The Novelist Forced to Become Famous

Chapter 70: Direct Research Examination

Chapter 70

As November was drawing to an end, the first snow fell in Heping City.

The weather was getting colder by the day, and it was getting extremely difficult to go to the school library every morning. Especially with the heating turned on at home, she was even more reluctant to face the cold air outside.

Just in time, Kang Mu Cheng sent over his comments on revisions for Demon 2, so Jian Jing cooped up at home and started modifying the manuscript.

Revising a manuscript was ten thousand times more painful than writing one.

Having to check through the entire text for details changed up front, if she was unlucky enough, parts of the plot would not conform to the review rules and she’d have to start over from scratch.

Jian Jing was modifying this in agony, deeply feeling Huang’s taboos. She had tried intentionally or unintentionally to drag out the manuscript, but Kang Mu Cheng called her like clockwork every three days.

“Demon’s TV series is airing next February, you have to get this done by January to publicize it for the New Year,” he nagged her, “Revise quickly, it still has to go through three rounds of review after.”

Jian Jing struggled: “But I still need to take the postgraduate exam.”

“When?” he asked.

“Next Monday.”

The regular postgraduate exam was in mid-to-late December, while the direct postgraduate exam was a little earlier in early December, with both a written test and an interview.

Compared to the four tests for regular postgraduate, the direct only had one specialized course exam, otherwise Jian Jing wouldn’t have dared to only start reviewing in September.

Kang Mu Cheng said: “Then hand in the manuscript by next weekend.”

She sighed, and painfully agreed, deciding she’ll talk about it again on Saturday night.

On Monday, the sky was gloomy, with rain and sleet the night before, leaving the streets damp. Thick clouds pressed down overhead, and cold winds blew, very stimulating.

Afterwards, Jian Jing thought back and felt everything was foreshadowed.

What weather for that to happen aye.

She arrived at the exam room at eight, looking around to see many unfamiliar faces. Glancing at the specialized books spread out on their desks, they were indeed not Chinese majors.

The school must have lumped the applicants from a few majors together to save trouble.

Jian Jing found her seat and sat down. The exams within the school didn’t really have test numbers, just name and department written down.

“You’re Jian Jing?” Before she even sat down, the girl beside her shot her a look, tone unfriendly.

Jian Jing sized her up for two seconds, recognizing four or five luxury brands, especially the bag which was Hermes limited edition pink—no doubt, a rich family’s daughter.

“Do I know you?” she retorted.

“Jin Meixian,” the girl introduced herself aloofly, “Cheng Jia You’s girlfriend.”

Jian Jing: “Oh.” Jin, the rich girlfriend.

But that meant Zhao Xuan hadn’t gotten together with Cheng Jia You after all?

She was cold, but Jin wanted to force some small talk, asking: “I heard you’re a writer? Do writers make money? Can you buy a bag with one book’s earnings?”

Jian Jing: “...”

Jin’s words were very irritating, but she looked completely innocent, nearly having the words ‘unworldly’ stamped on her face, making people feel it was problematic to quibble with her.

“The exam’s starting soon.” Jian Jing cut off the conversation.

Jin gave her a look, and lightly humphed: “So what about the exam? Oh right, you need to test well, though whether you can test in or not... humph, it’s just fate.”

From some subtle sense of oppression, the more she spoke, the louder her voice, until the people beside them heard by the end, shooting her astonished looks.

Jian Jing was baffled, too lazy to bother with her.

Luckily right then the teacher came in, announcing the exam rules: “Check that the department on your exam paper is correct, don’t take another major’s paper by mistake. It’s from eight to ten, you can hand in the paper early after finishing.”

He passed out the papers one by one, checking the seat against the exam, then went to sit at the podium and started reading a novel, crossing his legs leisurely.

Jian Jing flipped through, most of the questions were what she had reviewed, not hard to answer.

She fished out her pen case, took out her preferred Hero fountain pen, thinking ruefully, she had slipped up, didn’t expect to meet the rich girlfriend today, if she had known earlier she would’ve brought the Hugo instead.

That way, she could’ve said earlier: “Sorry, your bag isn’t even as expensive as my pen.”

Thinking this, she chuckled to herself first, shaking her head and started writing her name.

Swish swish swish, the room was very quiet.

She didn’t know how much time passed when Jin suddenly stood up to hand in her paper. She posed very coolly, slamming the paper on the podium before striding out in her high heels.

This attitude, as if the spot was already in her pocket.

—Or perhaps, the ‘as if’ could be removed?

Jian Jing mulled in her heart, but didn’t take it to heart, continuing the exam.

Chinese required a lot of writing, so she finished close to ten. The teacher collecting the papers saw her name and reminded her smilingly: “Results will be out by noon, remember to check your phone.”

Jian Jing was a little surprised, smiling back: “Alright, thank you teacher.”

Could it really be she was admitted? She grew suspicious, but didn’t dare confirm. People knew themselves best, she had never asked teachers for favors before, why would it be her turn.

Perhaps he was just being nice seeing her. Jian Jing thought, hurrying to the coffeeshop beside the school.

She needed coffee to stay alive.

After a hot mocha, the chill from the exam room finally dissipated seventy to eighty percent. She thought about it and decided not to go to the cafeteria for lunch, just make do with something from the coffeeshop.

She ordered pasta and soup, and started browsing Weibo.

The aftermath from the extremist fans was still ongoing.

Jiang Baiyan’s company released a statement, omitting the time and place, listing the extremist acts done by fans, pleading for rational stardom and keeping distance.

The fans were inevitably in an uproar, but it also suppressed the previous rumors of his relationship with Cai Tong’er.

