Chapter 87

He Junyan put on her mask and sunglasses and followed Shi Shuan to the parking lot. Shi Shuan opened the passenger door, waiting for He Junyan to get in before walking around to the driver's side.

Once Shi Shuan saw He Junyan fasten her seatbelt, he started the car and slowly drove out of the underground parking garage.

He Junyan removed her mask and sunglasses, reclined her seat a bit, and let out a comfortable yawn.

Shi Shuan caught her movement from the corner of his eye and couldn't help but smile.

"It's almost noon, want to grab lunch together?"

"Sure, I'm actually starving!"

"What do you feel like eating? I'll take you."

He Junyan thought for a moment. "Hmm... after being abroad for so long, I really miss Chinese stir-fry dishes."

Shi Shuan smiled knowingly. "Alright, let's go to Yu Xiang Ge then. They have all kinds of stir-fry dishes you could want."

"Yay, sounds good!"

"Ah... let me take a short nap first. Wake me up when we get there!"

He Junyan really did seem tired, having yawned several times already.

"Sure, Yu Xiang Ge is still a bit away. Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you when we arrive."

After saying that, they happened to reach a red light, so Shi Shuan stopped the car and turned to look at He Junyan, only to find her breathing evenly, already asleep.

Watching her peaceful sleeping face, Shi Shuan couldn't help but smile.

Two years apart, yet she was still the same as before, nothing had changed.

Thirty minutes later.

Shi Shuan parked the car and reached over to gently pat He Junyan's shoulder, softly calling out, "Junyan, Junyan, we're here."

Being suddenly woken up from her sleep, He Junyan's expression was a bit irritated.

With her eyes still closed and her brows furrowed, she let out an unsatisfied "humph" from her throat.

"Ugh, what! So annoying!"

Shi Shuan just silently watched her little tantrum, the corners of his mouth raised in an indulgent smile. "My bad, but we should eat first. You won't be able to sleep well on an empty stomach."

Only then did He Junyan open her eyes and look at the man in front of her. Her gaze was a bit hazy at first, and she rubbed her eyes before her vision cleared.

"Sorry, I was just dreaming that I was filming. I thought I was on set. Got a bit disoriented when I woke up..."

Shi Shuan teased, "Looks like our great actress is too dedicated to her work. Even when you're resting, you're still working in your dreams."

"Alright, alright, we're at Yu Xiang Ge now. Let's head inside."

The two entered a private dining room, and Shi Shuan handed the menu to He Junyan, gesturing for her to order.

He Junyan ordered a few dishes she wanted to eat, asked about Shi Shuan's preferences, and soon the food arrived.

"Well then, let's dig in!"

Seeing the colorful and fragrant dishes in front of her, He Junyan's drowsiness was immediately chased away by her hunger. She picked up her chopsticks and grabbed a big piece of egg from the tomato and egg stir-fry.

"Mmm... I really missed this flavor!"

He Junyan loved eating savory tomato and egg stir-fry.

Although a simple home-style dish with an easy cooking method, the taste could vary greatly depending on who cooked it.

Yu Xiang Ge's tomato and egg stir-fry seemed to have been cooked specifically to suit He Junyan's taste buds!

Shi Shuan watched her look of enjoyment with an indulgent smile. "Eat more if you like it. It's all for you."

He then helped himself to add another large piece of egg onto her plate.

He Junyan ate with great enthusiasm. As an actress, she normally couldn't indulge too much. Ever since she was little, her appetite had been small. Then as she grew taller, she didn't have much of an appetite. After becoming an adult, her diet was very strictly controlled. It had been years since she last ate so unrestrainedly.

This time, she had returned alone and had a month-long vacation. She could eat and drink whatever she wanted, and she had plenty of time to work it off later.

"How long will you be staying this time?"

"One month."

Upon hearing that, the light in Shi Shuan's eyes dimmed slightly.

"Just one month..."

He Junyan joked, "What, will you miss your sister that much?"

Unexpectedly, Shi Shuan nodded seriously. "Yeah, I will miss you."

He Junyan's hand paused mid-air as she was about to pick up another dish, staring at him in disbelief.

"I never thought the first person to say they'd miss me would actually be you. I'm so touched!"

Shi Shuan: ...

"Junyan, how long do you plan to stay abroad?"

"Hm? What did you call me?"

Shi Shuan: "...Elder Sister Junyan."

He Junyan reached out and patted his head. "Good boy."

"Well, it'll be over soon actually. I have two more movies left to film. Once I finish those, I'll be returning to our country for good."

Shi Shuan considered this - two movies shouldn't take too long to film. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief inwardly.

"Great, I hope everything goes smoothly so you can wrap up filming soon!"

He Junyan smiled and continued enjoying her food.

"Wanwan, did you really tell Junting everything today?"

Today, Ye Jinmeng had told Gu Qi not to bring them food, as He Junting had gone out to buy them something delicious.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Jinmeng couldn't control her curiosity and eagerly asked Xu Wanwan about the situation.

"Yes, I told him," Xu Wanwan replied calmly.

"So... did he know that you traveled through time and space? Didn't he have any other reaction, like shock or disbelief?"

Xu Wanwan laughed. "Of course he was shocked. He's a normal person after all, how could he not be stunned?"

Ye Jinmeng sighed, knowing that the expressionless look on Junting's face must have been just an act.

"Did you tell him about the relationship between you two?" Ye Jinmeng's eyes sparkled.

Xu Wanwan: "Yeah, I told him. I even told him that I'm going to pursue him!"

Ye Jinmeng's eyes shone even brighter. "What did he say?"

"He said... he agreed..." Xu Wanwan paused deliberately.

"Ahhhh!" Ye Jinmeng let out a squealing sound, her eyes filled with pink bubbles.

"He agreed for me to pursue him," Xu Wanwan added.

"Ahh! ...ah? What?" Ye Jinmeng looked incredulous, silently cursing: Junting, why are you still acting so aloof at this point? I really want to give you a hard flick on the nose!

Seeing Ye Jinmeng's resentful little look, Xu Wanwan couldn't help but laugh. "Jinmeng, the fact that he agreed for me to pursue him means he doesn't reject my feelings for him. This is the first successful step!"

"I suppose you're right."

"Does he know that I'm a big bad wolf?" Ye Jinmeng raised both hands and made a ferocious gesture.

Xu Wanwan touched her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, he knows, but I don't think he can imagine what kind of 'big bad wolf' you are in his mind."

Ye Jinmeng: ...

Fair enough, she looked too cute. Even when she was angry, people would just think she was being adorable.

Alas, the curse of being too cute.

"Enough about me, how have things been progressing with your guy recently?" Xu Wanwan gave Ye Jinmeng a suggestive wink.

"Well... it doesn't feel like there's been much progress..."

They were still at the hand-holding stage. Even after becoming girlfriend and boyfriend, she hadn't even touched his abs yet...

Ugh, so frustrating!

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