When I woke up in the morning, the great Mt.Erekthion of my lower body was standing tall.

I've been having such powerful morning erections ever since I returned to the city of Nyuneri. It's at a level beyond the range of a natural morning physiological phenomenon.

I never thought that one day of no sex would make it this hard.

Ever since I experienced having sex, I feel like my cock had been growing remarkably.

If possible, I want to make some good love to Minith, who had arrived at the castle, with my super stiff meat stick, but I obviously can't be having sex on the very next day after my mother's arrival before we have breakfast.

The maids who were helping me change kept on taking glances at my bulge.

It was adorable how they were worrying about how to get my stiff cock into my pants.

At the breakfast table, mother's face was brimming with energy.

Father looks worn out somehow. I'm sure that it's because he was making tons of love to mother.

In the end, Fanny did not come to my bedroom last night. It's probably because she was still on her period. When I take a closer look at her, she looks a bit anemic.

Our breakfast is a buffet-style breakfast where we sit there and ask to be served whatever we like, so I recommended some dishes that seem to have tons of iron in them to Fanny.

「Can you tell me your schedule today, Wilk? You're going to leave for Nambonan soon, right?」

「Yes, I plan to leave as soon as all the preparation have been made」

Now that mother has already come back, I will finally be leaving for the city of Nambonan.

If everything is good in the castle, I plan to head to the association and quickly instruct them on what to do during my absence.

「Big brother, how long is that going to take?」

「I think everything will be ready by the end of today. That's why I should be leaving the day after tomorrow」

「I see…」

Fanny went quiet after her voice faded.

「Fanny, Wilk won't be able to leave with peace of mind if you look at him like that, you know? Wilk, you're going to be back before the year ends, right?」

「That's what I have in mind. I will return after I finish my business there」

「You hear that, Fanny?」

「Yes, mother」

After I was served my after-meal tea, I discussed my trip to Nambonan with my parents.

Fanny said that she feels bad for grandfather who was all alone building the castle by himself and asked me to take a letter to him.

It was at that moment, the door of the dining room was opened in a hurry.

「I apologize deeply for interrupting your meal. A messenger from the headquarters of the military base had come. It appears to be urgent」

A servant who was short of breath came through the door and entered the dining room after a quick bow.

「From the military?」

It was father who asked in return.

The gentle tone of voice that he had been using until now changed to a voice that had the dignity of the head of a family in an instant.

「Yes. The messenger is waiting in the castle for you」

Since it's a confidential message coming from the military, the details of the message will not be told to servants.

If father wants to know about it, the fastest way would be to go see the messenger directly.

「I will go see him immediately. Bring me to him. ...and Wilk, you come as well」

「Yes father」

After Father and I came out of the dining room, we went down the hallway with our servant guiding us.

When we approached the room that the messenger was waiting for us in, another servant who was on standby outside the room swiftly opened the door.

The soldier who was standing inside the room waiting for us wasn't wearing the armor of an ordinary soldier, but administrative clothes that are easy to move in.

Judging from that, I can conclude that he's the assistant of a commander-class officer.

Since it's not normal to send someone of that position as a mere messenger, we could tell that it was an urgent matter.

After the soldier gave us a military fashion salute, he told us that he's a vice-captain that deals with administrative affairs.

Father and I sat on the chairs nearby right away and quickly asked him to brief us on what's going on.

「We received information that the Synod church inside the city is planning on some large scale sabotage」

The vice-captain messenger gave us the conclusion first.

Since we sent the servant who guided us here away, there was only me, father, and the vice-captain in this room, but it felt like the room was cramped.


Father said in a heavy and serious voice.

「Yes sir. It happened this morning. A priest from the city came to the military base and told us about the Synod Church's plan」

「And that priest is?��

「We confirmed her identity and we are keeping her in custody right now. She definitely belonged to the Synod church of the city」

The vice-captain took a small deep breath before he continues,

「According to that priest, the Synod Church is planning to launch an indiscriminate attack on everyone in Nyuneri. If they realize that their plan has been exposed, they might put it into action quicker. I think this situation calls for immediate action」

If the Synod church is planning to launch terrorist attacks in the city, we'll need to take action as soon as possible.

