The Martial Unity

Chapter 2159: Potential Political Power

Things like mass Apprentice breakthroughs, Martial Heart, and Martial Mind breakthroughs were downright priceless as an asset. He didn't trust the integrity of the Panamic Martial Federation to withstand the force of the greed of the constituents to suspend the rules with some bullshit excuse to break open the secrets that lay within his mind.

However, it did make him wonder.

'Just how much legislative power would I get if I did contribute these services to Panamic Martial Federation?' He couldn't help but wonder as he admired the extensive Martial infrastructure that spread out across the entire tectonic plate.

He suspected that he would be able to drown out legislative authority dozens if not hundreds of Martial Masters.

This was not him being arrogant, but more so an objective evaluation of the value of the kinds of services that he was able to offer to the world. He could forever accelerate the growth trajectory of any nation far beyond their wildest dreams. He could give them power that they could dream of by drastically increasing the rate of breakthroughs to several Realms.

If he wanted, he could leave his mark in the Martial World by increasing the Martial power of the Panamic Martial Federation to such a degree that the political power he would gain within the halls of the organization would far dwarf that of other Martial Masters allowing him to veto the voices of his peers and singlehandedly decide all laws that the Master Council was authorized to.

Of course, he highly doubted that such a thing would be practically possible in reality. Surely, the Sage Council would step in and prevent Rui from autocratically dominating the Master Council deliberations with his personal political power.

After all, the power of the Master Council was authorized by the Sage Council. While the latter only decided the broad direction that the Martial World ought to look like, it authorized the Master Council to handle the rest.

Thus, his authority could essentially be revoked by the Sage Council if it deemed to do so.

Interestingly enough, there was no Transcendent Council.

Despite possessing more than enough Martial power to seize complete control over the Panamic Martial Federation, they abstained from any political intervention of any kind. This was hardly inconsistent behavior; thus, nobody batted an eye.

He shook his head lightly, ridding his mind of such superfluous thoughts. There was no point in pondering such thoughts, as he had no intention of contributing anything to the Panamic Martial Federation.

He wasn't even sure he cared to participate in its regular bureaucratic proceedings. There was a reason he denounced any involvement in politics, even if he was better at it than he had expected.

He was here primarily as a Martial Artist and a man who was doing his father yet another favor.

Eventually, the three Martial Masters reached the core establishment at the center of the tectonic plate. While most of the vast headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation served Martial Artists in some way or another, primarily through training and growth resources, the same could not be said for the core of the tectonic plate.

Rui's senses swept across the entire place as he got a good grasp of the entire place.


The two Martial Masters smiled at that remark. "Of course. Welcome to the Martial Citadel of East Panama. This city can considered to be one of the greatest centers of Martial power in the entire world."

He had to admit that when it came down to impressing its visitors, it was unparalleled. Never had he been so stunned by the sheer projection of grandeur than he did on his first visit to the Panamic Martial Federation.

It did Martial Art justice.

The Martial Citadel had the highest Martial population density he had ever seen anywhere in the world. Never before had he seen so many Martial Artists gather in one place. Furthermore, any humans that were there were merely there in a position service for Martial Artists.

Rui had no doubt that each and every one of them had been thoroughly scanned by Martial Masters and Sages for ill intent against the Federation or Martial Artists at large. He was certain that they put in extra effort into making it almost impossible for the Beggar's Sect to stretch its tentacles into the Panamic Martial Federation.

After all, there was a clear class conflict between the Beggar's Sage and the Panamic Martial Federation. While the Federation did instate policies that sought to minimize the friction between human civilization and Martial Art, that was purely for the sake of Martial Art and not people.

Ultimately, it was still a Martialocratic organization that existed solely for the sake of Martial Art. Considering that the Beggar's Sage was essentially omnipresent within human civilization, it was questionable to what degree they had succeeded in isolating the Federation from the eyes and ears of the Beggar's Sect.

The way that his father and the Sage Council of the Martial Union had overcome this particular problem was to isolate the workers from the rest of human civilization forever. Furthermore, the manifold prevented any communication between the workers within the manifold and the Beggar's Sect.

However, given that they did not isolate communication, he wondered just how secure the Martial Citadel was from the Beggar Sage.

He knew that man was not to be underestimated just by virtue of having spent time with the Divine Doctor. If the man was as adept in his field of information and intelligence as the Divine Doctor was in medicine, then he was not to be trifled with.

He heaved a sigh, shrugging lightly.

It was none of his concern. He was sure that the Panamic Martial Federation had deeply considered this problem and probably instated many security policies to reinforce its intelligence security. He was more interested in indulging in everything that the Martial Citadel at the center of the headquarters of the Panamic Martial Federation.

"I can't wait to check this place out."

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