The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 155 - A Different Person

Around 9 AM when Yman together with Ella and Sistela went into the Public Market of the Empire.

When they arrived, the place was already bustling with people. They were unceasingly 'coming and going' in every direction.

On the roadside, they saw different kinds of stalls that were lining disorderly, and different kinds of people were passing on the road. Not only people but also different kinds of carriages. Even in the sky, different kinds of rental and personal Transport Birds were flying everywhere.

He also noticed some uniformed guards of the Empire patrolling around the place. Most of them were Demihumans with wolf and dog ears.

The ambiance of the place was what you would expect in a fantasy world.

As they went closer to the most crowded part to where the most stalls were lining, their ears started to pick some random shouts..

"If you're looking for the best materials for crafting! All that you need are here at low prices!"

"If you are looking for the best quality equipment! Come have a look!"

"Lady! Mister! Have a look! Freshly gathered High-Quality herbs and roots from the RainForest of the far east all for low prices! Come boost your stats and increase your advancement speed with additional free sapling!"

Some vendors were shouting to the passerby while urging them to buy their products.

Yman wanted to check the herbs. But he was guarding someone at the moment. So he could not do his thing.

He already expected that it would be bustling with people but not as busy as what he saw at the moment.

At the corner of his eyes, he noticed a fat lady with heavy makeup and was decorated with jewelry all over her body. Then an expensive-looking shoulder bag was carelessly hanging from her side.

She was currently quarreling with a middle-aged male jewelry merchant.

However, from the back of that lady, a Rabbitman kid sneakily inserted his little arms in the fat lady's shoulder bag.

The fat lady was unaware of what happened. Yman didn't want to mind other people's business. Everyone needed to survive at all means. 

He forced a soundless laugh. 'Looks like this place wasn't a safe place, huh,' he thought. Then he widened his perception. He already expected such things. It was a common event in a crowded place like the market in which different types of people hoarded.

Regardless, he needed to stay alert as a bodyguard.

He thought that he could not depend on his perception only, he then sneakily let out one Bee-model Fire Doll to act as a scout.

Bzzzzzzzz! The Bee flew higher to give him an extra bird's eye view of the place.

They then proceeded to look for stalls where potions were being displayed.

"Hey Young Lady and Young Sir, are you looking for fresh meats? They were the meat of Red-Eyed Deer, a Rank BB beast that can only be found in the West Plateau!"

Yman's ears twitched upon hearing the meat vendor.

One of the things that excited him after coming to the Empire was the meat quality here! They were so good unlike in Human City where he came from!

Here, you could eat all the high-quality meat as long as you have the money. Regretfully, they just passing by. Anyhow, they didn't come here for such things.

But the girl beside him who constantly sneaking glances at him had noticed his regret in the eyes.

Looks like their role as a bodyguard and the one being guarded had reversed. For some reason, Ella was the one checking tab at him now and then.

She was curious about this person beside her. For her, he was cooler when he was fighting. He looked calm and collected. Very different at the person right now. For Ella, he looked careless and uncaring about his surrounding. 

In Ella's mind,

'What's wrong with this person? He just ate breakfast and is already drooling.'

On the contrary,

'Sad to be poor!' Yman's thought while dropping his shoulders. In any case, he could not squander his leftover money. Especially that he lost the competition. He needed to save them for the medicine of his sister.

Ella beside him had noticed his bothered reaction but was intentionally ignoring him. She was more doubtful now if he was the same person who fought insanely inside her painting. Look, he was already distracted by just the call of meat from the vendor. She wondered if this person could do his job.


Ella let a sudden breath escape from her mouth while slightly shaking her head.

Beside them,

Sistela was in her world. Right now, she's flying beside his face, with her little feathery wings that glowing in blue color.

It would shape into a pair of wings whenever she spreads her arms to fly, otherwise, it becomes a wing cape on her back when she doesn't.

The wings looked magnificent as it was glowing and leaving magical dust while she was flying.

It also came up with an additional feather-design crown. She looked like a small goddess in disguise whenever she was flying, summed up with her navy blue dress that was fluttering in the air.

This wings also 

came up with a Superior Air Mobility additional stats. And increase the Deity and Owner's air maneuverability. In that sense, it was a good upgrade for some owners who could fly. 

After they ordered it, Yman asked sistela 'why she chose this type of wings and not the Fairy-Like Wings or the Nix Series Wings.'

She told him that it could make her fly faster. She always lost when she tried to chase something.

Like for example the water sprite in the academy, and then the little Xelestial bird of Cinder. Sistela felt she was bullied by those creatures. Now she can show off when they meet again.

And that's her reason.

"I-Is it your first time here?"

Suddenly, the silence between them was cast away when Ella unexpectedly asked him. Though Ella was still shy because of what happened last night. She needed to distract him from the thought of meat and remind him that she was the priority here.

In any case, this person would not even bother saying a thing! She already forgets if this person was capable of talking or not.

After hearing her question, Yman glanced at her and saw her glancing at him while slightly bending her body forward with her hands on her back. Some strands of her hair dangled on her face. While warm sunlight caressed her skin. Paired with a white dress which was adorned with small crystals. She even more dazzling this morning. 

He could not help to be in trance for a moment before opening his mouth.

Seemingly, she was peeking at his face.

"Mhm, it is." His response.

"Hmph," this person is too measured with his reply. She thought after pursing her mouth.

He noticed her slight irritation from his reply but did not give much thought to it. He then opened his mouth once again when he remembered he forgot to ask why she needed a large number of potions.

"Uh, by the way, My Lady, what is—"



Before he completed his words, he was stopped when she suddenly called out with an uncertain call at him.

"I-I mean just call me with my name. I-It's more casual that way and… no one will figure that you are my bodyguard in that sense."

He thought that she was right. After all, they would be attending the academy soon, and he would be going to be an undercover agent bodyguard. At least they needed to act like a friend. (LoL)

"Ah, I see. You're right. Sorry, that was careless of me… er… Mad—Miss Artist?"

'Regardless, what's her name again?' He thought with a puzzled face. He forgot as he used to call her Mad lass artist inside the painting!


Ella fell silent. She couldn't believe that someone had dared to forget her name. And it was her bodyguard to boot! On top of that, he slipped his tongue. She was 101% certain that she heard the word 'Mad' before the 'Miss'.

With a face beyond crying, she was looking at him with an angry face.

"Aaaah, this going to be troublesome," he mumbled while scratching his face. In any case, he could not let her get angry with him.

'My Deity help! I need backup pretty fast!' He used thought communication with his trusted partner.

Sistela who was currently enjoying herself flapping her wings suddenly went to a stop.

<Partner? Why?> she asked via thought process also.

He told her the situation which Sistela understood and told him her real name based on what was recorded in her data.

'I see, thank you, My Deity!' 

"Then, I call you Rea then…"


'Is he a shameless man?' Ella was surprised. This person went directly into asking of calling her with a shortcut name which only applied to someone very close to her. Or know her from childhood. 

For Yman though, 'it is convenient to call someone in an easy to remember 'name'. No need to waste more brain juices just by remembering someone's name. And Rea was a good name. I believe.'


She didn't argue any further and agreed as they already in front of the stall where potions lined neatly depending on color. However, that 'Mad' he said still bothering her.

"Oh, a handsome Young Man and a beautiful Young Miss. Are you perhaps looking for high-quality potions?"

A middle-aged man said while keeping his composed smile on his face.

Seeing the two rich-looking young people in front of him, the vendor secretly grinned.

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