Father sighed without trying to hide his irritation.

「I will go to the headquarters. Get the escorts ready」

On the evening of the same day, I arrived at the military base's headquarters building with more guards surrounding me than usual.

「Young master. Here we are」


Guided by the soldiers of the headquarters, I entered a room with desks and chairs lined up. The room felt like a room that's normally used for conferences or something.

In the center of the room, there was a priest sitting on a chair with both her hands and feet bound by chains. I remember her.

She is the busty priest from the Synod Church of Nyuneri, Cynthia.

I was supposed to accuse her of a false charge in the future to violate her.

She is wearing the same nun outfit that she was wearing when I saw her the other time, but this time her veil is off and her hair is exposed.

Her long hair that is long enough to reach her hips is light pink like sakura petals, and her bright red eyes closely resemble cherries.

「It's possible that her telling us those things is a part of the Synod Church's plan. For that reason, we strictly constrained her」

A soldier said that to me without me even asking. He probably noticed that I was staring at her. From his crisp way of speaking and explaining, I would guess that he's a soldier who deals with administrative work.

Certainly, it's quite possible that they are putting up an act to send us a whistleblower to divert our attention so that they could attack the Nyuneri castle.

But even if that's the case, our defenses at the castle have already been solidified since this morning.

This morning, after we heard from the messenger, I directly ordered the security of the castle to enter a state of high alert.

I actually wanted to go with father to the headquarters, but I was ordered to remain in the castle to solidify our defenses.

If I went to the headquarters with him, the only people left in the castle with magic powers would be mother, Fanny, and a few guards. My father was not comfortable with that so he told me to remain in the castle.

Once Father and the vice-captain confirmed the situation at the headquarters, he immediately got the army together.

The swiftly mobilized force of the Qualdense army rushed into the castle town in a blink of an eye and completely surrounded the area of the Synod Church. They got into a formation that not even a mouse could escape.

After they confirmed that there are no magic users inside the church, father returned to the castle and passed the baton to me. He seemed like he wanted to wrap things up quickly since he's busy with some other things.

By the time I came to the area the army surrounded in place of my father, the commanding officer had already taken control of the church.

I was told that there was not much resistance from the Synod church as they all surrendered very quickly. We still have the area surrounded to not let anyone escape, but the situation has at least calmed down.

With that, everything is good and everyone lived happily ever after…would be nice, but things don't work like that.

Therefore, I came to the headquarters to get more intel out of the priest who did the whistleblowing.

「Now then, let's have you tell me everything you know in detail. But before that…」

Her hands and feet that have been chained down since probably this morning were dyed in a painful color that makes me feel bad whenever I look at them.

As the soldier said, her action could be a diversionary tactic, but if she told us what she did in good faith, this would be a bit cruel.

「Oi. Take her chains off. She can't escape this room so easily」

「But she can use magic…Could I please ask you to at least wait until some more soldiers with magic power come back?」

Since destroying a building and escaping is not hard for people who could use magic, the soldier's concern is not unreasonable.

「Hm? But we can just put a magic seal on her」

「If there's a plan of a large scale attack of terrorism like she says, soldiers with magic power are important to our forces. If we use our magic power to put a seal on her then we won't be able to fight. Because of that, we would only be able to put the smallest seal on her. We will have no idea when that seal would break」

Magic is something that can be activated by releasing the magic power inside one's body.

A magic seal prevents one's magic power from being released. Since a person's magic power won't release if they have a magic seal on them, they would naturally not be able to use magic.

The method to apply a magic seal on somebody is simple. You just have to get close to the body of the person you want to put the seal on, and then forcefully inject your magic power into them.

When a large amount of someone else's magic power enters their body, their body's magic power will collide with that person's and solidify like an invisible wall. Then, they will not be able to unleash any magic power.

The more magic power you pour into someone, the longer they will have their magic powers sealed.

In this situation where there might be battles coming up, we can't afford to waste the unnecessary magic power that would be needed to apply a long duration magic seal on her. It is an appropriate judgment.

「I see. I will do the magic seal on her then」

I put a hand on Cynthia's shoulder. As I felt a female's softness, I felt my lower half area getting hard.

