
Since I wasn’t used to the bed and the pillow, I woke up before the sun came up.

Now that I was wide awake, it wouldn’t do anything even if I continued to stay wrapped in the blanket.

When I exited my bedroom, there was a maid who seemed to be a servant of the house of Evermill sitting on a chair by the entrance of my room.

After she saw me appear in my pajamas, she lowered her head to me as if she was apologetic and said good morning to me in a flustered manner.

Right when I wanted to ask her if Tesh or Odie were up yet, I heard a familiar voice coming from down the hallway. I could hear laughter as well; there was a happy vibe in the air.

That voice came closer as I looked at the maid of the Evermill family who was standing there with a red face.

「Ohh it’s young master, good morning」

「Young master, I apologize for my brief absence」

The people who walked up were a man who was tasked to guard me and Odie.

「I only woke up a second ago. Don’t worry about it」

Since it isn’t just Tesh and Odie who are taking care of me this time, it’s natural that she would be away from her post at times.

While I showed a carefree attitude, I gave Odie a glance.

What I wanted to do was conveyed to her through just that one glance, and Odie went to get a change of clothes for me after a bow.

Then, she soon returned to the bedroom with a set of clothes as if they had already been prepared beforehand.

「Excuse me」

Odie took my pajamas off and started to help me change.

Even when she saw my magnificent morning erection, she helped me fit that into my pants without panicking at all.

「What were you doing in the hallway earlier?」

I tried asking her as she stood in front of me while helping me tidy up my top.

Odie sounded really happy when she was talking to the male guard, so I became a bit curious.

「You mean just now? We were just having a small chat……?」

Odie said that without much emotion on her face, but despite that, she seemed really close to him.

Odie is married so she even has a husband. It’s possible that I had just witnessed her being unfaithful. If she’s going to cheat, I think it would be better if it’s with me.

When I casually warned her like ”Ohh you shouldn’t cheat, you know?”, she smiled.

「Young master, that was my older brother. And as one might expect, I don’t want to have my brother’s child」

「Ah, so that was your older brother」

As I tried to recall the face of the guard who I thought of that way, I realized that he did kind of resemble Odie.

The color of his hair was also red like the leaves in autumn, so I do believe it if she says they are siblings.

「Yes. It’s been a long time since I met my older and younger brother, so I was talking to them just now」

「Younger brother?」

「One of my younger brothers is also serving you as a guard」

When I was told that, the faces of those who could be her younger brother surfaced in my mind.

He should also have red-colored hair like Odie and her older brother.

That was when I became curious about something.

「Hohh, it’s rare to have siblings with magic power who are close in age. With 3 of you possessing magic power, your family is set for life」

Since all my guards are humans who possess magic power, that would obviously mean that Odie’s brothers possess magic power as well.

In the continent of Elluo, magic power is something that can “pay your bills”, so there are a lot of studies done on it.

I have read some documents about the inheritance of magic power before.

According to what I read, the humans who live in the continent of Elluo could be divided into 3 or 4 types.

The 3 types are Master origin, Servant origin, and Slave origin.

Since it’s not clear if the last type of Legendary origin exists, it has been omitted by most of the documents.

The Master origin basically refers to the nobles.

People of the master origin possess a huge amount of magic power since birth, and as they mature, that amount will continue to increase.

They practically can’t get sick, and they have resilient vitality that would allow them to survive until they starve to death even if the lower half of their body was blown off.

People like my father, mother, grandfather, and Fanny are humans who belong to this category.

The Servant origin, although this may sound bad, refers to people who possess a low level of magic power.

They were born with magic power, but compared to people of the master origin, the amount of magic power they have is abysmal.

They also possess bodies that are pretty much immune to sickness, but they cannot survive if their lower body gets blown off.

People like Lupetta, Mergin, my guards, Odie, and the knights of the Evermill family belong to this category.

The Slave origin just refers to the people who have no magic power. They are the closest beings to the humans from my past life.

In the continent of Elluo, they are protected and ruled by the people of master and servant origin; they are humans who live their life as commoners.

「……No, all 5 of my older brothers and both of my younger brothers possess magic power」

Odie spoke in a quiet voice.

That way of responding was pretty much her saying “That’s my response if you heard it, but it’s a topic I don’t really want to talk about”.


I realized it.

This is a talk about genetics.

In the scenario when a person of master origin makes a child with another person who is of master origin, the child will for sure be of master origin.

