The Mightiest Little Peasant

Chapter 736 - Destination: White House

Chapter 736: Destination: White House

In the villa, the atmosphere was quite gloomy.

Tang Hao sat there. In front of him was a group of warlocks.

Both parties stared at each other for a long time.

Tang Hao scratched his head and said modestly, “What’s wrong? Why are you looking at me like that? I’m embarrassed!”

The warlocks’ facial muscles twitched when they saw his innocent look.

‘Dammit! Why are you pretending to be innocent?

‘You’re still asking us what’s wrong?

‘You just blew up the entire Hexagon, and you ask us what’s wrong? That’s the Hexagon! You blew up the Hexagon!

‘Now the entire world is alarmed! They think that we’re the traitors who did it!’

Thea sat there, disquieted. She had told Tang Hao to raise a distraction, not blow up the entire building.

No wonder he was so excited two days ago!

She looked at Tang Hao and held her forehead, speechless.

The people were furious, but they dared not scold him or say a rude word. That made them extremely frustrated.

“So what’s next?” Tang Hao asked.

Thea hesitated for a moment and said, “We wait. The Elder and the others are coming.”

“And then?”

“Then... we’ll go to the White House!” Thea hesitated before mentioning the White House to Tang Hao.

“The White House?”

Tang Hao’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Thea’s heart skipped a beat. She had a bad premonition.

The others were also nervous and panicking.

‘That guy looks like he’s planning some trouble again!

‘He had already blown up the Hexagon. If he blew up the White House, that would be terrible!

‘He’s probably fearless enough to do it!’

“You, you... calm down first...”

“Yes, yes, don’t be rash!”

They hurriedly advised.

“I’m very calm!” Tang Hao said seriously. “Why are you so nervous?”

The warlocks wanted to vomit blood again. ‘That’s because we’re worried about you!’

A day later, the Elder returned with about two hundred people in tow. They had different cultivation bases.

“Next, we will fight them in the White House!

“They used evil sorcery to control the President. If we can kill them, the President will come to his senses! The fate of the country depends on that.

“If we fail, Merrica will fall into darkness. We have no choice but to succeed!”

The Elder of the warlocks said passionately.

“Fight them!”

“God bless Merrica!”

In front of the villa, the other warlocks raised their arms and shouted excitedly.

Tang Hao stood at the side, also feeling excited. They would be going to the White House next.

Even if he could not blow up the White House, there would definitely be an intense battle that would certainly cause some structural damage. No one could blame him for that.

After mobilizing everyone, they got into the cars, split into several groups, and headed toward the White House.

At that moment, martial law had already been declared in the Capital.

Sirens whistled at every corner of the city. Bomb-proof cars, armored vehicles, and fully-armed police officers and soldiers were stationed everywhere.

There were even tanks parked at the street corners.

Helicopters and drones patrolled the sky, monitoring every movement in the city.

The closer they were to the White House, the tighter the security became.

Also, there were men with sinister faces dressed in black robes patrolling the city.

The entire city was in a state of battle.

The situation persisted late into the night.

The night was getting darker.

The atmosphere in the city was getting more and more tense and somber.

In the White House, a group of dark warlocks was gathered in a room.

“Why isn’t anything happening yet?” One of them looked out of the window and asked.

“Don’t worry, they’ll definitely come. They can’t wait to get rid of us!”

“Ha! They’re just rabble! But that guy from before is quite powerful. I don’t know where he came from!”

“He’s only one person. There are only two grand warlocks including him. That chick isn’t a threat. We have three grand warlocks and so many soldiers.”

“Get the jets to fire their missiles if necessary. It’s not a big deal to accidentally injure a few people. As long as we kill those guys, Merrica... no, the entire world is ours!”

The dark warlock sitting in the leader’s seat spoke.

He was dressed in a black robe. His face was emaciated and skeletal, his eyes were sunken, and his expression was ghastly. As he spoke, he fiddled with a staff made of bleached bone.

Hearing that, the other dark warlocks became excited.

In the past, they were suppressed by White Mountain and chased around like stray dogs. Now, they were finally going to turn the tables.

Not only did they want to control Merrica, but they also wanted to control the entire world.

Huaxia? Europe? That was not out of the question!

After being excited for a while, they heard an explosion coming from afar.

“They’re here!”

Everyone stood up.

At that moment, a fierce battle broke out in that direction.

An armored car led the way and crashed into the checkpoint, and a few cars behind them rushed up. Several figures popped out of the cars carrying RPGs on their shoulders.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A wave of explosions created an opening, and the rest of the vehicles rushed in.

After blowing past several checkpoints, they got out of the cars and emptied their ammo. Then, they pulled out their staffs and blasted out rays of sorcery.

There were rays of lightning, fire, and even frost...

There were also some warlocks who knew some strange sorcery, such as making people lose their consciousness and mind control. Several other warlocks released a few tiny flying snakes, which flew as fast as lightning.

As they continued their advance, countless police cars and armored vehicles rushed toward them.

In the sky, drones were flying toward them too.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of explosions did not stop.

Police cars were blown up, and police and soldiers fell one after another.

The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed under the bombardment of missiles.

From time to time, some warlocks who could not dodge in time were hit by the barrage of missiles. They were either heavily injured or killed on the spot.

Soldiers and police officers came in waves. The battle was reaching a climax.

The dark warlocks were still waiting.

In their eyes, the police officers and the soldiers were only cannon fodder used to wear down the opponents. If they could kill some of the warlocks, that would be a bonus.

When it was almost time, they rushed out and started a fierce battle with the warlocks.

For a moment, both sides wielded their staves and attacked each other with sorcery.

The light from the explosions illuminated the sky.

At that time, on the other side of the city, another group of warlocks charged in, and an intense battle broke out.

Then, another group charged in.

Warlocks charged in from all directions of the city.

Tang Hao and the others were the last to move. They used concentrated firepower to blast open a path and charged toward the White House.

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