Since I didn't get to thrust my hips the entire day yesterday, I have quite a lot stored up in me. However, there's no use in attacking her now.

I pulled myself together and faced her, and then I poured my magic power into her for a few seconds.


The amount of magic power commoners possess is nothing much really. If commoners with magic power are cats, nobles would be tigers and lions. The base amount of magic power they have is incomparable to us.

Especially in my case, on top of me being born a noble, I have been doing magic power training growing up due to me knowing better as a reincarnated person, so I have an insane amount of magic power. I don't think there's anybody in this continent I can't seal off, even if they are nobles.

「…That was it, huh? As long as I don't undo her seal, she probably will not be able to use any magic for at least a month」

If she's unlucky, she might not be able to break the seal for a few months.

「I'm sorry to bother you for this」

「I don't mind. It's alright now, right? Unchain her」

「Yes sir」

With clanking sounds, the pure black chains that were restraining the girl were removed.

I immediately used recovery magic and healed the bruises and lacerations on her skin. Since I plan on having some fun with her in the future, I don't want her to have any unnecessary injuries.

「…Thank you for your generous concerns. May your kind soul receive Lechpotemp's guidance」

Cynthia put her hands together and started to pray. I can feel how much she's used to praying from the way she moved her hands in front of those huge breasts.

The way she spoke of the spirit's name was really like a Synod believer. The spirit Lechpotemp should be a spirit that appears before the weak who are injured or suffering and blesses them with good fortune.

I raised and lowered my hands and said "Don't worry about it" to make a good impression on her.

「You're Cynthia, a priest of the Synod church, right?」


「There's something I'd like to ask you again」

「As you please. In the name of Whatenthsāma, I swear that I will not lie」

I instinctively faltered a little from the pure look in her eyes.

「…The church leader was not inside of the Synod church of the city. Of course, he was not in the convent either」

According to the intel Cynthia had given us, the leader of the Synod church of the city was the one responsible for the terrorism plan.

Even though we believed the intel she gave us this morning and launched a surprise attack at the church, we weren't able to capture the church leader. The same goes for the other priests that went along with their leader's terrorism plan.

After we questioned some believers, we found out that the church leader and his priests were seen leaving the church in a hurry this morning.

「If you know where the church leader is hiding or if you have an idea of where he could be, tell us」

Cynthia's red eyes shut slowly, and then they opened again right after.

Was she nervous? She slowly took a deep breath. I felt like her abundant breasts were swaying.

「I think the church leader probably…headed for the field south of Nyuneri」

She said as she clenched her fists on her lap.

「The field? Why would he go there?」

「I don't know. It's just that the leader was always concerned about the field. Moreover, he has told the priests in the past that 『There is hope for the Synod church in the field』…」

According to Cynthia, the church leader had always been close to adventurers who are exploring that field.

She said that since the royal capital started giving adventurers preferential treatment, the number of adventurers in Nyuneri city has decreased quite a bit, but not a single adventurer that became friends with the church leader had left.

And the other day, adventurers who were close to the leader came to the Synod church again. Since all of them possessed magic power as well, Cynthia was very shocked. Adventurers who possessed magic power were rare.

As her story went on, I became a little concerned so I butted in.

「Do you know the names of those adventurers?」

「If I'm not remembering wrong, there was one boy, and two girls...It was Mergin, Diana, and Lupetta…」

The day I went on a date with Minith, I ran into Lupetta at the church. It looks like the church leader had some business with her.

No, Lupetta seemed like she was there because she was free that day, the one the leader had business with was Mergin or Diana.

「Miss Diana was like a Synod believer…Ah!」

While Cynthia was talking, her expression suddenly twitched in surprise and she stared at my face.

On that day, Cynthia had taught me and Minith about spirits and fables. She probably just remembered my face.

「And then? What happened?」

「Ah, right...」

After I urged her to go on, Cynthia started talking again.

「And then, Diana and the church leader went into the room in the back to talk. I heard about this later, but it seems that Diana is going to enter the field of Nyuneri for a while. The church leader was happy about that」

But a few days later, the leader started acting suspicious and he began to panic, she said.

