Chapter 83

Xiao Wenyao saw that Liu Lawyer was so perceptive, so he withdrew the oppressive aura surrounding him and said with an apologetic tone:

"Ah, it's my fault for not properly guiding Jiannan, which led him to this point. The father's fault lies in not teaching the son. If I had spent more time at home teaching him, he would not have reached this stage."

"When you next see him, tell him to reform himself and get out as soon as possible. He is still the young master of the Xiao family, and we will all be waiting for him at home."

After Liu Lawyer left, Jian Hongmei entered the study with a concerned look on her face.

"Sir, do you think Jiannan will blame us?"

Jiannan had been doted on since he was little, and Jian Hongmei knew his temperament inside out. She reckoned he would resent them bitterly in his heart.

Seeing the worry on his wife's face, Xiao Wenyao walked over, put his arm around her shoulders, and guided her to sit on the sofa.

He gently reassured her, "Don't worry, if worse comes to worst, when he gets out, we'll agree to whatever conditions he sets, no matter what. After all, he's just a child at heart, and a little coddling will do the trick."

Jian Hongmei sighed, "I suppose that's all we can do."

"But, sir, what if I can't get pregnant?"

More than her concerns about Xiao Jiannan, Jian Hongmei was more worried about getting pregnant.

After all, they were almost fifty years old, nowhere near as fertile as in their youth, and even if she did get pregnant, there was no guarantee it would be a son.

Xiao Wenyao knew what his wife was worried about, and after some thought, he said, "It's fine, we can go abroad for in-vitro fertilization, that way we can directly choose the gender of the child."

Jian Hongmei's eyes lit up, "Okay, then let's go as soon as possible!"

As Xiao Jianren was passing by the study on her way downstairs, the door was not fully closed, and she overheard everything Xiao Wenyao and Jian Hongmei said.

Xiao Jianren's eyes widened in disbelief that her parents had just abandoned Jiannan like that and were even planning to have another son to replace him as the heir to the company. This was unacceptable!

Xiao Jianren could not hold herself back and barged straight into the study.

"Mom and Dad, you... you're actually willing to let Jiannan go to prison, and you're even planning to have another son. Aren't you afraid Jiannan will hate you for this?"

Jiannan was her brother, and she didn't even have a chance to show how much she cared for him before her parents abandoned him like this. If she had the means, she would have found a way to break him out.

Seeing his daughter yelling at them so disrespectfully, Xiao Wenyao took a big step forward and slapped her hard across the face.

"Insolent girl, is this how you talk to your parents? Is this how I raised you?"

Jian Hongmei was startled and quickly went to pull Xiao Wenyao back, comforting him, "Sir, don't get angry. Why get angry with our child?"

Xiao Jianren staggered from the slap, clutching her face, full of resentment.

"Jianren, quickly apologize to your father. With everything that's happened recently, your father is under a lot of pressure, so don't upset him," Jian Hongmei went over and put her arm around her daughter's shoulders, advising her.

"Mom, are you really going to abandon Jiannan? He's your son!"

Jian Hongmei lowered her head, unable to look at her, and choked out, "Jianren, Jiannan has committed a crime. There's nothing we can do about it. If I could, I would gladly go to prison in his place as his mother."

"Jianren, the Xiao family needs an heir, and your brother is no longer an option. So your mother has to have another child. Only then can we prevent the Xiao family from falling into outsiders' hands."

"Hmph, what's the point of telling her! Apart from spending money and being willful, what else can she do?" Xiao Wenyao snorted coldly.

"Sir, you've said enough."

Jian Hongmei gently patted Xiao Wenyao and turned to continue speaking to Xiao Jianren, "Jianren, you must understand your father. For the sake of this family, it hasn't been easy for him."

Darkness flashed across Xiao Jianren's eyes, and she suppressed her resentment, lowering her head to apologize to Xiao Wenyao and Jian Hongmei.

"I'm sorry, Mom and Dad. I was too impulsive. I won't do it again."

Jian Hongmei nodded with relief, "Good child."

After leaving the study, Xiao Jianren left the villa and drove to a bar.

She drank glass after glass, her indignation growing stronger.

"What do they mean, the Xiao family can't fall into outsiders' hands? Even without Jiannan, don't they still have me?"

"Ha ha ha ha... It seems that in their eyes, I'm an outsider too!"

"Saying they'll give Jiannan whatever he wants when he gets out, but once you have a new son, how could you possibly still care about Jiannan's life or death!"

"Ha ha ha... It's all just excuses. In your eyes, nothing is more important than self-interest!"

"To be so cruel to your own son, then in the future, where will there be a place for me, Xiao Jianren, in the Xiao family!"

Xiao Jianren lay slumped on the table, her head resting on her arms, her mind muddled from drinking too much too quickly.

"Wah wah wah... Jiannan, I'm sorry... I can't get you out... Wah wah wah..."

Crying like this, she suddenly sat up straight, clutching the bottle tightly, her gaze firm and piercing.

"Jiannan! Don't worry, your sister won't let anyone take what's yours! I'll guard it for you!

When you get out, I'll hand over everything the Xiao family has to you! Ha ha ha ha..."

Today at the company, Ye Junwen was scolded in front of a bunch of employees by his nephew Ye Jinchen. As an uncle being criticized publicly by his nephew, who didn't give him any face at all, how could he not be resentful!

But he could only obediently endure the scolding. He felt so indignant!

After work, he came alone to the bar, intending to vent his frustrations thoroughly. He had just found a booth to sit in when he heard a woman in the next booth raving and muttering to herself like a madwoman.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the young lady of the Xiao family.

The entire social circle of Sea City had been abuzz with gossip about Xiao Jiannan's imprisonment, and everyone was laughing at the Xiao family.

He never expected to have the privilege of witnessing this laughing stock in person.

With a glint in his eye, a plan formed in his mind.

He walked over and sat down next to Xiao Jianren, leisurely watching her mutter to herself.

Xiao Jianren was quite drunk, but she sensed someone sitting beside her.

Her heart was already a blazing inferno of rage with no outlet, and now someone was provoking her directly. She couldn't hold back any longer.

"What kind of rotten frog egg is this, can't you see I'm drinking here? Get lost!"

Ye Junwen didn't get angry but simply adjusted his glasses and smiled, "Miss Xiao, don't be so fiery. Let's have a drink together?"

Hearing this soothing voice, Xiao Jianren looked at him curiously. With one look, she found him somewhat familiar.

After thinking carefully, she finally remembered.

"You... you're that Ye Junwen from the Ye family?"

Ye Junwen curved his lips in a smile, "Correct, I'm Ye Junwen."

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