107 Chapter One Hundred Seven

The Royal family walked out moments later leaving the two to a short moment of silence. “Are you okay?” Cole asked Katie, enjoying his role of ‘cushion.’

“Yes, I’m fine. Emotions as a werewolf are just a bit harder to control,” she replied, trying the breathing technique to wipe her emotions away from her. Unfortunately, this didn’t seem to help at all. She could still feel the surging mess of emotions welling up within her. At the back of her mind, a wolf chose to make herself even less noticeable to the hunter. Maybe that way, the hunter would be able to confine her emotions like she was used to...

‘Don’t... You’re a part of me as much as I am a part of you,’ Katie said to the wolf within her. Ashley had taken a deep dive into the memories of her counterpart and found out everything about her. She didn’t know why, but something about the memories appealed to her. She even found the reason Katie had been stunned by her name. The dead child that was still being mourned bore a similar name with the wolf.

“Well, for someone who’s only just found out that she is going to be taken from her home, you are taking this quite well,” he said.

“It’s like you want me to snap at you,” she sighed, “Cole, I’m hungry.”

“Huh, that was sudden,” the Royal was surprised.

“Feed your mate, Cole. I’m starving...” she continued, her wolf pushing forward with excitement. Cole noticed the change in her demeanour. Her voice was playful and she didn’t give him the option of getting up, “Before I’m forced to eat you instead...”

“You don’t have to get cannibalistic. I’ll ask Caden to bring you something. Just hang in there,” he said, holding up the girl who was now fake fainting. She was only getting heavier in his arms, not that he couldn’t hold her. She giggled at the man’s efforts only to cringe in pain, “Are you okay?”

The concern in his voice made the girl feel like melting. She almost forgot the pain that had only just shot from her abdomen, “Oh, I’m fine. It was just my stomach. I strained myself during the fight. How long was I out?”


“Not long actually... Your healing speed is top tier even for a Royal. The fighting only ended hours ago. It’s currently the middle of the night. Happy birthday, princess,” he summarised placing a kiss on her forehead... The girl huffed in disappointment... “What...”

“Nothing... Were there any injuries?” she asked from her position across his laps, doing nothing to change it.

“You just have to draw the report out somehow,” he groaned, “When I heard that you were injured, I didn’t pay attention to anything else that was happening. You weren’t stabilising and I was growing worried sick and when the doctors did manage to stabilise you, you kept growing weaker,” he explained before sending a message to his alpha to bring her food.

“Oh, sorry to worry you... And thanks for bringing me back. I don’t think I would have gotten out of that,” she said, her eyes glazing over.

“Did you really see him?” he asked her.

“Huh, who, the Rogue King... Oh yeah, I saw him. He was big and powerful... And a Royal,” she said.

“Oh, then what happened? I don’t think you’d let him get away from you if that happened,” he said to her.

“Of course I wouldn’t have let him go. I was weak, but I would have at least stalled long enough for the Mighty warrior made it,” she said, “They are only called upon when there is a high likelihood of the Rogue King appearing. My parent... sorry, guardians were spot on in their prediction,” she said to him.

“Yeah, they were... Can you promise me something, Katie?” Cole said, suddenly getting serious.

“If it’s reasonable, then yes,” she replied, noting the demanding tone in his voice.

Cole sighed at the reply. He had known she wouldn’t be easy to convince, but he still wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Part of him hoped she would realise this and give up, “You are not allowed to go into battle on your own regardless of what’s at risk,” he said to her, keeping his voice as cold as he could. It was a small price for what he’d experienced when he thought she was going to die.

Katie kept silent taking in the words she was sure were directed as a command and not an option. She didn’t want to make such a promise, but she knew he wasn’t going to drop it either. ‘You know we did almost die...’ Ashley spoke into the girl’s mind.

‘I know... I guess I just hadn’t let it sink in until now,’ she mentally replied. Sighing, she gave in to her mate’s demands. Her shoulders relaxed more than she thought was possible, relieving her of unknown stress, “Fine then... You have my word on this, but...”

“I might not be able to accept that...”

“Just hear me out, okay? I don’t want us to have any regrets if the time ever comes. I won’t risk my life again if that’s what you’re afraid of, but the next time I do something solo, I’ll ask you first. Only when you let me will I go,” she was practically begging him to accept the condition.

Cole knew what she was trying to get at. If there was ever a time that she would get a golden opportunity to end the war, this would allow her to break her promise without going against the promise she was making to him. It was unlikely and he didn’t even see a point in raising such a point. Nonetheless, knowing she had the liberty to act in such a situation would give her the peace of mind she was seeking. “I will be the one to decide that then,” he accepted.

The door creaked open just enough to allow a blonde head to peek through. Sandra surveyed the room and backed out to see if the coast was clear before sneaking into the room, “Hey, I thought you heard...” a voice shouted from outside before Sandra shut the door...

“I just had to see her. Since when were you appointed her bodyguard,” she shouted at the man outside, his voice coming very close to Jason’s.

“I wasn’t appointed her bodyguard, but she hasn’t called for anyone else yet and...”

“You guys can come in now,” Katie cut the male’s speech in half and watched the door burst open. Sandra leapt back just in time, barely missing being hit by the door.

“That’s great, Katie. How are you feeling? Is it true you saw him? What happened? Does it still hurt? How did Cole wake you...?”

“Can you slow down or at least shut up, Jason? She has only woken up,” Sandra shook the red-eyed male, “Where is that passive composure you had just a moment ago? You wouldn’t even let me get close to this room.”

“What makes you think I wasn’t curious? Cole has been so worried I thought he’d throw all our wolves into mourning,” he mumbled. Katie turned her head up to look Cole in the eye again.

“You were that worried. Aww, that’s cute,” she teased the now reddening tomato she was using as a cushion.

“I see someone got a new pillow,” Sandra smirked at the girl.

“Yes, and it’s all mine. No borrowing it... comes with heating capabilities as well. I don’t even need a blanket in the winter,” Katie replied, cosying into the Royal once more. It wasn’t like he was complaining.

“You are getting way too comfortable, Katie,” Cole chuckled, wrapping his arms lovingly around her.

“Oh, come on... You two should get a room,” a new voice poured into the room. They all turned to see Caden by the entrance holding a couple of large takeout bags. Katie couldn’t help but lick her lips at the smell of the food.

‘He looks familiar,’ Ashey spoke up abruptly, catching Katie off-guard.

‘Huh, what do you mean?’ the wolf pushed forward in her mind to take a closer look at the male.

‘I don’t know, but I feel like I know him. It’s probably a figment of a past life. It’s nothing to worry about. Let me out...’ the wolf protested, turning her attention back to the Royal we’d captured for a headrest.

‘Huh, no way... I do not have any idea what you have in mind. Besides, I have to talk to my friends first... Speaking of which, you are distracting me,’ she countered before bringing her mind back to the present. Unfortunately for her, the room had gone deadly silent and everyone was giving her a weird look, mainly Sandra. The werewolves were either smirking or trying to contain their laughter(Jason).

“So your wolf talks, I see,” Cole pointed out.

“Huh,” Katie turned to the Royal, my mind going completely blunt... ‘That’s a thing...’

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