The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 339 - Everyone’s Excitement

Initially, everyone was bothered by that destructive spell that Yman demonstrated in his last match. Even Kiko was bothered by it. Well, who wouldn't feel anxious about it after witnessing such a sure kill power?

However, each of them receives a message from a different source.

A grin finally came back on Kiko's face.

"I see. Then there's nothing to worry about, huh. Heh!" Kiko's eyes glinted as he muttered the words with a grin.

The others had the same reaction as him. Only Almina and Maena didn't show the same reactions as the others. They have the means to counter that spell of Yman. 

But still, it bothered them a little because there is no one hundred percent that they would survive unscathed from it if Yman fired it at them.

So when their MTMD rang, a sigh of relief escaped their mouths after reading the message.

Almina or either Maena is dead set on winning this competition.

That's why Almina was putting aside her feelings for now. She desired to win as she had something she wanted to prove.

Each of the remaining contestants was given time to concentrate, along with their deities. They could use the time to plan their next move or casually use the time to have a peaceful rest.

Well, since they were with their deities, they could also use that moment to chat along and deepen their friendships to increase their Like Value. It could help to avoid unnecessary disconnection while in the middle of the match.

While the contestants were taking advantage of their solitude, they heard a loud noise coming from the audience area.

Most of them wondered what it was, but probably the audience was just too excited to watch the second half of the finals.

But, it seemed like Kiko knew what was going on.

He was actually monitoring the betting activity that was currently happening within the audience.

Kiko could not help but smirk at the current standing of the betting odds.

Of course, he was at the top of the betting poll. He was even higher than Almina Amulet, who was favored by most.

These past days he made some connections with some well-known merchants and businessmen in the city.

So Kiko already expected that he would be at the top of the betting poll.

A chuckle escaped from his mouth when he noticed the one at the bottom-most of the list.

"Haha, look at that frog!"

Kiko mumbled in contempt while sneering at Yman's name on the screen of his MTMD.

He would make sure that the frog would have to leave the Academy after this competition.

In truth, he wasn't fond of this Academy. If not because of Amina Amulet, he would have chosen a much better academy than this one. The training facilities in this Academy were old and trash. Even their training method was way inferior compared to the other academies. This academy needs a decade to improve for the better. 

However, if he became the ace of this Academy, he would make sure to live a good life.


He would make sure that he would become the next ace of this Academy.

Although there were several elite students left, he wasn't a bit bothered by it, though it would become an exciting battle.

Everyone would be looking at him as he tramples all his opponents. In Kiko's mind, he was standing at the top of the podium while being showered with stares of envy.

"Hehe," he laughed-- excited for that moment to come.

That is indeed the most desired outcome for him. Even Almina would be crying with envy. And later on, she would come on her own accord to let herself fall into his hands. 

"Hehe," Kiko secretly grinned like someone with loose screws in the head. Well, no one knew what was running in his mind at this very moment.

In Rei-Rei's room, there are some people along with her.

"Thanks for the work, Ban," Sonya said to the Bunnyman in front of them.

"Nah, don't mention it. I'm glad to be of help to Miss Rei and Lady So."

"But you had to quit the competition," Sonya said with a sad expression on her lovely face.

"No. Don't mention it, Lady So. Even if I did not quit the competition, I would never win, nonetheless."

"I see. Then, we have to depend on your ability again, Ban," Rei-Rei suddenly said.

"Yes, let me handle it. I will make sure that Miss Rei will face Almina, and Lady So will be facing the blonde in the final," Ban replied with a determined look. "By the way, how about Kiko?" Suddenly, Ban asked.

They all fell silent.

The reason that Rei-Rei's group was able to avoid fighting their members was that Ban was manipulating the whole match-up.

It is also true in Almina's group.

Their main goal was to match Sonya against the blonde and Rei-Rei versus Almina in the final. Klein should be fighting Kiko in the final, but.

"Well, that is an unexpected result. Although Ban can manipulate the match-up, he can't dictate the result of the fight," Rei-Rei said in regret.

"Right," Sonya agreed to her.

It was unexpected to them that Klein lost in his match.

"Well, let him be. There's nothing we can do about it. Let's defeat him if he is lucky to arrive at the championship," Rei-Rei announced.

"Okay," Ban nodded. "I'll make sure that Miss Rei and Lady So will be facing those two humans."

"Thank you, Ban." 

Reid-Rei and Sonya expressed their appreciation.

Meanwhile, Yman was busy creating new [Fire Dolls].

<Partner, what kind of fire dolls are they? They look unusual.>


"Yes, they are."



<Isn't it better to practice the second stage to learn the advanced resonance ability?!>

"No. That is draining. We can't do that right now." 


"The second stage needs a complete mana synchronization. Do you think we can do that easily with that demon's mana?"

<Hah~ >

He heard Sistela sighed.

<Right. That would be hard.>

"Exactly. And we must avoid any reckless accidents at this point. Don't worry, we can do it after the competition."


Around this time, *WOAH!!!* they heard a sudden shout of amazement from the audience.


<EH? What was that?>

"I don't know. Looks like something interesting was happening outside."


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