115 Chapter One Hundred Fifteen

The flight to Sirius was nothing short of spectacular. They flew over all sorts of landscapes that Katie was thankful they got to see. What she hadn’t expected was for them to cover all that land in a short amount of time. The flight took a duration of four hours and Katie was able to tell that they’d travelled many miles to get there. If she had decided to run the distance, it would have taken her days at her best.

However, thinking of it in that way only missed being able to run. Ashley remained quiet most of the time... Katie would have thought the wolf was trying to rest. She decided against bothering her and moved on to the next most interesting thing. Her female best friend was turning blue.

“Hey, Sandra, you’re glowing in all sorts of colours today,” she mocked the girl. The girl stood out in the bright yellow cape and her motion sickness didn’t help her look any less vibrant.

“Just you wait... I’ll be on the ground strolling in no time,” she countered, hitting Katie where it hurt the most...

“Oh, I know... And considering I was allowed to remain your mentor, you will use those legs exactly the way I tell you to,” Katie replied, flashing her friend the brightest and most innocent smile she could muster.

Sandra groaned and shifted in her seat, having received even worse news concerning what she was to expect in Sirius. Jason walked over and sat next to the girl, pulling her close to him and shooing Katie away, “I haven’t seen you this bored in a long time... Shoo, leave my girl,” he said.

“Thank you, Jason. She’s torturing me,” Katie chuckled at the two of them and proceeded to the next group of people... Yes, she had decided to take a tour of the entire plane. One might say she had a hidden motive or was simply too bored to spend the entire flight with her wheelchair in the same place. She was looking for something motivating... of the sorts...

The next group of people she came across was her newfound siblings. Drake lay with his face to the roof, his mouth open snoring lightly. Katie froze at the sight in front of her and shifted her attention to the girl whose eyes were once again glued to the screen of the tablet she’d noticed her with earlier. With earphones plugged in, the only way the girl would have known that Katie was there was if she caught her scent.

Unfortunately, this also didn’t get the girl’s attention away from the screen. These were her blood siblings... Katie still found the concept somewhat baffling after having grown up in the custody of hunters that trained her to fight and defend herself. She moved her wheelchair closer to her brother and began to poke his cheeks to check just how asleep he was.


After failing to get a response, she proceeded with the tour. Next was her ‘parents’... ‘What an odd family I have been blessed with?’ she thought to herself only to lose grip of the joystick. The two Royals, the King and Queen, unlike their son, were asleep peacefully in each other’s arms. The King had his hands protectively around the Queen who slept peacefully in his arms. ‘You two just make everyone about you envious, don’t you?’ she mentally cursed.

That was the entire crew that was travelling. Sandra had been allowed to join Katie to continue her training as a hunter and to help Katie considering she was no longer able to walk. Cole had offered to take care of all that, but only in private... An offer Katie gladly declined... She didn’t know anyone in Sirius besides the werewolves she had only got the pleasure of knowing for a few days and that was not enough to keep her comfortable. It felt selfish of her, but it was what she wanted. She’d let too much happen without her power over it. Changing homes just because you had no choice couldn’t be easy on anyone. Sandra coming along only made it easier for her.

“Can’t get any sleep?” a deep voice asked the girl, pulling her out of her thoughts. Her reflection stared back at her through the blue eyes of the king... She hadn’t noticed when he’d got up and thankfully she was glad she wasn’t panicking in front of him as she had for the past week that he’d tried to get her attention.

“Oh, no... It can’t be easy to sleep when you are leaving your home to go to someplace that you were actually supposed to have grown up in,” she pointed out.

“You really did love Brigadia,” the King chuckled, “I hope the capital of Sirius meets your expectations. We discussed with Cole and he agreed to let you live in Sirius for five months. He wouldn’t allow any longer than that. I don’t know what he is in a rush for, but that’s how it stands. I hope you love your stay there.”

“Yeah, I hope so too. Why does Cole get to choose that kind of thing?” Katie couldn’t keep from asking.

“Cole is the only child to the Lycaon king and queen. He found his Luna. It only stands to reason that she would live with him in the Lycaon empire. There isn’t much we can do about that... All we could do was get you some time to know your birth home,” he explained.

“Oh, I see... That explains a lot... In an odd forceful kind of way. How long till we land?” she asked him.

