Chapter 79

Shi Shuning had been by Ye Jinmeng's side in the hospital ever since she underwent surgery. His chin had begun to show a faint stubble, and his face was worn with fatigue.

"Mengmeng, how are you feeling?"

"It hurts... Shuning ge, I'm in so much pain..." Ye Jinmeng weakly responded.

Shi Shuning pressed the call button by the bed, and soon the attending doctor and nurses arrived.

"She's awake, she says it hurts."

"It's alright, the anesthesia has worn off, pain at the incision site is normal, we'll give her a painkiller injection shortly."

The doctor checked again and said, "Her vital signs are stable, as long as the wound doesn't get infected, there shouldn't be any major issues."

"Okay, thank you, doctor."

At that moment, Xu Wanwan entered carrying a thermos, rushing forward when she saw Ye Jinmeng open her eyes.

"Mengmeng, you're awake, you finally woke up." Xu Wanwan's eyes welled up with tears again.

"Wanwan, don't cry."

"Okay! I won't cry." Xu Wanwan tried to hold back her tears.

"You just had surgery, you can only have some liquid food. Auntie made fish soup for you, are you hungry? Do you want to have some?"

"I'll drink later, I feel really sore right now..."

Wuu wuu wuu... the pain made her forget about hunger...

Xu Wanwan gently touched Ye Jinmeng's face, feeling that she had lost a lot of weight.

"My dear, you're awake, you really scared Mommy."

Ye Junli and Gu Qi also came in, their faces full of affection when they saw Ye Jinmeng open her eyes.

Ye Junwen had wondered why Ye Jinchen had left the company so early yesterday without telling him where he went, making him wait at the company for Ye Jinchen for a long time, only to be told that he had left early!

He planned to go back to the villa and teach Ye Jinchen a lesson. He waited and waited, but no one came back home!

At that moment, Ye Junwen felt isolated, and he didn't even call them, angrily went back to his room to sleep.

It wasn't until this morning when Gu Qi and the others came back to cook soup in the kitchen that he knew his Mengmeng was injured! He didn't even know! He actually slept soundly at home!

Ye Junwen's emotions surged, and following Gu Qi's brief explanation on the way, the thought of Shi Shuning not protecting his Mengmeng properly, causing her so much pain, made him want to kill him.

"Mengmeng, how are you feeling?" Ye Junwen asked with concern.

"I... I'm fine, thank you, Uncle..." Ye Jinmeng replied.

"Don't crowd around here, or the air won't circulate, let Mengmeng breathe freely." Shi Shuning immediately reminded.

"Yes, let's all go back and rest, my husband and I will take care of her here. We even took turns resting last night. You young folks didn't get enough rest, go back and get some sleep, then come back to relieve us."

"Auntie, let me take care of her..." Shi Shuning's words were interrupted by Ye Junwen.

Ye Junwen: "You all stayed here last night, while I had a good night's sleep. So, go back and rest. I'll take care of Mengmeng."

After speaking, he gave a fierce glance at Shi Shuning.

Ye Jinmeng: "No need to bother! Absolutely unnecessary!"

"Brother Shuning, you guys go back and rest. I'll let my mom take care of me; after all, she's more convenient for certain things."

Although Ye Jinmeng didn't explicitly mention it, people understood her meaning – eating, drinking, and other daily needs are more comfortable with mom around.

Shi Shuning wanted to say something, but Ye Jinmeng continued, "Brother Shuning, your face looks exhausted, and your beard has grown. If you don't rest soon, you'll be terribly ugly. I don't like an ugly Brother Shuning."

Shi Shuning sighed at her words, nodding reluctantly.

"Alright, I'll go back, get some sleep, tidy up, make myself handsome, and then come back to see you."

"Sure, sure!"

"Wanwan, you should go back too. You have classes tomorrow," Ye Jinmeng said, surprisingly giggling.

"Why are you laughing?" Xu Wanwan puzzled.

"Hehehe, I can go without classes for a long time..."

Everyone: ...

"Silly child, going to class is not as painful as being injured and hospitalized!" Gu Qi pinched Ye Jinmeng's cheek.

But seeing Ye Jinmeng in good spirits, everyone's worries were put to rest.

Ye Jinchen and He Junting had been waiting outside the hospital room. When Shi Shuning and Xu Wanwan came out, Ye Jinchen spoke, "Let's go to the police station."

They needed to seek justice for Mengmeng.

Having learned about another victim last night, Ye Jinchen immediately contacted a lawyer to assist Wang Xiaoyun.

Arriving at the police station, they saw a woman with swollen eyes sitting on a chair.

The woman looked up at them and said, "You're the family of the other victim harmed by Liu Dahai, right? Thank you for bringing the lawyer."

Yes, this woman was Wang Xiaoyun.

She no longer appeared as broken as yesterday, instead, exhibiting a chilling calmness.

Wang Xiaoyun learned from the police about Liu Dahai's motives, and she sarcastically reflected on her situation. Yes, she blamed herself for her daughter's death.

Just now, she had explained the "grudge" between her and Liu Dahai to the police and the lawyer. She didn't know how Liu Dahai would react to hearing it.

At this moment, the lawyer was meeting with Liu Dahai.

Liu Dahai remained nonchalant, as if he hadn't killed a person.

Seeing this, the lawyer, without much preamble, said, "Ms. Wang Xiaoyun left you because she discovered she had liver cancer and didn't want to burden you. Shortly after leaving, she found out she was pregnant. Initially, she wanted to have an abortion, but perhaps the child truly wanted to come into this world. So, she gave birth to a daughter and named her Wang Tongtong."

"Perhaps the child is her lucky charm. The cancer cells didn't spread further and there was even improvement, so Mrs. Wang has been working hard to earn money to support the child and cooperate with the treatment," the lawyer explained.

Liu Dahai widened his eyes in disbelief, "This can't be true! You're lying! Haha, Wang Xiaoyun is quite something, trying to deceive me even now!"

The lawyer handed Liu Dahai a report.

"This is the paternity test report between you and Wang Tongtong. Wang Tongtong is your child, and you are her biological father."

Trembling, Liu Dahai unfolded the report and saw the line "99.99%," before blacking out and dropping the report to the ground.

"This can't be! It must be fake! If it's true, why didn't she tell me?" Liu Dahai muttered incredulously.

"After learning that you were unmarried and childless, Mrs. Wang had thoughts of reconciling with you. She wanted to surprise you on your birthday, but... she truly regrets it now."

"No! This isn't real! You're all lying to me!"

Liu Dahai frantically pounded the table with his hands, crying and laughing simultaneously.

"Hahaha... I... I killed my own daughter... I... I even did that to my own daughter... hahaha... wuwuwu... this can't be! This can't be!!"

"Ah! Kill me! Please... please kill me!"

The police restrained him, but he continued to repeat those words, tears and snot flowing uncontrollably, already driven mad.

Perhaps, being alive is scarier than being dead.

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