Chapter 111

Wen Hui shuddered with fear. But very soon, she realized that what was behind her was not a ghost, but a person.

"Ms. Wen," she felt the cold muzzle of a gun pressed against her back, and a gentle voice sounded in her ear, "Don't move."

Wen Hui was in a panic: "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to harm you." The phantom behind her said slowly, "Since you were willing to open the door for me, I'll let you live."

Wen Hui was shocked, she didn't expect that it was she herself who had let the villain in: "What do you want? Money?"

"Fang Limin's people are right outside." Jian Jing said, "If you go out now, I don't need to tell you what will happen."

Fine beads of sweat broke out on her neck, and Wen Hui said hoarsely: "Did Fang Limin send you?"

"I'm not his lapdog. I'm here to help you." Jian Jing laughed, "It depends on whether you're willing to cooperate."

Jian Jing took out her mobile phone and turned on the voice recorder: "Why did you kidnap Fang Yan?" she asked while pressing the gun barrel forward to intimidate her, "Don't lie."

Wen Hui involuntarily licked her lips and said dryly: "It was an accident, I didn't mean to. " She recounted the causes and consequences of what happened today, and felt somewhat aggrieved, "I just wanted to attend his wedding, but he was ashamed of me. I've always been considerate of him, but he never cared to think more about me. It's as if it's all my fault that I gave birth to him."

Good question.

Jian Jing couldn't help but chuckle to herself as she quickly pondered.

"You're lucky, I hate Fang Limin." She said slowly, "So, I can let you leave, but forget about blackmail."

But Wen Hui asked: "Is my man okay?"

"He just passed out." Jian Jing was curious, "You care about him?"

"Young girl, you must still be quite young, right?" Wen Hui spoke in the tone of someone more experienced, "Whether a man has good conditions or is good to you has nothing to do with it. He has a bunch of bad habits, but is willing to plan for me, so I can't abandon him."

Jian Jing tilted her head: "Then you can't get away."

Wen Hui's eyes revealed struggle.

"I have another way." She said leisurely, "That would allow both of you to live."

Wen Hui hesitated for a moment, then said, "Tell me."

Jian Jing whispered and murmured for a while.

Wen Hui fell silent, and after a long time, gritted her teeth and said, "Fine."

"Very good." Jian Jing put away her gun and dragged the unconscious Fang Yan out of the toilet.

Then she opened the window and called out to the security guards outside: "I found your young master."

The hidden security guard was overjoyed and immediately took him over.

"He doesn't look good, take him to the hospital right away." Jian Jing's face was very serious, making it seem as if Fang Yan was about to die immediately.

The security guard was shocked and hurriedly carried him away. At the same time, he contacted the waiting secretary and others by phone.

The secretary immediately contacted Jian Jing: "Ms. Jian, did you find Ms. Wen?"

"I didn't see her, she must have run away." Jian Jing said, "You take Fang Yan to the hospital first."

The secretary agreed, but sent another security guard to come search.

That man was not as tall and mighty as the previous security guard, but very shrewd. He smiled and climbed in through the window: "Ms. Jian, I'll come and search to see if there are any accomplices here."

Jian Jing smiled: "Alright, shall we go together or separately?"

"Together." The security guard turned on his flashlight.

Jian Jing took the lead and walked ahead, turning into the mirror house next door.

This was the signature project of the haunted house. The huge room was full of large mirrors that confused people's sense of direction through layered reflections. Strange images were inserted from time to time to scare people to death.

The security guard had been following closely behind Jian Jing, but with mirror images everywhere, he lost sight of her at one point.

From afar, there seemed to be the sound of an engine.

Wen Hui had escaped with her boyfriend.

When she saw several security guards waiting outside, she completely believed Jian Jing's words.

It must have been people sent by Fang Limin. She knew him all too well. If she fell into his hands, they might be in the news tomorrow: "Middle-aged couple crashes car at night, falls into reservoir, car destroyed and lives lost."

So she immediately cooperated with Jian Jing to activate the mechanism of the mirror house, while using a wheelchair to carry her boyfriend onto the car and drove away.

She left the park through the back door and sped along the small road, but before long, she saw a black car following them.

It was other people arranged by Fang Limin.

