
Translated By Arcane Translations

Translator: FusionX



“It seems you’ve been tying your hair up often these days.”

“… Is that so?”

Adele touched her hair at Lothos’ question.

She hadn’t been paying attention to that, but had she been tying it up quite often recently?

She had just tied it because the hair tie was visible.

Deliberately leaving the hair tie visible before going to bed was something only she knew, so Adele shook her head nonchalantly and closed her mouth.

It suits you well- He didn’t say that out of concern.

She really just tied it because she saw it.

Adele’s eyes blinked as she thought to herself.

In fact, the person who said it suited her hadn’t said anything else since then.

Even as she slightly furrowed her brows, she soon organized the thoughts that had sprung up in her mind and focused on work again.

It had already been a week since she had ordered the subjugation, and as progress had been made to a certain extent, it was about time to order the expedition.

How much time should be spent on the subjugation of the tribes?

Adele, who tapped her lips with a pen, began writing something on the paper.

Even calculating the time appropriately, the northwestern and western regions to be subjugated this time were not very wide.

Even considering the important strongholds, there was only the Terra Knight mine where the princess was staying.

It would be better to clear it out first, even considering the possibility of the tribes moving and striking there.

And the western tribes were the most troublesome, and she was hung up on not finishing them last year.

Wouldn’t it be right to say there were several reasons for going west?

The only thing certain right now was that the expedition would begin in a few hours.

When the deputies gathered and the army was assembled, that would be the start of the subjugation.

As for the speech… well, Lothos would prepare it.

In fact, there wasn’t much for Adele to prepare.

She just needed to bring her sword and some meat to feed the wolves.

“It’s about time for you to depart now.”

“Yes, I know.”

Adele’s hand holding the sword reached for her hair.

She thought it might be time to untie it now, but soon smiled bitterly and withdrew her hand.

It would be better to just watch and see if he would say anything again today. If he didn’t say anything?

… Then he wouldn’t say anything. What’s the big deal?

After tapping her waist for a moment to erase her thoughts, she began heading towards where the soldiers were gathered again.


This was my second time participating in the subjugation of the tribes with Adele.

The first time I was with Adele was when the subjugation of the tribes was being wrapped up, and the second time was when I went to the North and joined Adele early in the regression.

Although I didn’t feel this awkwardness then since I had been a deputy for a long time.

How many people would act friendly to a deputy who had just joined a week ago?

Fortunately, at least Bunta treated me quite well.

Lothos’ intentions were obvious, so he wasn’t treating me well sincerely.

From what I heard the deputies say, it sounded like I was the one who had chased after Adele.

‘Come to think of it, it was Adele who asked me to be her partner for the Full Moon Festival.’

Lothos wasn’t there at that time, so he might not know.

There were a few things I wanted to correct, but I didn’t step up and say it.

Anyway, if time passed, it would be revealed that we had no relationship, so it was possible.

Adele didn’t seem to care much about it either.

“Robert, don’t be too nervous. It will all be wrapped up in a week anyway.”

“I’m not nervous. It’s just that I didn’t expect us to go to the west first.”

I thought we would clear the area near the northwest where the princess was staying, but the west?

Although I knew Adele’s personality of living as she pleased, previously, she had cleared the south first and then moved counterclockwise, not the west.

So I couldn’t understand the reason for going clockwise this time.

When I asked, Lothos shrugged his shoulders as if he understood and opened his mouth.

“Originally, we would have started from the south and left the west for last. But since Her Highness the Princess came… the plan got messed up.”

“I know we fought in the west last year. So I thought we would go to the northwest first.”

“She was quite irritated in many ways. The one who should have received attention was herself, but an unexpected person appeared, right?”


For a moment, before I could even understand what he meant, Adele’s voice was heard from behind.

“Is everyone gathered? You gathered quickly, even though there’s still some time left before departure.”

“You’re here, Grand Duchess.”

Her tied-up hair fluttered in the wind.

I quietly watched her silver hair swaying like a flag.

I knew she had been tying her hair up often lately, but I didn’t expect her to come out with it tied up today as well.

What was the reason she was quietly staring at me?

As I slightly avoided that gaze, finding it burdensome, Adele frowned and approached me.

Swish, swish.

A faint scent of roses was felt whenever her hair swayed.

The presence of the wolf beside her was also huge, but the fact was that Adele’s gaze on me was more concerning.

Unable to endure her staring intently, I smiled bitterly.

It seemed I had to find out why she was doing that.

“… Did I do something wrong?”

“No, did I say anything to you?”

“Haven’t you been staring at me all this time? I was in my room all day yesterday.”

“Hmm, is that so.”

Adele answered nonchalantly, but I realized she harbored a faint dissatisfaction.

If there was something she wanted to say but couldn’t, she would usually be like that, so the key was finding the reason.

Then what did Adele want?

For now, it would be best to naturally continue the conversation.

“It seems surprising that we’re not going to the northwest first. Is there a reason?”

“Her Highness the Princess will have an escort army, so even if some tribes leak out, it won’t be a big problem. And I plan to finish clearing the west as quickly as possible. We’re doing what we couldn’t finish last year.”

“… Well, if that’s the case, I have nothing to say.”

The reason Adele was particularly concerned about the west was because of the tribes there.

To be precise, it would be her goal to clearly deal with the tribal chief Temuzin, who had escaped every time Adele subjugated and had to be dealt with this time.

But fortunately, she would probably be able to catch him this year.

And catching that guy was only possible when I helped her.

I barely suppressed the urge to become impatient.

It would be a lie to say I wasn’t worried.