Jian Jing suspected this was Ruolin’s doing, she didn’t want Cai’s family unjustly reaping benefits.

The entertainment circle really was dangerous, killing without spilling blood.

“Their fruit salads here are pretty good, the only edible place around school.” Jin’s arrogant voice sounded from the entrance.

Followed by Cheng Jia You’s persuasion: “Eating just salad is unhealthy.”

“I’m dieting!” Jin had already walked in.

Jian Jing took a look, and saw they weren’t just two people for lunch, some student council people followed them in too. Both familiar faces like Zhao Xuan, Liu Kai, and also an unfamiliar one.

The coffeeshop instantly livened up.

They took up the biggest table, ordering a bunch of stuff.

Zhao Xuan who was usually chatty also seemed lazy today, while Liu Kai was cunning as always, occasionally chiming in to make Jin smile contentedly: “Me and Jia You were childhood buddies since we were small, let me tell you, he was so pretentious in high school, waking up ten minutes early everyday just to do his hair.”

Jin listened happily, occasionally laughing: “I didn’t know you were like that before.”

Cheng Jia You just said “Old stories” while busily pouring her drink and breaking her chopsticks, extremely attentive.

Jin sat next to him obediently, smiling from his attentiveness.

Jian Jing didn’t care, continuing her lunch. Around eleven, the school text came, telling her she passed the written test and to go to a certain room at two in the afternoon for an interview.

It was cold outside with light rain, nowhere as comfortable as chilling in the coffeeshop.

So Jian Jing cozied up on the sofa until two in the afternoon.

The interview process wasn’t worth describing much, it was boring rather than smooth. The teachers basically didn’t ask any professional questions, just chatted with her a bit.

Then it ended, and they indicated clearly, not saying “go back and wait for the news”, but directly that certain professor and certain professor thought she was pretty good, she should go back and consider carefully who to pick.

They even straight up asked her to pick an advisor.

Jian Jing had to guess this preferential treatment was related to her increasing fame, the school also needed students like her with some renown to look good.

A win-win, she supposed.

After the interview, around two thirty, too early to go home, so she went to a bookstore first. Morning Star moved quickly, sales stands in the major bookstores already had signs like “The swan song of the sweetheart writer, the tearful vengeance of the girl”.

Jian Jing thought of Xia Xing, unable to help another sigh, and bought this book.

There was a coffeeshop in the bookstore, she drank coffee while reading, unconsciously it was five in the afternoon.

Her advisor called.

She said: “Jian Jing, come to school right now.”

Jian Jing asked strangely: “What’s the matter?”

“You’ll know when you come.” Her advisor’s tone was a little stiff.

Jian Jing was puzzled, completely foggy as she returned to campus.

The moment she stepped through the gates, the System appeared.

[System: New mission released]

[Mission Title: A Strange Campus Murder Case]

[Mission Description: The rich girl Jin Meixian drowned and died. On this day, anyone who was in contact with her is a suspect, including you. Please assist the police to uncover the truth as soon as possible.]

[Mission Reward/Punishment: Success rewards 20 courage points. Failure deducts reputation/fame points.]

[Note: Reputation points frozen for now. Special item pool not opened.]

Jian Jing is shocked: Why deduct the victim's reputation points when she died?

What, Jin died?

Not only did she die, but her death caused quite a stir and many students witnessed it. The school reacted swiftly, suppressed the news and called the police. With such a socially damaging case, the police were highly efficient and arrived at the scene within an hour.

After investigation, the suspects were all called to the principal's office and gathered there.

Cheng Jia You, Zhao Xuan, Liu Kai - three unfamiliar faces, and her - four people in total.

Those who knew her were very surprised, especially Cheng Jia You, whose eyes flickered as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself.

Jian Jing didn't even glance at them. She asked an old friend directly: "What does this have to do with me? Why am I a suspect?"

Ji Feng smiled and gave an official response: "Why do you think you are a suspect? I just want to ask you about the situation."

Jian Jing: "Get lost." As if she would believe him.

"Did you see Jin Meixian today?" Ji Feng, this rascal, doesn't acknowledge anyone when it comes to a case. He tried to trap her into saying something. "You know, that girl who is his girlfriend."

Jian Jing wasn't fooled: "How did she die?"

Ji Feng: "You met today, didn't you?"

"When did this happen?" Jian Jing asked.

"Tsk." He felt annoyed. "How did you become so hard to deal with?"

Women are so fickle.

Jian Jing glared at him. She really didn't understand why the death of Jin Meixian had anything to do with her, given that they barely even spoke.

"Uh, officer." Cheng Jia You didn't know what they were talking about. He hesitantly stepped forward to defuse the situation. "I don't think Jian Jing is involved in today's incident."

Ji Feng kindly reminded him: "'You think' is not compelling evidence of an alibi. Do you have any other proof?"

Cheng Jia You was at a loss for words.

Jian Jing lowered her head and scrolled through her phone for a while, eventually getting the unofficial story from Zuo Xin.

Supposedly, this afternoon around 3-4pm at the campus lake, Jin Meixian had a big argument with Cheng Jia You for some reason. She angrily stomped onto the bridge and then somehow fell right into the water.

Passersby immediately jumped in to rescue her, but by the time she was pulled out, she had already stopped breathing.

As Cheng Jia You is quite well-known at school, word of the incident spread quickly after happening. The school counselors promptly stepped in to contain it and instructed students not to spread rumors, but it was too late.

Everyone saw the police cars and knew someone had died.

Strangely, after the police arrived, they took away a few students for questioning instead of treating it as a simple case.

Zuo Xin: [All the updates have stopped now, no idea what's really going on.]

Jian Jing also found it odd and asked Ji Feng: "Why would I be a suspect?"

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