Jian Jing had told her: "There were four people who came with me, and only one car. That's odd. I suspect someone is following behind, so you should leave through the back door. If you encounter a trailing car..."

She didn't finish, but Wen Hui understood her meaning.

If there was no follower, she might get away with fleeing, but if someone tailed her and she didn't follow the plan, she would undoubtedly die.

So Wen Hui gave up the extravagant hope of escaping far away.

She followed the plan and drove straight to a certain police station, crashing the car through the gates. She didn't even get out of the car before being surrounded by several policemen.

"I'm here to surrender." Wen Hui was quite ruthless by nature. The original plan had failed, and the resentment bottled up in her heart had not diminished at all, but burned even more fiercely. So her next words were: "Save me, someone wants to kill me. My son is dead."

The policemen present: Wow!

She rolled down the car window and raised her hands: "Which one of you is Officer Ji Feng?"

Ji Feng at the door eating an egg cake: "Huh?"

"Ms. Jian persuaded me to surrender." Wen Hui said, "Can I open the car door and come out?"

Ji Feng: Damn!

Cases come from heaven when you're at the police station!

What kind of fairy is Teacher Jian?!


The second security guard was trapped in the mirror house, and Jian Jing didn't even bother keeping an eye on Lu Yucheng.

She calculated the time, and twenty minutes later, Ji Feng called her: "Teacher Jian, this gift is a bit too much for me to handle."

Jian Jing ignored his excitement and said coldly: "Because your police station was close by."

"You're too kind."

"This case is not complicated, but may not be easy to handle." She briefly recounted the story, "My request is simple, don't let them die."

Ji Feng said, "It won't go that far, this isn't twenty years ago."

Jian Jing was skeptical. Every time she thought she understood this world, she would find that some things were different from the original world.

For example, the two security guards who came today were very different from those she had seen before, extremely capable, like the private forces of tycoons she had seen in American TV shows before.

But in any case, now that the people had been handed over to the police, her mission was accomplished.

Jian Jing let the trapped security guard out and asked nonchalantly: "Why were you wandering around here?"

The security guard was already somewhat suspicious of her, so he deliberately asked: "Where did Ms. Jian go? The mechanism here is on, ordinary people can hardly get out."

"Do you usually watch variety shows?" Jian Jing answered his question with another question.

The security guard was taken aback and shook his head.

"If you had watched haunted house variety shows, you wouldn't ask that." She smiled, "It may be hard for ordinary people to get out, but that doesn't mean I can't get out."

Security guard: "..."

She clapped her hands and calmly left.

Lu Yucheng was waiting outside. Seeing them, he couldn't help but ask: "Where are the people?"

"Didn't find them." Jian Jing asked, "Was the groom taken to the hospital? How is he?"

"Just anesthetics, he'll wake up once they wear off." Lu Yucheng's face was full of undisguised joy as he casually said, "The wedding is also over, and the bride is fine too."

Jian Jing muttered "Oh", and took the initiative to ask: "Is Chairman Fang still at the club?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then let's go back first." A hint of meaningful smile appeared at the corner of her lips.

When they returned to the club, the evening banquet was just coming to an end.

The guests all knew that although Mrs. Fang had unfortunately had a recurrence of stomach problems, she was unharmed after emergency treatment. The bride had rushed to the hospital to take care of her mother-in-law with the groom.

All in all, it was considered satisfactory.

Jian Jing washed up thoroughly in the restroom of the club, tidying up her messy grass-stained hair, and brushing off the dust and debris on her clothes. Because of the scuffle, her shirt was all wrinkled, so she had a service staff member bring over a handheld steam iron to neatly press it again.

She cleaned her minor injuries with antiseptic, and applied a thin layer of makeup on her face to cover up all the bruises.

After she was done, she came out looking just like an ordinary guest again. No one could imagine what she had done before.

Although the evening banquet was nearly over, with Lu Yucheng there, she wouldn't miss dinner.

She enjoyed a lavish Chinese meal, the dishes were not particularly exotic but cooked exquisitely. Especially a fish soup that was tender, smooth and drove away the fatigue of the day.

When she was almost done, the secretary came over, "Miss Jian, Chairman Fang wants to see you."

