Chapter 603: Is Spring Still Far Away?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although Zhou Zihuai had a terrible mother and an abusive stepfather, he had also met Song Fang, Wang Yu, Fatt, and Fu Zhi.

In this world, there were two kinds of people. One living in the darkness, one living in the light. The one living in the darkness would leave no stone unturned to pull more into the darkness, while the one living in the light would try their best to pull one out of the darkness.

After all, only those who had basked under the sun would not want to return to darkness.

Zhao Wu reluctantly finished the apology letter. It was all about scolding himself.

Fu Zhi took the phone back and wiped it with a paper towel. “Remember your lesson today.

“Starting from the moment you sign on the contract, the law has come into effect. Zhou Zihuai is no longer your son, and you guys have no relation to each other anymore. If you dare to look for trouble with him again in the future… I’m sure you know what would happen to you.”

“You… You forced me to sign the contract,” Zhao Wu huffed.

“Don’t say that,” Jiang Ningbei chimed in, “We’re just giving you a taste of your own medicine.”

“God is watching! He will punish you!”

“If that’s so, God must be blinded. After all, the first person He should be punished is you!”

Zhao Wu was exasperated, but there was nothing he could do in his state other than look Fu Zhi and Jiang Ningbei away.

His entire body was covered in bruises and injuries. This was something that he had never experienced before in his life.

He did not feel regret about what he had done to Zhou Zihuai. He only felt anger, resentment, and panic.

He was worried that Zhou Zihuai would abandon him. He was worried that Mrs. Zhou would bring Zhou Zihuai away.

‘No, no… They won’t leave me.’

He did not know about Zhou Zihuai, but he knew Mrs. Zhou very well.

His wife loved him to the core. There was no way she could live without him.

He figured that he had to do something… No… Maybe he did not even need to do anything at all. After all, Mrs. Zhou was pregnant with his kid. There was no way she would let her son be born without a father.

Zhou Wu clenched his fist tight.

He had to confront Mrs. Zhou first…

In the meantime, Mr. Sun came up to Fu Zhi after she had emerged from the room.

Mr. Sun was a man in his mid forty, and he was the largest shareholder for this arena aside from the Mu Family.

When he saw Fu Zhi, he squinted his eyes and walked up to her, “Li Zhi? You’re Li Zhi, right? It’s my pleasure to meet you here!”

He extended his arm forward to hold Fu Zhi’s hand, but Jiang Ningbei took a step forward and blocked him away.

The smile on Mr. Sun’s face froze.

“Anything I can help you with?” Fu Zhi asked.

Seeing that Fu Zhi was in a hurry to leave the arena, Mr. Sun decided to cut into the chase. He pulled a contract out and said, “It’s fate that brought us together. I’m deeply impressed by your capability, so I want to sign a contract with you. You take two or three days out of every month to come to our arena to join the match. Of course, we can always negotiate about the pay.”

Mr. Sun knew how strong and powerful the young lady in front of him was after watching both of her games.

The other people were dragged into the arena against their wills. Therefore, their contracts were different and they could not leave the arena for the rest of their lives after they signed the contracts.

However, Fu Zhi was different. She was here for fun and to get revenge on Zhao Wu. She signed a temporary contract and waiver with no added years.

Everyone thought that she was going to die on the field, including Mr. Sun. He really regretted not recruiting talent like her.

Fu Zhi took a glance at Mr. Sun and said apathetically, “I’m not interested in money.”

Jiang Ningbei was speechless.

‘You’re not interested in money? If you’re not interested in money, then nobody would.”

The truth was that Fu Zhi was really not interested in earning this kind of money.

She tugged at Jiang Ningbei, and both of them resumed walking.

“Hold up! Hold up! You’re not interested in money, but you should be interested in people, right?” Mr. Sun said as he handed a WeChat QR code to Fu Zhi, “This is Jiang Zong. he’s the youngest son of the Jiang Family in the capital. What do you think about him, Li Zhi? He’s interested in you.”

“He’s ugly, so no.”

Mr. Sun was stumped.

‘Ugly? You call this ugly? Are you serious?’

Mr. Sun fell into deep contemplation as he looked at Fu Zhi’s back. The person in charge behind him said worriedly, “Mr. Sun, she doesn’t seem like an ordinary person to me. Is it fine for us to let her go away just like this?”

“I guess it’s fine. The Mu Family and the Sun Family are two elite families in Yu City. If she wants to live, she would know what she should know what to say and what not to say.

It was just that he felt pity that he did not get her to add Jiang Zong on WeChat, and it seemed to him that he needed to find other replacements for Jiang Zong. Perhaps a group of muscular female bodyguards?

Fu Zhi went back to the hospital in Jian Ningbei’s car after she had finished the matter with the arena.

Zhou Zihuai was once again rushed into the operating room because he was having internal bleeding.

Ye Tian’s disciple was exhausted by the time he came out of the operating room. However, he still brought himself to meet Fu Zhi when he learned that Fu Zhi was in the hospital right now.

“Right on time, Ms. Fu. After applying your medicine, Zhou Zihuai’s condition has become a lot better. It’s just that he’s still a little bit down. His mother has come to visit him once, but I brought her away. If you’re free now, can you please go and talk with him?”

“Do you know what his mother said to him?”

Holding the contract and her phone, Fu Zhi headed to the ICU ward behind the doctor.

As Ye Tian’s disciple led Fu Zhi to the ICU ward, he said, “I’m not so sure as well, but I heard from the nurses that his mother said he’s a disappointment and he has let her down.”