「The leader was visibly in a state of panic as if he received some kind of bad news. He would be spacing out even when I was talking to him…On the same day he started acting like that, Diana came and they entered the room in the back again」

It seems that when Cynthia was wondering about what happened, she ran into the two as they came out of the room.

「At that moment, they both looked pale…so I realized that something bad happened」

Even after Diana left, the church leader was acting completely bizarre and he sneakily gathered the priests and went into the room.

Cynthia felt that something was off, so she tried to use magic to eavesdrop on them even though she knew that she shouldn't do that.

「Although I was eavesdropping on them, since I have never done anything like that before, I couldn't catch everything they said. However, I heard that the leader and the others were planning a large scale rebellion」

Then she told me in detail about what she heard. But it was the same as what she had told the soldiers, there wasn't really any new intel.

If I were to summarize it, it was like "The plan seems to have been exposed! If this is true then this is seriously not good! We're still in preparation but we have no choice but to start the acts of terrorism already!" …that kind of content. There weren't any details.

「Then at the end, the leader said "We will obliterate the pride of nobles and regain our faith that had been trampled by politics. In order to do that, we have to sacrifice all we have"…」

Cynthia tried to convince the church leader to give up on the idea. She told him that she doesn't know what he's trying to do, but it's not going to work.

However, it did not work. Rather, she was being convinced to assist in the plan as a priest who possessed magic power.

Cynthia did not give him her reply and thought about it.

Since the Synod is being persecuted by the Levios kingdom, it's inevitable they would be unhappy with the kingdom. However, she concluded that it's unacceptable to drag unrelated citizens into that.

Moreover, if the plan failed, not only the church leader, the devout priests and believers who had nothing to do with the plan will all be executed.

As a result of having all kinds of worries, Cynthia gathered her courage and left the convent, then she came to the military base to be a whistleblower.

I guess when Cynthia went to persuade the church leader is most likely when he made a plan to run away…

Since the church leader was a commoner with no mana, there is no way that he could defeat Cynthia. Therefore, he could only run.

「Hm. Some things still don't make sense」

「Please, please believe me…」

「Even if I believe you, we don't know where the leader went. Since the plan is also about an indiscriminate attack, I don't get it」

"I think he went to the field" doesn't give us much of a clue at all.

In the first place, the church leader who can't even use magic can't do much even if he wants to do any big scale indiscriminate attacks.

「We should stay on alert in the city for a while as we continue the search inside of the church. We might find some information related to this plan」

The soldier spoke as if he couldn't stand seeing me and Cynthia who went silent.

「Yeah…Priest Cynthia. I'm sorry but you will have to be detained here for a while. We can't release you until the plan of the church leader becomes clear. Okay?」

「I am fully aware」

「If you're cooperative, you will definitely not be treated badly by the soldiers here」

「Thank you. As long as I can prove the innocence of the people other than the church leader and his priests, I will do anything to cooperate」

Then I'll have you cooperate with me a little on the bed- The moment I had that thought in my mind, a soldier came running in the room. Man, today is such a busy day.

「Captain! So here you are!」

「What's the matter?��

While taking deep breaths, that soldier spoke with a tense expression.

「We caught two rock salt stealing adventurers at the outer city gate! A child adventurer named Lupetta is making a commotion about wanting to speak with you! The male adventurer is in very bad condition, and there are 8 babies who are also in a really weakened state! Captain, please give me your orders!」


The content of his story was unclear, but he seems to have been told to run here with just that message first.

I think the male adventurer is probably Mergin. However, I don't know who the 8 babies are and why Mergin and Lupetta were stealing rock salt.

It's been a little over a week since Lupetta left for the field. Something probably happened during this time I haven't seen her in.

There's no way she got pregnant with 8 babies from having sex with me, so she started stealing the Nyuneri specialty rock salts because she needed money after she gave birth to them in just a week, and Mergin is all messed up from the stress of taking care of the 8 babies, right?

The soldier who brought me the message waited for my reply as he kept his posture straight.

I judged that I won't be able to get any more useful information out of Cynthia even if I stay here, so I opened my mouth.

「I will go to the outer city gate. Lead the way」

「Yes sir!」

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