83 Chapter Eighty Three

Katie did the best she could do to contain her nerves from what she’d just heard from Samantha. Samantha wasn’t someone to be shaken by something, but from the way she was acting, something was definitely wrong. One thing she could tell, however, was that the danger wasn’t immediate. She’d been asked to keep her guard up and that’s what she did. Keeping her eyes peeled for any sort of suspicious activity.

There was nothing out of the ordinary throughout the entire tour through the projects. The VIPs each chose something that had impressed them. Although something currently had them occupied at the moment. They’d all returned to the staffroom where they were to discuss what they were going to decide. “That student that built a water purifier out of household materials was impressive,” Tina mused.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I’d go with the child who succeeded in robotics. Scientific Invention is something of a trending topic these days,” Lionel said.

“I was of the same opinion. In fact, I’m ready to give that boy a scholarship in the Sirius Royal capital,” Clark said.

“That will not be happening. I had my eyes on that one while you two were still taking a look at the water purifier. Besides, they both have potential, I say you go with that one and I’ll happily take the one that has done the robotics. Besides, I haven’t heard any of you say something about the one who wrote a thesis on increasing agricultural production, that one was nice,” Lionel was going all out.

“The one on agricultural production was certainly creative and open-minded, but that would help if he was given the right facilities to work with and frankly the capital is not a place that would see that child’s dreams realized,” Tina argued.

“Did you just look down on Haelstrom as a village and not a town of economic importance or did I hear you wrong?” Lionel asked.

“You know quite well that the capital would not function without a town like Haelstrom to see that production that it’s not capable of flourishes and becomes great. Since we are from different empires and you seem to show less interest in that child I would probably benefit more if I informed my king of this new development and had the child taken somewhere within the Sirius capital to a place that will foster his bright and innovative ideas,” Clark and Tina were not going to back down very easily.

“What do you take me for? My issue was with the child of robotics. I’m not backing down on that one. I know the one that shows great promise in agriculture would be a good pick, but there is only so many that I could take,” Lionel tried to defend himself seeing his grip on the child-of-interest loosening.


“They are really going at it this time,” Sandra whispered into Katie’s ear.

“Yeah, I never thought Lionel was the type to actually take interest in matters such as this one,” Katie replied. The discussion continued to rage on. The hunters would have said they wanted it to end and they all move on, but for some reason watching the VIPs battling over the kids and placing all points on the table seemed to amuse them and they watched the discussion go on and on.

It was only when Anthony looked at his watch that he realized that they should have been wrapping this up a long time lest they risk the chance of enjoying the rest of the festival. “Dear VIPs, as we have noticed your severe interest in the children that have shown talent in today’s festival, we must reach a conclusion before we burn any more daylight. So I bring forth a proposal that the children that seem to have sparked an interest in both parties be handed the choice.

Surely these students, given how serious they are, also know what part of the world would be better for their advancement in their fields. It would be okay to add incentives that better their academic ventures and help them reach the necessary conclusion. It will be forbidden, however, to give them incentives that do not have anything to do with the time they will be spending on their academics. Accommodation of the best calibre is an obvious privilege along with food and clothing.

Therefore, everything that is to be provided as an incentive is strictly for academic purposes. This being said, we’d save up enough time to enjoy the rest of the festival as was planned,” the VIPs listened to the Director and both sides looked visibly taken by the idea that the man had brought forward.

“That does sound like a sound plan. It would be better than fighting amongst ourselves. To be honest, I had no idea Lionel would put up this much of a fight. When he came in his father’s stead, I thought he wouldn’t be as interested as his father was in the years prior to this one,” Clark confessed, sighing.

“I did come to do what my father does every time he was here, so I could not let him down. Besides, I might not look it, but I was chosen as an heir because I have my region’s best interests at heart,” Lionel sounded different as though someone had locked him in a formal tone, a thought that almost made Katie laugh as Sandra voiced it in her ear.

“Very well then. I’m glad to see all is not lost for the Haelstrom pack,” Jeremiah pitched in.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Moving on to the next program of the day. I have drawn flyers of names of VIPs and the hunters that shall be their escorts through the festival. We know that the escorts you brought with you would rather enjoy the festival themselves rather than continue to work the way they did on their trip. This is like a thank you for letting them get you here safely...” Anthony said, raising his voice such that the rest did not interfere with the miniature argument they’d pretty much already started.

“These meetings have loose protocols... How did I get into trouble last time?” Katie whispered to Sandra even though due to the silent room, many people heard her and stopped to pay attention to what she was saying, “Did I say something?”

“Forgive her manners...” Anthony called the attention of the room once more and finished the rest that he was supposed to discuss. Basically the do’s and the don’ts of the festival and where to go and where not to go. Once he was done, the VIPs were excused and allowed to leave the vicinity and explore the festival, “Farewell, and have fun. At eight, there will be a feast for dinner and the dance will commence at 9:30, for those of you that want to have fun swaying with your partners and shaking you tushies.”

“There are some words that man says and just makes me wonder... Where does he get them?” Sandra said once Anthony was gone. Katie chuckled at her friend’s silliness.

“How was your tour with Jason?” she asked the girl.

“Why are you asking me? I am seeing a new fine piece of jewellery that really sparks with your eyes,” Sandra said, her voice going up a few octaves and gaining twice the excitement.

“I also wanted to talk about that, by the way. Katie, you look like a whole new person with that necklace. So spill, was it Cole who got it for you? Oh, if only Jackeline were here to see this,” for some reason, Samantha was already with them and her eyes were screaming to get in on the story behind the sapphire necklace that ran around Katie’s neck.

Katie, for the moment, was feeling like the most important person. Her job as Head of Security was certainly starting to feel like an irrelevance, “Yes, it was Cole. It was such a thoughtful gift, I barely had the words to thank him,” she indulged.

“Umm, Katie...” a deep voice came from behind them. Someone that the three had not expected. Katie turned just in time to see Jeremiah before her, someone she’d longed to see since he left them. Although she never would have thought that he’d continue his training as a hunter, “Would you take the tour with me?”

“What’s this? Like some kind of proposal. It’s a tour, but you two girls have turned it into something else entirely,” Samantha almost yelled, throwing her hands into the air before dragging Sandra away from the two of them.

“It’s crazy and I know that, but what is someone supposed to do when asked for a tour, say no...” Sandra said while she was being dragged away, “I just wish I got some jewellery. It’s a nice way to make a tour interesting.”

Katie buried her head in her hands as she watched the two hoodlums walking away, “Who are they talking about? Is it the same Cole that I found you shooting arrows with?”

“Yeah, that very one,” she confessed.

“He bought you a necklace... that’s that pretty...” the man sounded astonished by what he was saying.

“Yeah, can’t a guy buy for a girl some nice stuff?” she asked him, placing a goofy smile on her face feigning innocence.

“Well, only if the guy is meant to be with the girl. That’s when it would make sense. To me anyway, but what do I know? Should we get going?” he asked.

The two of them had just got out of the school doors when they ran into Cole Lycaon, dressed to kill and ready for the ball that night. Well, that was obviously not going to happen, but he was dressed in a black suit that stunned Katie immediately. Though his face didn’t appreciate the fact that she was in the company of a male other than him and Katie was well aware of this fact which made this situation all the more hopeless.

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