Chapter 1592 Search And Shoot

Standing in front of the big screen, the Navy Commander gave a military salute and replied solemnly, “Yes! Everything is subject to military arrangements!”

In the next year’s competition, the military has great hopes for the two special forces and the top leaders of the Great Hall. Commander-in-Chief Xia also conveyed the instructions from the top leaders, “…Since we have a beginning, we must have a good end as well.”

“Our local tough training has its shortcomings. We must be determined to turn those shortcomings into strengths and then persevere in carrying on the responsibilities that a soldier should shoulder! We will need strict requirements for ourselves for next year’s competition. Train hard, and finally win glory for our country!”

“Yes!” The generals and soldiers in the command center stood at attention, saluted, and answered the military headquarters and the Great Hall with a loud and confident voice.

The two special forces shouldering the responsibilities had already set off with 25 kilograms of equipment at this moment. The command from the command center sounded from the radio at three o’clock in the morning. The confrontation had begun, and the two teams quickly entered the competition area.

At six o’clock in the morning, the water ghosts of the Storm Commando, crawling in the deep withered grass, fixed their eyes on the pine forest in front of them. They needed to cross this forest, so they quickly approached the woods.

Two scouted, and two watched. They confirmed that there was no one at the edge of the woods before sending a signal to their team members. The water ghosts in the creeping grass quickly advanced two by two.

Under their feet were thick withered yellow pine needles that were soft enough to make no sound when stepping on them. Because of the autumn rain last night, the whole forest was filled with the smell of damp, rotten branches and leaves.


Someone whispered, and several figures marched quickly with alertness. Everyone had their legs slightly bent, their backs slightly forwards, holding guns in both hands, and entering the deep pine forest in a combat situation that could become a battlefield anytime.

When they arrived in the woods, there was fog; they were not thick but formed “fog bands” that could be seen with the naked eye, like the rags on the arms of the gods, misty and illusory.

Everyone wore their woodland combat uniforms. The color was similar to that of mountains and woods, good for camouflage. The two-person teams marched forward carefully. Once one side was targeted, the remaining team members could react quickly.

The birds on the branch wailed, and their small body with flapping wings passed through the thick pine leaves, and in the blink of an eye, they landed on another tree.

The water ghosts who were moving forward without a sound suddenly reacted. Some quickly went around behind the tree, some quickly squatted, some fell directly, and some pushed forward and quickly found their positions.

“Peng, peng peng” Countless gunshots broke the calm. Bullets flew through the air instantly, making the atmosphere of the entire forest extremely tense. The water ghosts had already entered a state of combat. The gunshots sounded, and the whole team reacted unanimously, time for combat.

“Search and shoot!” Li Jinnian’s icy voice came from the headset. He and Ye Jian completed the first wave of obstacle-clearing blasts, and they had quickly moved forward, “Obstacle cleared, forward!”

As his voice sounded, the hidden water ghosts moved forward quickly. Simultaneously, they promptly moved their rifles, aimed at the target, and pulled the trigger to complete the search and shoot training!

Once the obstacles in front were cleared, all the team members must not stay there anymore. They needed to search forward quickly and complete their shooting.

“Peng, peng, peng!”

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