The Mechanical Era

Chapter 186 Defense Minister Armstrong

The sun started rising once again in the city of Hoverdam. Its bright yellow right ways flash Richard's face, waking him up rather quickly. Armstrong jumped out of bed and quickly prepared himself. It is a very big day for him today, and he needs to be there on time.

Yesterday, on the 21st of Folia, 5018, Armstong got a letter with the royal seal attached, informing him that he had been hired for the position of 'Secretary of Defense' for the kingdom of Hoverdam.

He was to come to the palace on the 24nd of Folia, where he would be given a tour of his office, his staff members, and his troops. Wanting to make a good impression in case he had managed to get the job, he had ordered a suit to be tailored, specifically made for him. He got into a navy blue suit, with a yellow tie, navy blue pants, a white shirt, and a yellow tie.

Once he gets dressed up, he leaves the room he had rented from the tavern, and heads downstairs and to the streets of the downtown area. As the palace was rather nearby, he did not need to take a tram there.

Before he makes it over to the palace, he stops to eat up his breakfast in an exquisite restaurant, where a lot of delicious goods were freshly made with the skills of master chefs. Once he finishes eating like a prince, sitting on a stylish chair, with his food served on a ceramic plate, he leaves for the palace.

Armstrong soon arrives at the large palace gates, being guarded by DEF agents, wearing plate armor. From what he heard, they were there to fill in until the HAF got fully trained before they assumed their role.

"Halt! What is your business here?" asked one of the agents with a stern face. Armstrong takes out the letter and hands it over.

"I am the new secretary of defense. I came here to that tour his majesty Kant wants to give me before I assume my role," he replies. The agent quickly inspects the letter, before looking back at Richard.

"You may enter the building. Please make sure to follow the maid to the waiting room," he replied.

"Alright. Thank you." With that, Armstong entered the grounds and enter through the main door, where a maid was waiting for him. The maid leads him over to the waiting room, where he was instructed to stay there till Kant arrives.

"Is there anything I can get you?" she asks.

ραпdα nᴏνa| сom "No, actually. But thank you," Armstrong replied. The maid leaves the room, leaving Armstrong all alone.

The room starts to fill with a deafening silence. As he sits down in the lavish palace room, he lowers his head and stares at the cold marble floor. In his mind, he starts to remember what his father had told him, about how he should be. The memories, all that occurred in the past, start to replay in his head.

"No. This is not the time to think about that. Calm down, Richard. Calm down," he muttered to himself. He takes a few deep breaths, closes his eyes, and leans on the comfortable sofa until Kant arrives.

"Ah. Much better."

"Knight Armstrong?" he hears a deep, monotone voice speak in front of him. He immediately opens his eyes and sees Kant Maybale standing in front of him. He quickly got up and greeted the king.

"Your Highness! When did you come here?"

"Just a few minutes ago. I had waited outside and even knocked on the door. However, I did not hear a response. So after about 2 minutes, I decided to enter regardless."

"I see, your majesty. I apologize for my behavior."

"No worries. Anyways, shall we start the tour?" Kant asks.

"Yes, your majesty. Lead the way." Kant then starts to give a tour of the palace, the people that worked there, his personal maid, and his own office that he will be working in. It was a rather lavish room, with a marble floor, and white walls, like the King's office.

His office featured a wooden desk, with a comfortable swivel chair, made of high-quality leather that he can rotate around in. The curtains, in a shocking coincidence, matched Armstrong's favorite color, yellow.

After he was given a tour of his office, he was introduced to the new staff members whom he will be working with. It all comprised of the other people that Kant had interviewed. This included the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chief Management Officer, General Counsel of the Department of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Chiefs of Staff members, and many more.

They all shook each other's hands and introduced themselves. Thanks to Armstrong's towering height, his general appearance, and his experience, he had managed to garner a large amount of respect around his minister, despite meeting for the first time ever.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all. I hope to be working with you all in the future," he speaks. Once he was done speaking and socializing with them, he was led into a different room, where a tailor was waiting for him, to get his measurements.ραпdα `nᴏνɐ| сom

"What is the meaning of this, your majesty?" he asks.

"Well, Knight Armstrong. We will be handing you a uniform when you come to work. Just like the rest of our staff members," Kant replied.

"Can I see the uniform?"

"Of course! It is right there," Kant pointed to a forest green suit, with a yellow tie, brass buttons, and brown shoes.

"What do you think, Knight Armstrong?" Kant asks.

"Your majesty, can I ask for some... changes to be made to the uniform."

"Absolutely, as long as it doesn't change the overall design. What would you like to change?"

"Can you please add some epaulets on that suit? I would much prefer to have it, as it would be more suiting for me."

"Consider it done," Kant replied. Once the tailor had finished taking the measurements, Armstrong was led into Kant's room, where he was briefed about the rules that he would have to follow.

"Now, Knight Armstrong. There are a few rules that you must follow while working under me. It is important that you must know these rules, as it could lead to complications in the future."

"I see, your majesty. What are these rules?"

"There are three rules.

Rule number 1. You will address me as 'Sir' after you have addressed me as 'your majesty'.

Rule number 2. Never ask how I make things. As you work here, you will be seeing me draw up complicated mechanical devices that you may not fully understand how they work. So, I prefer that you do not question me on how I know.

Rule number 3. I will be addressing you as Secretary of Defense, instead of 'Knight' in formal meetings from now on. In areas other than formal meetings, I will address you as 'Knight', if you desire." Kant told Armstong, while he listened carefully.

"Do you understand these rules?" Kant asks.

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now, do you have any questions?"

"I do, sir."

"What is it?"

"Can you change my job title name? Can you change it to 'Defense Minister' instead?"

"That can be arranged. Though, in that case, I will be addressing you as minister. Is that fine with you?" Kant asks. Armstrong opens his mouth but does not speak. He thinks for a minute before replying.

"No sir. I do not." Armstrong replied.

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