After 4 days…

lightsΝοvel  An enormous clan, its magnificence plain to see, stood in the embrace of undulating hills not far from a medium-sized town.

The enormous white walls glittered a symbol of authority, bathed in the golden hues of sunlight. As it waved in the wind, the yellow banner—proudly bearing the lightning insignia—marked the expanse of the clan's expansive domain.

Within this fortress, one might see students and mages practicing their magical skills in their signature yellow robes.

The Thundering Clan was not the most powerful in the kingdom, but they had great magicians and a wide array of powerful weapons and strengths.

As mystical forces reverberated across the expansive grounds, an air of promise filled the air. All sorts of magical skill levels were on display in the various training zones, with both newcomers and seasoned practitioners deep in concentration.

The moderately sized town of Valence was located close to the clan.

On this particular day, the town bustled with the festivities of a small celebration. The lively event drew in numerous mages, seemingly unaffiliated with any specific clan.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the town, three individuals clad in white robes adorned with drifting cherry blossoms stood before a board and several banners.

"Are you ready? This is the best way to earn some respect, show our power, and recruit some mages," the small guy from the group said.

"Sure, my hands are itching already," the middle one replied.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's head for the Thundering Clan!" the last one said, raising the fist in the air.

The three of them rode into the Thundering Clan on the carriage, where a great swarm of mages was gathering.

The entire vicinity buzzed with activity.

As they approached, the grandeur of the clan became increasingly apparent. Every facility was meticulously maintained.

They proceeded to the arena for combat as per the instruction of the little guy.

While the mages squared up, they beheld numerous numbers of revered clan elders sitting and watching intently.

The entire arena bustled with the presence of mages and students from the Thundering Clan.

*Cough* *Ahem* The little man coughed,

"STOP THIS ALL AT ONCE!" Suddenly, he shouted.

The mages in battle came to a sudden stop as his voice resounded across the area.

All eyes, including those of the perplexed clan elders, turned toward the trio, trying to discern their identities.

"We are from the Cherry Blossom Clan, and we are here to challenge the Thundering Clan!" The little old dwarf removed his hood as he pointed his small hands towards the clan elders.

"Cherry Blossom..

"Never heard of them…

"Is that a some sort of new clan?…

As they discussed the Cherry Blossom Clan, the assembled mages whispered and mumbled to one another.

"Have you gone senile, old man…

"Who do you think you are…

"A small no-name clan has balls to come here and challenge us….

Yet, his strike found only empty space and a scattering of cherry blossoms. Suddenly, a colossal explosion of petals whisked him away from the ground.

Sir Blossom, who was on stage, flew over to him.

His fist connected with the mage's abdomen in mid-air, propelling him out of the combat arena. He flew, shattering tiles and ground, finally halting just beyond the entrance gate of the Thundering Clan.

"Hahahaha…. Another loser, is that all your clan got?" The dwarf man shouted once again.

Meanwhile, Sir Blossom gently landed on the stage and stood calmly in the middle.

Once again, whispers started to circulate among the audience. Uncertainty now lingered among the young mages, who had been so excited to join a formidable clan.

In an instant, two disciple mages from the Thundering Clan were defeated by an unknown assailant, casting a shadow of doubt.

"Fifth elder, send your disciple,"

"Huh… isn't that an overkill?"

"Our reputation might be hurt in this way. We can't risk it any further now."

"O-Okay, as you wish, third elder,"

The attention of Sir Blossom immediately turned to the mage who appeared before him, as if from nowhere.

Anticipation hung in the air, gripping everyone's attention, even the dwarf man, who became noticeably still.

"Your ability to appear strong might have fooled everyone. But I know you are just fodder," the mage said.

A blade appeared from the cherry blossoms and stabbed abruptly at the mage. Yet the attack went awry, leaving Sir Blossom sprawled on the ground, quite a distance from his intended target.

At the same time, the fifth elder's follower laughed uncontrollably, setting the mood with wildly waving hands as if directing an unseen orchestra.

Sir Blossom was repeatedly flung through the air, crashing onto the ground under the influence of an unseen force.

Everyone, even the elders, was stunned into silence as his insanity resounded through the once-quiet arena.

Astounded, they beheld the fifth elder's follower's strange behavior onstage. In contrast, Sir Blossom remained composed, indicating that the disciple was clearly under the influence of some illusion.

"He needs more practice," That was the first words uttered by Sir Blossom.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"Where did he come from…

"How the hell we didn't even hear about Sir Blossom or Cherry Blossom Clan?"

Gathered in a tight circle, the clan elders were deep in debate. As events continued to go against them, their emotions made it clear how frustrated they were.

Another mage suddenly appeared onstage.

The arrival of this newcomer caused the Thundering Clanmages to burst into celebration and cheers.

Some elders, relieved, sighed and took their seats, reassured by the arrival of this particular individual.

[Master, a grade IV!]

Hmm… time to see how strong we have grown," Aizel thought.

Sir Blossom, aka Aizel, observed the woman, who had just stepped onto the stage.

With her robes trailing behind her, her beautiful blonde hair swept to one side, and her sharp brown eyes fixed on him.

By all accounts, Aizel was going to confront the most formidable mages he has faced up to this point.

She seemed to be on par with Yoji, or perhaps even stronger.

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