The king stretched a bit and checked his watch, “Well, we’ve been in the air for about three and a half hours. We should be there in about thirty minutes. You should get some rest. There’s much to do once you get there,” he said to her.

Katie had almost forgotten that the flight was only the start of her journey. Turning the wheelchair around, she began the journey back to her seat. She found Cole just waking up from his three-hour slumber, “Didn’t you get any sleep?” he asked mid-yawn.

“You’ll suffocate everyone in the plane if you yawn like that,” Katie joked about, “And no, I couldn’t get any sleep. I hope we don’t really have that much to do when we get to Sirius...”

Cole got up and lifted the girl out of the wheelchair with next to no warning. Once he had her straddled against him comfortably, “Now get some sleep, beautiful. There will be a lot to do in Sirius before you can rest again.” Even if Katie wanted to oppose the wolf, she didn’t have the strength to do so. Only a week ago, she had nothing to fear from him because she could take him head-on in a fight and overpower him, or at least that’s how confident she was of her strength, but now she’d been reduced to someone powerless to a normal yellow-eyed werewolf.

She cosied up against the man and let herself drift off into sleep, with help from her werewolf who was purring from being so close to her mate. ‘You can be simple-minded sometimes, Ashley...’

‘Oh, just shut up and sleep, Katie...’


The plane landed only thirty minutes later and Katie was deep into her sleep at the time. Cole, who had no wishes of waking her watched as the plane was offloaded. Sirius was cold this time of year and he had packed consequently, ‘Caden, could you pass me two jackets?’ the man communicated to one of the alphas unpacking.

Looking back at his friend, Caden realised what the jackets were for and retrieved them from his suitcase. Cole carefully insulated his beautiful mate and carried her out of the plane. “Are you going to wake her?” Lina asked him when she realised he was not helping with the unpacking. Black cars drove over to the private jet, letting out the drivers to help with the unpacking and transportation.

“I’m not waking her. Any objections?” he asked. No one was in the mood to oppose him on that and proceeded with what they were doing, “How far to the palace?”

“Thirty-minute drive... I don’t...” Davin stopped speaking when Katie’s eyes snapped open. The girl was far too alert for someone who had only woken up.

“What’s wrong, Katie?” Martha asked the girl...

Katie sniffed the air for a while trying to comprehend what her senses were trying to tell her, but there was nothing definite, “I don’t know anything about the capital. I can’t interpret a thing.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It’s simple. I need to know where I am in order to be able to pinpoint what my senses are trying to tell me or where they are trying to lead me. I know nothing of Sirius. I can’t tell a thing,” she answered.

Sandra brought the electric wheelchair to the couple making Cole groan in disappointment. Katie chuckled at the man’s reaction and let him lower her into the wheelchair, however, the moment he let go of her, she began to feel very unprotected. The spots she’d been shot through started to itch reminding her of her inabilities.

“If you are still getting those odd vibes, then just tell us the general message involved,” Lina groaned, getting tired of watching the scene in front of her. She still had two years before maturity and this only made her feel more anxious to skip the two years. She was partially glad that Royals matured a little earlier than ordinary wolves which meant she didn’t have so long to wait for her mate.

She was discouraged by her brother though... the man was well into his twenties and was still single. It didn’t bother him one bit, but she wouldn’t want to wait that long. “I can say one thing,” Katie spoke up, catching everyone’s attention, “There are rogues here...”

The drivers that were still transporting the luggage froze at the speculation. Katie noticed the tension and her mind went to work trying to discern how safe they were. Without her powers to protect her family, the least she could do was provide holes in their defence. “The princess appears to have cold feet,” a man spoke up walking up to them. Katie looked towards him. This one was different... He’d not carried a single bag and he was bulky enough to give Anthony a scare... His eyes shone a bright red that put other alphas to shame.

Katie had seen the colour somewhere before... The man before her at the moment was none other than a beta alpha... “Jackson, how has Sirius been with me gone?” Davin greeted him hugging what appeared to be his old comrade.

“Sirius has been boring without a bit of your flare, your majesty,” the man replied, chuckling at the king’s enthusiasm. His words were kind to the king and showed no sort of malice silencing all of Katie’s red lights... This man was good in her eyes and it hadn’t taken any effort to rule him out of the people that she couldn’t trust...

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