Well, this was within Fu Zhi’s expectations.

Fu Zhi stopped in front of the ICU, and Jiang Ningbei suddenly felt suffocated.

Just how desperate did people have to be before they thought of killing themselves?

“Zhou Zihuai still needs to recuperate for another half a month. While he’s in the hospital, don’t let his mother see him,” Fu Zhi said before turning to Jiang Ningbei, “Send the video and photo to me. You can leave first if you have other things to attend to. If not, you can wait for me outside.”

Honestly, Jiang Ningbei had been pretty free lately. The International Crime Unit was in chaos right now, and he was about to lose his job.

“I’ll wait for you outside,” Jiang Ningbei said.

Since the air in the arena was damp and filled with germs, Fu Zhi disinfected herself before going in.

Zhou Zihuai was lying on the bed. There were a lot of tubes on his body, and he was wearing an oxygen mask. Most of his injuries had not recovered yet, and he was in bad shape.

A flicker of surprise crossed his eyes when he saw Fu Zhi. Then, his face turned red with embarrassment.

He did not feel anything when he wanted to end his life. However, after Fu Zhi had rescued him, and when he thought about the text message he sent to Fu Zhi and the thing he did while Fu Zhi was trying to save him, he just wanted to find a hole and bury himself in it.

Zhou Zihuai did not know how to face Fu Zhi right now.

Fu Zhi walked around to check on the machines. After realizing that all his vitals were normal, she heaved out a sigh of relief and sat on the chair, “Do you still feel any discomfort?”

Her voice was soft and gentle. It was as if she was talking to a toddler, and it made Zhou Zihuai uncomfortable.

He had no idea why but he suddenly had a feeling that Fu Zhi was his mother.

“No… No…”

“Really? Don’t worry. You can let me know if you’re feeling any discomfort.”

“Nope… I… I’m fine,” Zhou Zihuai replied. He did not dare to look Fu Zhi in the eyes.

Fu Zhi could not understand Zhou Zihuai’s feelings right now. In fact, she was not able to perceive if the emotion was not obvious.

She handed the contract in her hand to Zhou Zihuai, “This is a contract signed by your stepfather. From now onward, he’s not your stepfather anymore.”

Zhou Zihuai’s body trembled, and his eyes widened in shock. He lowered his head with animatronic stiffness to look at the contract in front of him.

He knew every single word on the contract, but he could not understand a single thing when they were being put together.

Fu Zhi knew he could not move his arm freely right now, so after he had finished reading a page, she helped him to flip to the next page.

After he had finished reading the entire contract, he mumbled, “Did… Did he really sign it himself?”

He knew his stepfather very well. There was no way he would sign the contract by himself.

Fu Zhi knew he would ask this, so she pulled her phone out.

“Of course, you’d need some measures to deal with someone like him,” he said.

Although she sounded as if it was nothing serious, the video and recording said otherwise.

Fighting with the wolf pack, beating his stepfather up… Each of them was dangerous and it might have cost her own life.

Zhou Zihuai’s eyes turned red around the rims.

He did not know if he should be happy or sad right now.

The first one who cared about him after he woke up was not his parents but the doctor, Fu Zhi, Song Fang, Xiao Ma, and Director Liu, who rushed to the hospital when he received the text message at midnight.

His mother blamed him for being not tough enough, and she kept asking him to forgive his stepfather.

Honestly, Zhou Zihuai kind of resented Zhao Wu for taking his mother away from him.

The doctor told him that his symptoms were a result of chronic insecurity, as well as the tremendous mental stress brought on by school and family, which caused him to go into a trance and go to extremes.

The doctor also said that a lot of kids suffer from the same condition as well, and society should pay more attention to students’ mental state and physical health than to their grades.

“You…” Zhou Zihuai’s voice was thick with emotion, “You shouldn’t have done this for me. This is too dangerous and you might die on the field. I’ve never helped you with anything, and…”

“You gave me your note during the English public speaking competition. You flew all the way from China to Country M to help me when I’m in need of help,” Fu Zhi said, “Honestly, it’s not that difficult to make Zhao Wu surrender. He’s just a bully who preys on the weak. If you have to give up your life just because of such a scum, then you indeed are wasting your life.”

Zhou Zihuai clenched his fist tightly.

He moved his gaze from Fu Zhi to the video, and he seemed to have understood something.

No one was born strong, and no one was destined for smooth sailing, either. However, one should take control of one’s own destiny.

It was not his fault for getting beaten by his stepfather, and it was definitely not his fault when nobody understood his feelings. However, it was definitely his fault for being a self-absorbed coward, and making people who cared about him risk their own life to wake him up.

Seeing the light in his eyes, Fu Zhi continued, “The college entrance examination is around the corner. The only way to get revenge on those who harm you or look down on you is becoming more successful than them. However, if you’re dead, you can achieve nothing.”

Something inside of Zhou Zihuai snapped, and he gritted his teeth tightly.

Fu Zhi was right.

If he’s dead, everything would be over.

He should look at the greater picture, and he should not try to end his suffering by terminating his own life.

If Fu Zhi, a girl, could defeat Zhao Wu, why he, a man, could not do it?

When the thought came into Zhou Zihuai’s mind, something inside of him wanted to burst out of his body. He looked at Fu Zhi, clenched his fist, and said, “I understand now, Fu Zhi.”

He shouted, “Is the spring still far away if the winter is already here?’ You’re trying to tell me this, right?”

Fu Zhi was speechless.

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