Wen Hui was waiting for this, she wiped her mouth and followed him into the room.

Chairman Fang was waiting for her in the study of his suite. Seeing her come in, he waved for the others to leave.

The secretary and bodyguard exited, closing the door behind them to wait outside the suite.

"Miss Jian," Chairman Fang sat at the desk looking down at her, "You let the person I wanted get away."

Jian Jing: "Oh?"

"Although I don't know why you did this," Chairman Fang's expression was calm, "It was clearly an unwise decision."

Jian Jing laughed: "I think you also made an unwise choice."

Chairman Fang tilted his head slightly: "Please elaborate."

"You shouldn't have let them all leave." Jian Jing twisted open her handbag, pretending to rummage through it, but actually taking out a revolver stored in her props card, grasping it in her hand.

A flicker of surprise passed through Chairman Fang's eyes, he didn't expect her to say such things and do such deeds. But it was just surprise, nothing more.

He said: "That is not a toy for girls."

Jian Jing did not speak, her right thumb pressed the latch on the left side of the gun.

The cylinder popped out to the left, revealing the empty chambers.

Jian Jing began loading bullets into it, one by one, a full five bullets, leaving just one chamber empty.

"When I was young, I really liked watching God of Gamblers movies. I don't remember which one, but they used a revolver as a roulette wheel, left a deep impression on me." She said slowly, "Even back then, I really wanted to try it out, see if it's as fun as it looks."

After loading, she shook the cylinder at Chairman Fang, "click", locking it back into place.

Chairman Fang was a man who had weathered storms, he laughed: "You are very gutsy."

Jian Jing stared at him.

The head of this wealthy corporation still maintained his original gaze, only with some more displeasure and annoyance compared to before.

She spun the cylinder, turning it around several times, thoroughly shuffling the order.

"Chairman Fang is the real gutsy one, not afraid at all." She smiled, then suddenly stood up straight, right hand on the grip, left hand grasping the right, feet apart with right foot back.

Chairman Fang's eyebrows quivered slightly.

He didn't know much about shooting, but had plenty of experts by his side. He could tell her stance was very standard, definitely not just for show.

"Six chambers, five bullets, let's gamble and see if Chairman Fang is lucky today." Jian Jing's lips curled up, her tone unusually gentle and charming.

Chairman Fang sighed, "Miss Jian, please put the gun down, we can have a nice chat." On the surface this sounded like pleading, but that was not the case.

His tone was coaxing, like a father to a daughter, or an owner to a pet.

Jian Jing knew why he was unafraid.

"Chairman Fang thinks I don't dare shoot, so giving me a way out?" She smiled, "Yes, your bodyguards are right outside, if I kill you, my future is ruined and I can't get away either."

Chairman Fang neither confirmed nor denied it.

Are guns scary? Scary.

But it depends whose hands they are in.

In his view, Jian Jing waving a gun at him posed no threat at all.

Because she had no reason to shoot.

"Earlier you said you saw through me. I'm someone who values life and has principles. Now I'm pointing a gun at your head, yet you still think you've got it under control. But out of a man's 'affection' for a woman, you pretended to be afraid to give me face... Feels good doesn't it?" Jian Jing smiled.

The smile on Fang Limin's face disappeared.

He knitted his brows, seeming to want to say something. But in that moment, his eyes caught her movement - her slim, fair fingers pulled the trigger.

His mind went blank for an instant.


Cold sweat instantly drenched his back.

For a second, Fang Limin thought he was going to die. He had never imagined he would go this way, at a time like this.

How is this possible?!

Thump thump thump, his heart pounded rapidly, his calves cramped, sweat blinded his eyes.

"Ah li li," Jian Jing mimicked the God of Death's catchphrase with a wicked delight, laughter in her eyes, "You got lucky, what a pity."

She briskly put the gun away and casually sat back down, leg crossed, posture elegant.

"Now where were we?" She asked, "I have a bad memory, suddenly can't recall."

Fang Limin's gaze had changed.

The arrogance of the powerful, the lust of a man for a woman, the tormentor toward prey... all gone. At this moment, his eyes finally saw Jian Jing as a person.

Not some girl making empty threats, not a child throwing a tantrum, not a pawn, not a dog.

Just a "person".

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