I couldn’t help but be concerned about Miragen in the northwest.

I tried contacting her earlier, but she didn’t answer, perhaps because she was busy.

Right now, the only thing was to quickly clear the west.

“You should ride a wolf this time too. Did you receive the reins?”

“I did. I’m probably borrowing it, but it listens to me well.”

“I see… I see.”

Seeing her drag out her words, it seemed she was about to leave, but a thought occurred to me, so I moved my lips.

I don’t think it’s this part, but just in case.

“It seems you’ve been tying your hair up often lately. Is it because of what I said?”

“Ha, what a joke.”

Then Adele, who turned her head, narrowed her eyes and smirked.

It was an expression asking if I really thought that way, so I could continue speaking while dispelling my suspicion.

“Well, I think having your hair down suits you well too. It’s better to tie your hair when moving, but it looks more comfortable when you have it down normally.”

“… Choose one. Don’t confuse people.”


“Nevermind. I’ll take care of it myself.”

As I asked again in a voice she couldn’t hear, Adele shook her head and untied her hair tie.

Her distinctive silver hair fluttered in the wind, and at the same time, the scent of roses spread around.

Adele, who touched her hair a few times, then grasped the reins and began walking forward.

“Follow me, it’s time to set out now.”

Grrr, the wolf made a small sound as Adele smiled softly.

Her lips sparkled in the setting sun.

Her eyes, which always shone blue, looked like lapis lazuli, so I could barely nod my head after blankly looking at her.

The fact was, her outfit was far from that of an ordinary lady.

Because it was the attire of a monarch riding a wolf, wearing armor and carrying a sword.

But would there be anyone else who suited this as well as her?

I walked, watching the silver hair fluttering in the wind.

By the time I rode the wolf and walked holding the reins, the distance between us had become quite close.

I don’t know how long we walked towards where the soldiers would be, but in the gently flowing silence, Adele was the first to speak.

“Are you worried about the princess? You’ve been constantly checking the artifact.”

“… I’m a bit worried. I think there won’t be any problems, but it’s still a dangerous area, isn’t it?”

As I answered like that, Adele, who had been staring at me blankly for a moment, showed a strange expression.

Her gaze, which seemed slightly dissatisfied, bit her lips and met mine.

A faint sigh escaped, and white mist lingered.

Adele, who had been looking at the rising mist in the sky, muttered softly. As if whispering, in a small voice only I could hear.

“I shouldn’t care at all, but…”

Adele, who laughed self-deprecatingly for a moment, then shifted her gaze back to me.

“I don’t know why your words bother me so much.”

“I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“I’m saying don’t show that you’re worried about the princess in front of me. It’s starting to annoy me a bit. I’m here, but you keep worrying about someone else.”

Tilting my head at her incomprehensible words, Adele soon smiled and pulled the reins first.

As the startled wolf suddenly leaped forward, the distance clearly began to widen.

Pondering the meaning of her words that it would be annoying, I soon smiled bitterly.

… Even in this turn, could it be?

No, there’s no need to think too deeply about it now.

There wasn’t enough time just looking at the end.

Wasn’t my wish in this life an eternal death?

I thought there was no need to leave any lingering attachments by having unnecessary thoughts.

Shaking my head vigorously a few times, I pulled the reins and moved forward like that.

The wind blew and brushed my cheek.

As the setting sun spread like splashing paint, when I closed my eyes, it felt like the wind of this field was embracing my body.

I thought my stuck chest would be cleared, but it wasn’t, so I closed my eyes for no reason.

In many ways, it felt like my mind was getting complicated.


“How is the Terra Knight mine? I hope there will be some results.”

“Well, there haven’t been any significant results yet.”

Miragen frowned at the magician’s words.

She had rushed all the way here as soon as she was told to focus on the northwest, but even after a long time, the results were still not appearing.

Was it a misjudgment to proceed with the research first?

Even though it was a dangerous zone, she had somehow obtained permission and rushed here, but even after several days, the unseen Terra Knight ore was only making her physically and mentally exhausted.

Did Robert Taylor lie to her?

She didn’t think he would do that.

He had even helped her when she was with that young lady, so would he have lied then?

Miragen’s thoughts about Robert Taylor soon led to the fact that he was in the North.

According to what she heard recently, did he directly become Adele’s deputy?

As far as she knew, his military prowess wasn’t outstanding, so she thought he would probably be in charge of administration like a person named Lothos.

If he came this far, she might have been able to see him once.

The fact was, she felt a bit regretful.

She couldn’t even contact him through the artifact if she was busy, so these days, she couldn’t contact Robert at all due to the twisted timing.

– It’s better to take care of yourself. No matter what situation arises, you should prioritize your own safety. Even if you have to abandon others.

The voice recorded in the artifact was quite strange.

It was worrying as if she had been injured before.

Was he saying that because she was a princess, or was he really worried?

Miragen, who had been pondering that, soon stretched out her arms and yawned.

What did it matter now, when the Terra Knight ore wasn’t coming out?

So she fiddled with the artifact blankly, hoping Robert would answer, or not.


The ringing tone continued for a while, but soon it was cut off anticlimactically without any sound.

She let out a small sigh. It didn’t connect again.

Until now, she couldn’t answer, but now it seemed Robert was busy.

“Is it the other side not answering this time?”

Miragen, who thought things had gotten twisted, lay down on the bed like that too fall asleep.

She was planning to stay here for about three more days.

If no results came out during that time, she would have to return to the center again.

Nevertheless, feeling regretful, Miragen fiddled with the artifact again.

Until she threw it away in annoyance after it didn’t connect several times.


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