Then what happens when a master origin makes a child with someone of a servant origin? In that case, the child will definitely be of servant origin. That rule is unchanged regardless of whether the person of master origin is male or female.

The situation is a bit special when a person of servant origin makes a child with another person of servant origin. In most cases, their child will possess no magic power; a person of slave origin will be born.

But on rare occasions, a child of servant origin could be born as well. Different study materials say things differently, but the probability seems to be around 1 or 2 out of 30 births.

If someone of servant origin makes a child with someone of slave origin, their child will definitely be of slave origin.

People of slave origin have absolutely no magic power. It doesn’t matter which parent is the person of servant origin, the child will not have any magic power.

By the way, it’s required for the masters of the knight families to be of servant origin.

That’s because even people of the servant origin have battle capabilities on a different level compared to commoners of the slave origin. To rule a land, force is necessary after all.

For that reason, making descendants is an important thing for people in the knight families. To ensure their family survives, they have to give birth to descendants of servant origin no matter what.

It’s not rare for the knights in our territory to bring their sons or daughters of servant origin together to throw large orgy parties. It seems that sometimes siblings of servant origin would have sexual relationships with each other too.

The rumor of daughters of the knight families being experienced in bed probably has something to do with that.

And this really shows how important those babies of servant origin that Lupetta picked up were.

The reason why noblemen are encouraged to sleep with many women is also so that the number of people of servant origin could increase.

「Um, young master. Perhaps you didn’t know about this…?」

When I was still young, Odie had always skillfully dodged the question when I asked who her father is.

Since I didn’t want her to hate me if I kept on asking her about it either, I didn’t force her and just sealed that question in the back of my mind and forgot about it.

The head maid belongs to the slave origin, and her daughter Odie is of the servant origin. In other words, Odie’s father has to be of master origin.

Looking back at the life she had until now, the answer was there all along. The head maid is probably my father’s concubine.

That reminds me, my father has told me before that “Having Lovey-dovey sex with an older sister type of woman is the best!”. My father is about 40 years old right now and the head maid is around 50.

If I subtract their age in my head, I think the head maid is the one who father lost his virginity with. Surprisingly, that might just be right.

Normal nobles only fall in love with a small number of women.

The head maid from what I know had given birth to 7 boys and 1 girl. Father sure was into her, or quite into fucking her.

「I see……No, don’t say the rest」

In other words, Odie is my half-sister who has a different mother.

I became even more confused about if it would be okay for me to put my hands on her, but my crotch continues to send signals to my brain that’s telling me to violate her right away.

Since I was silent, she quickly finished helping me change.

「I shall go prepare breakfast. Could I ask you to wait for a bit longer?」

「Yeah. No problem」

After I replied to her, Odie left the bedroom with light steps.

When it comes to women I have a long term relationship with like Odie, I don’t want to be hated by them.

If I force myself on her, I feel like I will suffer tremendous emotional damage afterwards when my mind is cleared of lust.

My penis that was waiting to make an appearance was trembling sadly in my pants.

Once breakfast ended, we departed from the city of Evermill.

Since knight families have to show their face to the lord’s clan, even if we weren’t lodging in the other cities we passed by, they have to at least treat us to a meal.

For that reason, getting through those areas took some time.

On the 4th night after we left Nyuneri, I was welcomed by another knight family.

And surprisingly, I still have not had sex yet.

This was definitely not intended by any means. This is because there are no girls I like in this knight family that we’re stopping by.

When the knight families of Qualdense give birth to daughters with no magic power(of the slave origin), many of them are sent to the castle of Nyuneri to learn manners. Those girls become what’s called high-class servants, but the real purpose of why they are sent there is so that they can try to gain the favor of the men who are in their lord’s clan.

Although they are of slave origin, the seeds from a person of master origin will definitely grant them children of the servant origin. That is something they would be happy about.

The knight family we’re staying with tonight has already sent all their beauties to the castle of Nyuneri, so the girls remaining here are the ones who aren’t so great.

As I lay on the bed that was prepared for me, my lust was circulating inside my body looking for a place to go.

According to our schedule, we will arrive in Nambonan city the day after tomorrow, so there is still quite some time.

I can’t have too much expectation for the girls of the knight family’s place we’ll stay at tomorrow either.

It feels like I’m at a holiday resort with a feeling similar to “there might be better restaurants if we go a little further” as the number of restaurants continues to decrease.

If I knew it was going to be like this, I should have slept with the girls in Evermill.

They say there’s no use crying over spilled milk or something, but my dick was crying over not being able to spill its milk.

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