The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 151 - Crossing The Last Barrier

...The Headless Demon Lord was disintegrated for good.

Only the ruined throne room remained together with several participants that seemingly lost their ability to talk. Most of them were sucked dry. But they could manage to move somehow.

However, none of them was in the mood to do that as they were contemplating of that last second.

'What the hell was that?' Their thoughts. They were puzzled about everything. About those insect-like creatures that sucked their mana dry and flew towards that person. A moment after he lifted his hand, the black insects turned into tiny spheres and they combined to the sphere on the huge skeleton's hand.. Creating a giant sphere that triples its original size from before.

When that giant sphere was shot, not even the Headless Boss of the room was able to retaliate in a second.

But the thing that surprised them the most was the current situation. The scary skeleton was seemingly obeying that person.

'The heck with that skeleton! It's obeying that person like a dog!' Their thoughts.

Everyone was silent.

Step step step…! One person broke the silence with the tapping of his shoes against the broken floors.

He was walking towards the treasures. But no one was minding his action. Following behind him was the huge skeleton, seemingly guarding him.

Roman who managed to avoid having his mana stolen just stared at the guy with lots of interest. But he did not propose a challenge to him. After seeing what that skeleton could do, only a blind and idiot would risk himself getting killed at this point.

Although that guy looks exhausted, the skeleton behind him was so domineering.

If Roman remembered correctly, that fight between the skeleton and the Headless Demon could not be considered a real fight. Since it was a one-sided battle. The headless did not even manage to touch the skeleton.

But what puzzled him was… if that skeleton was that person's summon or not. He never heard even once that a person summoned a creature aside from a beast.

Also, the one following behind him was an undead!

He couldn't even feel a strong magical power from him. 

But this was what made Roman warier of him.

Any uncertainties had boundless possibilities. So Roman could not risk himself for such an opponent that he didn't know what he was hiding up in his sleeves. 

In any case, he was certain that he could enter the last barrier. He wasn't here for the additional prizes. His main goal was the grand prize in the competition.

After here, he would have more time to research about that person that they called Crimson.

However, not all people were as sane as Roman.

Before Crimson's finger could touch the treasures.

"Damn it don't be cocky! That's our treasures!" Jura was getting out of sense after thinking that someone other than him would claim the treasure.

Jura and Nicholas rapidly flew towards him.

"Tsk! Those idiots!" Hilion commented.

Crimson narrowed his eyes. Looks like some were able to avoid the Winged-Ants.

However, before they even touched his hair, a huge scythe met them and sent their heads flying.

The audiences from the Student Council of Encantansia academy tightly shut their mouths. Hannah on the other hand shook her head.

In the end, Jura lost his cunningness and let himself get killed just because of an additional prize.

Hah~ Hannah sighed. It would lower the value of the academy. 'That Jura is an idiot!' She thought.

They materialized outside with sour faces. They won't forget that guy for the rest of their lives! They made an oath.

'Tsk if only I have my main Artefact!' Jura thought.

Gilion who couldn't even lift his arms remained quiet while clenching his teeth. He tried to force himself to

get up, but he was still lacking in strength.

'Dammit! Damn damn damn! Move! The hell! Move!' Gilion shouted inwardly.

After killing two of the experts, no one had ever tried to distract him. Harou, who planned to attack too, changed his mind. In any case, he would get his revenge later when all their equipment was not locked anymore.

All the audience outside had a face that could not believe the result of elimination.

Crimson opened all the treasures. No need to share them as it was planned by him from the start. To use whatever means he could to succeed. Even using some people. Cinder was one of them.

After all, he didn't come to the empire to find friends and adventure. He came to find medicine for the most important person to him.

After opening the first golden chest, what inside it made him frown. It was parchment.

He took it and read, but what was written in it caused his brows to knit.

Around this time, inside the palace, "Rea Honey, fast rewrite what's written in the parchment!" The empress immediately requested her niece.

Ella forced a soundless laugh before agreeing to her.

Crimson was surprised when the letters in the parchment suddenly disappeared. Then another letter came out.

The thing that was first written in there was a prize of a costume-made weapon. Although it was a good prize, it was wasted on someone like him who wasn't proficient in any weapons. Well, after seeing it, his initial thought was to sell them.

Yet, the letters disappeared and another prize was written on it.

He wondered how it happened. But he believed that beautiful mad lass artists had to do with it.

The others were having sorry faces while looking at him opening the treasures one after another.

When he tried to open the next treasure chest. He found out that he could not open it. He scratched the back of his head and tried to destroy it.

Everyone was having puzzled faces while their eyes turned into dots.

"Is he an idiot?"

"Shhhh! Shuddap! If you don't want that skeleton to behead you.


Some random participants were whispering.

He tried to shake it, but no matter what he did, it won't open. Even Cinder and the others curled their brows at him.

Then above the chest cap, a notification appeared.

Saying, "The Audience Choice Award goes to Roman Hammerhelm."

"The heck is this?" Crimson eyes turned white.

<Is this some kind of pageant, partner?> Sistela added. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Ah-Ahem, who is Roman Hammerhelm?" 

Everyone gawked when they heard Crimson asked about it.

Even Hilion and the others.

Roman was as surprised as them. It was unexpected that this person would ask about him. His body then slowly shrunk into his original self. As he could not perceive bad intent from the guy.

"It's me!" Roman admitted.

Crimson glanced at him. It was the same guy who had exceptional strength.



Roman and the others were dumbfounded when he threw the chest towards him. But he managed to catch it.

"Why?" He asked. But Crimson just raised his shoulders. Signifying that he too didn't know why.

"The heck! He just gave it? How generous!" Someone muttered.

When Roman opened it, he saw a parchment.

Then Crimson went to open the third chest. But as expected, like the second chest, it was also locked. Then a notification in the form of a holographic screen appeared.

Saying, "Good Leadership Award goes to Hilion Gustav!"

Crimson wanted to cry.

<Uh-eh… partner, don't you think it seemed weird?> 

"Ahaha…" He forced a descending laugh. For some reason, he became the guy who handed everyone's awards.

'Damn it! What the hell is that beautiful artist thinking!' Crimson cried out inwardly.

He then asked who Hilion Gustav was.

"That's me!"

Yman glanced at him. For some reason, this guy's energy was identical to that of Gilion.

He then threw the third chest towards Hilion which astonished the others.

"Dang it, he's giving them for free!"

"Is he perhaps a kind-hearted man? I wish to add him to and TweetTweet accounts."


After Crimson threw the third chest, he glanced at Ember and the other and beckoned to pass the barrier.

They nodded. But before it, he passed the parchment to Cinder while saying, "it's yours!"

Cinder was puzzled but upon reading the parchment, she smiled and nodded.

He then turned around and walked towards the barrier. Seeing him walking away, Cinder frowned and tried to reach him. But he already moved a little farther.

After Crimson crossed the last barrier, all his summons immediately disappeared into thin airs.

One after another, those who survived were able to pass the barrier.

When Crimson passed on it, he found himself in a white space.

Suddenly his mind was seemingly invaded by something.

Then a scene appeared in his mind. About the world and a supreme being. About the 15 summoned beings from another world.

About the 15 Heroes and the Fate Masters. Yman was puzzled. Then, a big planet was shown, it was divided into four large continents.

Then a widespread battle between four continents?


Yman wondered if it was a dream. Regardless, why was he here? What is this place?! It's all-white! And what was the scene that he was seeing?

But no matter how many times he asked the question, no one could give him an answer. Because he was alone. 

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