Chapter 115: Untitled

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Ji Zhiyao boarded, dropped his coins for the ride and casually sat down at a seat closer to the back door, before he saw his unread messages on WeChat.

[DB.MHF: I’m home. Ranked match together in the afternoon?]

Ji Zhiyao smiled and replied: [Sure, I don’t mind. But I’m currently going out to get food for my little sister.]

[DB.MHF: You have a little sister?]

[MelonRind: Yeah, a year younger than me, a tragic high school Year 3 student.]

[MelonRind: By the way Captain, some time later can I bring my sister to the base for a visit? She has unnecessary worries, afraid that I’m being bullied. I have to show her my actual living condition.]

[DB.MHF: Let her see your solo stand-up comedy acts?]

[MelonRind: Screw you!]

[DB.MHF: She can come, the rest should be fine with it too.]

[MelonRind: Captain you’re a really good person!]

[DB.MHF: ...]

Ji Zhiyao was not in the least aware that he had turned nice too quickly, hearing the mechanical female voice announced the stop, he stuffed his phone into his pocket, pressed the bell and alighted.

It was a little cold outside, the cold wind blowing on one’s face felt like slaps. Ji Zhiyao buried half his face into his scarf and hurried entered the shopping center.

The fruit salad that Ji Qingge liked to eat was also from the fruit shaved ice store that she liked in the summer. Ji Zhiyao walked in and ordered a bowl of fruit salad.

Before long, his order was ready. He turned and left the store with a bag in hand.

Then it was the grilled oysters on the same level, the waiting time for this was slightly longer.

With two bags, Ji Zhiyao strolled into the supermarket on the first level and grabbed one of each flavor of chips from the shelf filled with snacks.

He had never understood what was so delicious about these little snacks, they were all junk food. Yet each time Ji Qingge ate them she would be over the moon, he couldn’t do anything with her.

After making payments with his card, Ji Zhiyao looked at the big and small bags in his hands, instantly feeling like he was going bald.

He still didn’t know what he was having for lunch...

Exiting the supermarket, there was a pizza store right beside it. Ji Zhiyao decided to just walk in and ordered a pizza for takeaway.

After he had made payment, Ji Zhiyao watched as the server helped him to pack the pizza and handed it over, and said a soft word of thanks. He did not expect that as he lifted the plastic bag, he did not manage to do so. Glancing down, the waiter who had done the packing was holding onto the plastic bag, his stance looking like he wasn’t going to let him leave.

Ji Zhiyao looked up, confused, and saw the waiter’s excited gaze.

He asked, “Um, are you from Mix battleteam? The jungler reserve that just joined the team?”

Ji Zhiyao did not think that he would actually be recognized.

Was this... a fan of their battleteam?

Ji Zhiyao instinctively checked left and right, suddenly having the strange feeling of having a rendezvous as spies... He was struck quite hard by his own analogy, coughing once, he said lowly, “It’s me, hello.”

“I especially like Mix battleteam! I’ve watched almost every competition that you all were in! Can you help me get Fi-god’s autograph? Of course, it’ll work if you could give me an autograph too.”

Damn it!

Even if he could, he didn’t want to get it for this person.

Ji Zhiyao had a troubled expression. “Our team has all gone on vacation and went home, I came by myself. I won’t be able to get an autograph for you, sorry about that.”

The waiter was a little down. “Huh, it’s fine, I’d already guessed that you aren’t that close to Fi-god.”

Ji Zhiyao looked at him with a puzzled expression.

“But is it really purely friendship between you and Fi-god?”

“? ? ?”

“You celebrities, only know how to act confused. Never mind never mind, give me an autograph before you go then.”

Ji Zhiyao was at a loss.

He bewilderedly signed for the waiter, then walked out of the doors of the pizza store carrying his bags. The moment he stepped out, he even saw that waiter waving at him.

Ji Zhiyao instinctively waved back.

When he reached home and told this incident as a joke to Ji Qingge, Ji Qingge even stopped eating the oysters, a pair of big eyes staring right at Ji Zhiyao. “Brother, you and Fi-god...”

Ji Zhiyao did not understand her. “Captain is quite caring towards me. What’s wrong?”

Ji Qingge glanced at her biological brother before her who was so naive, exasperated that he couldn’t live up to expectations, then waved her hand tiredly, “I am tired, bow and take your leave.”

Ji Zhiyao reached out and flicked her forehead, Ji Qingge instantly flew into a rage, chasing Ji Zhiyao around the whole house to hit him.


This chaotic atmosphere continued up until New Year’s Eve.

Ji Qingge sat on the sofa watching the New Year’s Gala Show whereas Ji Zhiyao was huddled on the other end of the sofa, looking at the WeChat group chat on his screen.

[MelonRind: Brothers, do you guys not watch the gala show?]

[ManagerYuanWei: Brother, think of all those usual comedy acts at the base, do you instantly feel that those programs on the gala show are dull?]

[DB.MHF: This rubbish makes sense.]

[Xiao: This rubbish makes sense +1.]

[LittlePrinceDominatingTheNorth-East: This rubbish makes sense +2.]

[XiaoFeiCannotFly: This rubbish makes sense +3.]

[Heng: This rubbish makes sense +4.]

[KisExtremelyHandsome: The team is checking in the chat, this rubbish makes sense +6.]

[Xiao: We’re missing someone, where’s NoHomo?]

[MelonRind: I’m considering if I should leave some face for Yuan Wei.]

[ManagerYuanWei: [smile] [smile] Do you think that with you saying it out like this I would !!!! friend? Good f*cking bye!]

[DB.MHF: [WeChat red packet] ]

[DB.MHF: Silly son, stop crying. This is daddy’s consolation for you.]

[“ManagerYuanWei” has collected the red packet]

[ManagerYuanWei: Thank you daddy.]

Ji Zhiyao was in stitches as he typed: [Brother Wei, where are your principles?]

[ManagerYuanWei: My principles definitely aren’t as valuable as Captain’s red packet [smile]. ]

Ji Zhiyao was a little curious about exactly how big a red packet had Mo Huaifeng sent. Hence he followed and snatched one too. His Wi-Fi was a little lag, before the amount appeared, he first saw a line of words that appeared in the group chat.]

[DB.MHF: @MelonRind Now that you’ve received a red packet, obediently call me daddy.]

[MelonRind: ...]

Damn it, why was his hand so cheap!

The few of them chatted for a while, Yuan Wei sent in the group: [Brothers, today is New Year’s Eve, isn’t it time for all your zombie-like Weibo accounts to get moving? Even if you don’t post selfies you should at least let your fans know that you’re good. Don’t make it look like you were kidnapped and sold cheaply by the team. The club is still counting on our large amount of fans to help us get more sponsors for the national qualifiers.]

[Heng: If we need money look for Captain! Why leave a tyrant alone when you can exploit him?]

[ManagerYuanWei: Exploiting Captain is equivalent to exploiting your salary, this brother who’s on paid leave for winter vacation, have you thought it through?]

[Heng: ... Take it that I haven’t said anything.]

[Heng: In the face of money, I am very cowardly.]

After the reminder from Yuan Wei, Ji Zhiyao then remembered Weibo that he had forgotten at the back of his head. He immediately logged in, finding some photos that Ji Qingge had taken for him from his gallery and also the Mix team photo and logo and posted a new status on Weibo.

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