a trivial matter?"

Zhao Xuan did not appreciate it.

She got over Cheng Jia You two months ago and her feelings had already faded. Now he was involved in right and wrong, although rationally she knew he had nothing to do with it, emotionally she couldn't help but blame him: "Let me say something mean. Now we are biting each other like dogs here, it's because of Jin Meixian, or because of you, Cheng Jia You. But you - are you really not suspicious?"

Cheng Jia You was extremely surprised and asked, "Why would I kill my girlfriend?"

"The night before last, you two had a fight," Zhao Xuan said calmly, "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but you argued very fiercely, didn't you?"

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