The Mysterious Black Magician

Chapter 145 - A Man That Can Lead An Army

After killing a couple of participants in just a swing of his scarlet blade, the Demon Lord rushed to the others and raised the sword in hand. He was raising it over his head.

The people in front of him trembled in fear. Although it was a competition only and not real, being in the face of such a monster, one could not help be afraid.

Ssssshiiing! A sudden down-strike drew a long scarlet mark in the air.


People who were hit by it were torn to pieces in a second when the attack landed on them.

Multiple figures spawned in the spawning area outside the painting; each one of them was wearing uniformed faces. Fear was visible in their eyes.

But the people around were not minding them as their focus was on the giant monitor..


The Demon Lord was in frenzy mode. It did not stop its onslaught.

Seeing the Demon Lord killing his men from left to right, "Attack! Attack!" He shouted once again.

Woosh! Wwwwiiiisshh! Woooosssh!

Such sounds coming from several kinds of attacks were overheard in the area.

However, this time, the Demon Lord was unaffected by their attacks.

"This is bad young sir, he's a berserker type, which not only has a resilient body but also negates a huge portion of damage we dealt!" Mus reported.

Harou was staring at the monster with a bitter face. 

"Is it unkillable? Damnit!" He grunted.

"Let's try to sneak to its back then collect the chests and run towards the barrier!" Harou commanded.

"Okay, sir!"

The participants immediately followed and ran towards the back of the Demon Lord.

But before they successfully crossed the back of him, in a distance of 50 meters around the Demon Lord, the ground trembled with a loud shaking. Like a high-intensity earthquake.

Debris was falling from walls and ceilings. But the most affected by it were those in the ground.

Every participant who was hit by it suffered a daze for a couple of seconds and couldn't move.

Using the scarlet sword in hand, the Demon Lord made a full 360 degrees horizontal swipe!

All the participants inside his range turned to dust out of a sudden.

Harou, Lyka, Mus, and the remaining few numbers of participants grimaced at the sight.

Especially Mus who wanted to obtain the treasures and become one of the three people who will cross the barrier.

However, never would they expect that such a boss was waiting here! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! He gnashed his teeth while cursing repeatedly. Looks like not even the expert from great families could do something about it.

Right at this moment, the door made a long creaking noise once again. 

Everyone glanced and saw the other experts together with all other participants. Even the person who Yman fought in the adventurers guild was here too. It was Vince the Menace. Looks like he survived as well. He was currently wearing a broad grin on his face.

And not just that, all the other experts were here too!

"R-Roman and H-Hilion?" Mus muttered their names listlessly. Now, it will be more impossible for him to obtain a treasure. 

Not just them, the other strong experts were there too.

"Young master look!" Leon pointed in the direction of the Demon Lord.

Hilion just made a brief scan inside the room and he wholly understood what was going on.

"Looks like the final stage is a boss room, huh," he said and walked to the front, "Kukuku, as expected of Her Majesty Elleanna Encanta. Always come up with a surprise that won't bore everyone," Hilion chuckled.

"Hilion, let's team up to kill that bastard!" Harou offered.

"Heh, no need for that, I don't want to team up with smelly dogs…" said Hilion with a smug.

"Fuck you!" Grunted Harou.

"Kukuku, why don't you lay down there together with those two idiots," Hilion said while pointing to Jura and Nicholas who was still lying on the ground, seemingly unconscious.

Mus on the other hand scuttered towards Hilion, "Young sir, I have all the data about that monster which may help the team."

Harou knitted his brows and thought, 'this traitor!'

For Mus though, if he could at least help the group of Hilion, maybe there's a chance for him to sneak and steal one of the chests.

Hilion glanced at him and scoffed, he didn't even know who this guy was. "No need for that." 

"What?" His words stunned Mus.

Hilion knew that this man was aiming for something. But looks like he misunderstood. There was no way that those treasures in the chests were easy to get. Her majesty has an unrivaled mind. If his guess was right, then those chests would open only if they killed the one guarding it.

Without wasting more time talking with Mus, he raised his hand pointing to the Demon Lord and shouted, "everyone surrounds it and uses your high penetrative magical attacks!" Hilion shouted a command.

"Aye, sir!"

(Dun dun dun dun…!) They ran to surround the monster. 

"Tsk!" Harou clicked his tongue. Since Hilion doesn't want to team up so be it. He would rather do his thing.

"What are we gonna do, big bro?" Lyka, who was sitting on top of the Winged-Wildcat asked him.

"Let's just wait and see what those people could do. For now, conserve your stamina and mana," he replied to her.

After all, Hilion's team was much larger compared to them who lost more than half of their original number. On top of that, Roman was in Hilion's group. 

After everyone went into formation, ear-piercing sounds and gushing sounds of air enveloped the whole room.

Magical energies in the forms of javelins, spears, and any kinds of blades shot towards the Demon Lord.

These types of attacks were known for their high penetration.

This is the type of magic that Yman could not do without the help of his Skill Modifying ability. Cinder who was absent at the academy also didn't know how to use it.

After all, the two of them had never been taught how to condense mana on the spot and materialize object-based magical energy like the spear, javelin, blade, etc.

This magic was called -Mana Condensation- a middle-tier magic ability. It was different from the Mana Coating.

Nonetheless, after all the attack was released, the Demon Lord howled.

"As expected, Hilion can lead an army and can make a rational decision just by a brief moment of scanning. He truly was a talented one, fufufu," muttered the empress.

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