The Mighty Dragons Are Dead

Chapter 166 - Chapter 166: Chapter 0166: Juan Fu’s Miserable Bird Life

Chapter 166: Chapter 0166: Juan Fu’s Miserable Bird Life
Elkerson oversaw the construction of the Flame Mushroom Processing Workshop and stewed falcon Juan Fu every day.

Granney threw himself into the making of the Calming Sea Pearl wholeheartedly.

Goltai and other officials presided over the autumn harvest work of Fresh Flower Town.

The commoners of the town also joined the harvesting teams, reaping wheat, barley, rye, leveling wasteland, picking wild fruits, gathering vegetables, and collecting Tulip pod fruits. After autumn, the long Ice Snow winter will set in, and all the crops in Fresh Flower Town will cease to grow.

“Master, these are the freshly picked Dragon Kui from today,” Butler Carter brought over a plate of dark little fruits.

With the boost from the Dragon Kui Bugs, the yield of the Dragon Kui Field surged, harvesting a plate of fruits every day. These things indeed tasted good, but eating too much was not comfortable, Liszt only tasted them occasionally, and the rest were given to his subordinates.

Ever since the outbreak of the Thorn Bugs.

The Dragon Kui Bug had become the most chicken-ribbed among the Elf Bugs.

The output of Dragon Kui was low and couldn’t be sold in bulk, only serving as a taste improver.

However, taking the example of the Thorn Bug, Liszt would not underestimate the Dragon Kui Bug, who knew when it might have a big outbreak and trigger a set of chain tasks, evolving into a Dragon Kui Junior Elf.

“You should try some too.”

“Thank you, Master.”

After eating a few Dragon Kui fruits, Liszt asked, “We’re approaching the end of October now, and in two more months, it will be winter. Has the warehouse started preparing for food storage?”

“I’ve already entrusted Captain Abagon and Captain Sherlock to be ready at any time to purchase the newly harvested wheat.”

“Relying on just wheat isn’t enough, sorghum, beans, salt, sugar, etc., all need to be purchased, even in winter, I don’t want the dietary conditions at the Castle to decline,” said Liszt, who did not want to compromise, “I will notify Consultant Goltai to build a warehouse near the Castle specifically for storing winter supplies.”


He thought of something, “Right, remember to remind me to hire people to build an ice cellar in Fresh Flower Town when the time comes.”

“Yes, Master.”

Saltpeter ice-making was indeed convenient, readily available, and recyclable. Unfortunately, there was some loss in the process, and now, out of more than three hundred pounds of saltpeter powder, only over two hundred and sixty pounds were left, a loss of nearly forty-fifty pounds. In another year and a half, ice-making would no longer be possible.

A new Saltpeter Mine was sought in vain.

So, at the end of the day, it was essential to dig a large ice cellar to preserve the ice from winter, for use in the following year.

Warehouse, ice cellar, falcon stand, dog kennel, dog prison (Earth Matron), apple desk, stables, Tridacna shell, Liszt discovered that the Castle, which was supposed to stand alone on a hillside surrounded by green grass, was quickly becoming encircled by various illegal buildings.

“No, the warehouse and ice cellar have to be built in a faraway place; the dog kennel will be moved to the entrance of the Castle; the falcon stand can be relocated to the Castle’s top platform, built into a third floor in the form of a loft. Apple desks, apple trees, and Tridacna shells can be considered as scenery, the stables need to be moved further away.”

The reason for leaving open space around the Castle.

Is to set up a ring of safety zones where one cannot hide their form, to prevent assassins from sneaking in.

“Not only the illegal buildings need to be moved, but a ring of hedges should be planted, and a moat should be dug as a part of the Castle’s defense. If funds and materials permit, the Castle walls, especially the entrance, should be fortified, preferably into a bridge-style gatehouse.”

With the terrain advantage, the gate of the Castle can be built at a high position, connected to the outside by a bridge, under which people can directly walk.

This would make it difficult for attacking forces to charge in large numbers of knights at the same time, ensuring the Castle could not be taken down in a short period.

To win time for reinforcements from allies.

Speaking of which, it was unlikely that Fresh Flower Town would be attacked, after all, Liszt was the son of an Earl, and the blood of the Tulip Family was a banner on this island. But just in case of an encounter with Pirates, just in case the pirates insisted on attacking, a well-defended Castle could be a lifesaver.

“To thoroughly complete the castle, a considerable sum of money is needed. I am indeed very wealthy, with countless fixed assets… but as for liquid funds, even though the seafood business lends support, it still falls short of the mark, which is a headache,”

A castle that could bear one’s own name.

It should at least sustain an independent life within its walls, with ample food, solid defenses, and a water source. Perched atop a cliff, Tulip Castle had a spring; even if soldiers surrounded it, it could at least hold out for half a year to a year—in this regard, the castle in Fresh Flower Town was lacking.

Without a water source, water had to be drawn from the town’s well.

“Should I seize the opportunity to sell some mithril, crystals, and jade? Get a few thousand gold coins for them first!”

The high-value items he could sell externally were a box of magic power mithril, a box of dragon’s mine crystals, and a box of magic power stones jade.

And the remaining dozen or so Black Pearls.

Black Pearls were of immense value, especially the large ones the size of washbasins or basketballs, instrumental for navigation, while smaller Black Pearls could be made into personal defense ornaments. Selling them now would be very disadvantageous, as Tridacna were not commonly found.

Especially such large Tridacna.

The remaining mithril, crystals, and jade were also valuable but unsellable items he equally couldn’t bear to part with.

“Forget it, let’s not think about these things anymore; it’s not yet time for me to lie back and enjoy,”

“I still have to strive!”

As these thoughts came to him, he felt his blood stir, unable to stay put in the castle.

He simply took his retainer knights and the ever-growing Douson on a casual stroll—visiting the Dog Prison to see the seemingly pregnant Earth Matron, allowing Douson to cozy up to it; going to the cow farm to see the pregnant three cows, feeling the little calves inside their bellies that were likely to be Dragon Breed Cows.

Heading to the Fruit Thief Monkey Training Grounds in Oyster Village, watching the obediently trained Fruit Thief Monkeys climbing trees to pick Fragrant Coconut Fruits, and also the three female monkeys with swollen bellies.

Visiting Little Wheat Village to see the 12 large, fat pigs in the pig farm; by winter, these big fat pigs would be ready for slaughter.

And the growth of every piece of Elf Cordyceps.

As such, the day came to an end.

Then, in the blink of an eye,

Three days had slipped past in a blur.

With no news of a new Thorn Bug species coming in, Liszt had been cooperating with Elkerson in training Juan Fu. Juan Fu, having not eaten or drunk for three days, had become hoarse from crying, unable to sleep, its eyes bloodshot red. Upon seeing Liszt, its cries were even more pitiful.



Its regal appearance had disappeared, leaving only a disheveled, oversized fat bird. Seeing that Liszt did not feed it any food after calling for quite some time, Juan Fu seemed to have run out of energy and plummeted from the Falcon Stand.

Liszt was just about to go help it up.

But Elkerson stepped in to stop him: “Baron Liszt, now is the perfect opportunity to break Juan Fu’s spirit. Do not interrupt; otherwise, it will take even more time to wear it down.”

“It hasn’t submitted yet in this state?”

“No, it has not bowed its head, so it does not count as being subdued.”

“Alright, you continue to tough it out with the bird,” Liszt shook his head, glanced at Juan Fu rising from the ground, and turned to leave. Walking far away, he could still faintly hear the pitiful cries of Juan Fu.


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