Chapter 1684 Oh Crap!

“So… that’s what happened.” J5 nodded slightly. Perhaps the cold wind had been blowing for a long time, so his voice was also dry, without a slight temperature, “Blue Bird indeed committed a serious mistake this time.”

After he finished speaking, he rubbed the paint on his face, revealing his sharp eyes that were gleaming darkly, “This time, I support Q King’s actions. Regardless of Blue Bird’s gender, she is a soldier like all of us, a soldier who has her life tied to her belt.”

“Now that she committed such a mistake as a soldier, she should be punished by Q King. I am on Q King’s side this time; he did nothing wrong.”

“I will send you guys away and wait for your return. Brothers, this is our team training passed by word of mouth. R2’s sacrifice has sounded the alarm for us. We will never allow this kind of thing to happen again.”

J5’s words made the members of the Elite Platoon nod their heads slightly. They put aside their emotions and treated the problem with the sense of a soldier. Q King was indeed, not wrong. Because they didn’t want to watch their comrades leave but not having to see them returning.

“How’s Blue Bird? Did the doctor come out and talk about the situation?” Pigeon asked in a low voice. He watched the whole process when Blue Bird was beaten up. Q King’s fierceness at that time, indeed, made him a little scared.

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He kept kicking and punching, without any stop, and all of which he used his full strength. Pigeon was worried that Ye Jian might even have fractures.

“Skin allergies caused by antipyretics, large flushes on the body, normal breathing, and heartbeat, except for a high fever.” K7 just wanted to scare Xia Jinyuan, not his comrades, so he answered all their questions based on facts, “It should not be a big problem.”

After speaking, only then he realized that he had not told the truth to Q King.

When the members heard that the problem shouldn’t be a big deal, they were all relieved; then they heard K7 continued: “But I was a little angry at that time, so I purposely scared Q King. I guess he is really worried about Blue Bird now.”


After a few seconds of silence, the comrades all gave a thumbs up to K7; good job, bro!

“We are also very angry. You have revenge for us by frightening Q King.” T6 agreed, but then his eyes suddenly darkened when he recalled that he was also one of the guys that beat up Blue Bird.

Oh crap!

He hadn’t gotten An Jiaxin, and now… he had beaten up her best friend. He must not let her know about this matter!

For a while, T6 felt that he was in the middle of a fire. He was worried about Ye Jian and also worried that the girl he liked would hate him. He was not sure how to feel, standing in the cold wind.

Another team member was also very worried. Z7 Han Zheng looked at his comrades, who were relieved to learn that Blue Bird was all right and sighed lightly.

Blue Bird made a mistake and was taught a lesson by Q King. The brothers all expressed their understanding and agreement, but…, brothers, you don’t know that those two are a couple!

As a boyfriend, Q King beat up his girlfriend so badly that she was sent to the hospital. If his girlfriend wakes up and wants to break up, then what? What’s going to happen? How is he going to face her?

Commander-in-chief Xia was also overwhelmed with this problem. After listening to Crane’s report, he finally understood why his son had to deal with his future daughter-in-law so ruthlessly.

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