As her bodyguard, he needed to tail her from a safe distance.

So wherever she went, he must be there around her. As long as it was inside his perception range, Yman could sense any malicious intent directed to Rea.

After he leveled up, his sense and other attributes increased fairly high. And his previous battle in the competition helped him to increase his attributes. Now his perception reached the range of above 150 meters around him. But because this place has partially decreased his magical energy. The longest range his perception could reach was at 110 meters only.

The defeat of Czar did not proliferate on the campus since it happened inside the Little Garden department and only a few people were witnesses of what happened. Also, everyone knew that he was only using a partial amount of his strength. And none of them were going all out in that little fight.


But that defeat was like a curse to Czar. It haunted him and won't let him forget. Also, he was defeated in the fight for love.

One thing that bugs Yman was the challenge against other departments.

Even though Airi told him that it was impossible to happen that one of the strongest departments would take into account their unranked department, he didn't doubt that Czar would come again one day to issue a challenge with him. After all, it was easy to figure that Czar was having a special feeling towards Cinde. And that special feeling would be the fuel for his enmity towards him.

2 days had passed since the fight with Czar. Yman busied himself as Rea's bodyguard and as the alchemy department member. Together with Cinde, they learned from the professor the basics of Alchemy. Currently, they were tasked to create a normal tier health regeneration elixir.

Airi was already 2 ranks higher than them in terms of alchemy. While they were Beginner Apprentice, Airi on the other hand was an Advanced Apprentice.

At the same time that he busied himself in advancing the level of his knowledge with alchemy, he was also searching for a way to bypass the issue about his weakened abilities; Like for example the limit that his Fire Doll transmitted to him. If they flew away from his perception range, they would wander.

But after giving it a deep thought and understanding, Yman finally found a good solution to guard Rea even if she was outside his perception range.

The concept was just simple. Every one hundred meters, he assigned 1 scout bird. The scout bird would then act as his perception extension. Then another scout bird at another one hundred meters from the scout bird.

With this concept, he could supervise her even at a distance of 200 meters or above away from her.

Thus, those scout birds would then transmit their vision to one another and lastly to him.

However, by doing it, Yman noticed a big downside. The vision that transmitted to him had a time-lapse of about a second or two. This difference in time was truly a big issue.

Regardless, he chose the scout bird over the scout bee. Since the scout bird was quicker than his scout bee. If an emergency happened, he could control them to attack the cause. It might lower the time-lapse by 0.1 or 0.2. Much better though compared to scout bee.

His scout bee had three purposes: to scout, attack, and copy. While his scout bird had 2 purposes only: to scout and attack. But it had better scouting ability and stronger attack than the scout bee. 

With all these concepts, his concentration to supervise Rea had reached 90 percent. And while the remaining was to supervise Sistela as she was controlling his body while learning the way of alchemy.

In swapping with Sistela, it allowed him to travel across the Soul's Domain. It also allowed him to converse with the demon if he likes it.

He didn't join another department as he didn't have extra time for it, although he wished to join the Magic Enchanter Department, it looked like it was impossible for his current situation.

Cinde on the other hand successfully entered another department. The Righteous Summoner from one of the Tamer Department.

Their leader was a girl. Cinde chose it over the other Knight and Magic Department with the training time not in conflict with the Little Garden Department.

One of the reasons she chose the Righteous Summoner was because Tiafel was there. The girl they met inside them world of a painting of Rea.

They saw each other one time when Yman, Rea, and Cinde went to check the Training Pavilion.

Although they could not train their alchemy skills in that place, they could train their fighting ability as long as they wanted. Even though they were in the Alchemy department, Crimson and Cinde did not want to leave behind their fighting abilities. After all, both of them wield unique skills.

Many magician students were doing their training when they arrived. And one of them caught their attention because she was familiar to them.

Cinde immediately called her name. When Tiafel noticed them, she rushed towards Cinde.

Cinde and Tiafel had become closed inside in the competition. And she was one of the few people she conversed with.

Tiafel wasn't surprised to find Cinde in the academy as she already told them that she was a student also in the Encantasia academy.

However, she was absent since the opening. 

Tiafel almost choked herself when she learned that the handsome young man together with Cinde at the moment was that Crimson! The same Crimson they met inside the painting.

Yman just laughed soundlessly at her reaction.

But then, Tiafel was at a loss, she wondered how Cinde and Crimson were together with Miss Ella!

Well, it's a long story so Tiafel did not bother the two for further explanation.

They conversed for a couple of minutes before Tiafel recommended to Cinde to join The Righteous Summoner department. It was one of the departments under the category of Tamer Department. She recommended it to her when she remembered that Cinde had that little Xelestial Beast that she summoned at the last part of the first elimination round.

The Righteous Summoner although not a top rank department, they have one of the best facilities. And it suited her as well, as the summoner department helped in understanding their summon creature. And build a good relationship with them.

After Tiafel left them, they then started their practice inside the Training Pavilion.

Even Rea was practicing her magic skills in this place.

He was sitting on a bench outside the glass window, staring at the girl inside the closed door.

Rea was currently sitting her legs. In front of her was an invisible canvas. She was accumulating magical energy on her hands, coating them with brilliant bluish colors.

When her eyes slowly opened, like her hands, her eyes also brimmed in a bluish color.

Then she slowly lifted her hands in the air and began writing.

'It's not a painting?' Yman mumbled in his mind when he noticed what she was doing.

Inside the room, there was only him and her, but they were separated by a glass window. This room was only one of the many rooms inside the Training Pavilion. Cinde was in the room next to this room, training her magic against some dummies of different ranks.

Each room had different qualities and training type. Like for example the room where Rea at, was soundproof. And it has a spell that increases the concentration level of the person who was training inside.

The room where Cinde was, was a type of room which enabled them to fight dummies of different ranks and different types of dummies.

Some rooms enable to increase a person's strength, speed, dexterity, and etcetera.

Yman chose to watch Rea over training himself. Because he was curious about her magic spell.

Right now, she was showing something unusual.

She inscribed in the air.

Yman spoke to himself, so her magic wasn't only about painting? But it was also about inscribing? Wait, is Rea part of the Enchanter Department?'

His curiosity just adds up. He wanted to ask her about the world inside her painting. He had the intuition that it would help him understand better his illusion magic.

Rea continued inscribing in the air. The words she was inscribing were unknown to him. He wondered what she was writing.

First, she drew a circle about half a meter in radius. Then she followed by writing unfamiliar words around the circle. Each time her glowing finger moved, the bluish glow followed that seemingly like ink as it remained in the air. After writing several unknown words around the circle, she followed by drawing another circle around those words.

She also drew some lines in between the gap of the words.

Then proceeded by drawing a hexagram inside the first circle.

'A magic array?' Yman muttered.

It was the first time he saw an actual magic array creation.

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