Chapter 43

<Ye Junwen> asked, "Jinmeng, are you waiting for a message from someone?"

<Ye Jinmeng>'s body shuddered. She quickly put away her phone and smiled awkwardly, "Ah, nothing. Just a classmate."

<Ye Junwen> gripped his chopsticks tightly, his voice still gentle, "Oh~ It's not a male classmate, is it!"

Just then <Madam Ye>'s voice rang out, "What male classmate! It's just Jinmeng's new roommate. She's having dinner with her classmates tonight, and Jinmeng is worried about her safety, so she asked the girl to check in with her every now and then."

"Oh, my good and kind-hearted girl, always ready to help others," the old lady smiled and praised, as she put a large chicken leg on <Ye Jinmeng>'s plate, "Be a good girl and eat up."

"Thank you, grandma."

After hearing this, <Ye Junwen> loosened his grip on the chopsticks and jokingly said, "I thought Jinmeng was in love."

"Don't talk nonsense. Jinmeng is still so young, how could she be in a relationship!" <Old Master Ye> glared at <Ye Junwen>.

<Ye Junli> chimed in, "That's right, Jinmeng is still young and likely to be tricked by rascals. She should wait a few more years until she grows up before dating."

<Ye Jinmeng> just smiled without saying anything.


At the <Haiyu Club> on the other side,

<Xu Wanwan>'s group of classmates were eating and singing karaoke, with intermittent wailing coming from the private room.

<Xu Wanwan> ate quietly, disliking this kind of atmosphere. She just wanted to get through this meaningless gathering quickly.

She took out her phone and texted <Ye Jinmeng> that she was okay. Seeing Jinmeng's instant reply cheered her up a little.

<Wu Mingshi> had been watching <Xu Wanwan> the whole time. After thinking for a bit, he still went over to sit next to her, forcing out an ingratiating smile. "Wanwan, how come you're not joining the others?"

<Xu Wanwan> turned her head and saw it was <Wu Mingshi>. She smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, I can't sing."

"It doesn't matter if you can't sing. Look at <Wei Youming>, he can't sing either but he's rocking the mic," <Wu Mingshi> pointed to the howling <Wei Youming>.

<Xu Wanwan>: ...This guy is so annoying.

"Hehe, I'll pass, I'm too shy," <Xu Wanwan> turned her head away, ignoring him.

Rebuffed, <Wu Mingshi> sullenly went back to his seat, pondering how to surreptitiously slip the drug powder into <Xu Wanwan>'s drink.

<Lu Renjia> had been watching <Wu Mingshi> the whole time. Seeing him try to suck up to <Xu Wanwan>, who wanted nothing to do with him, filled her with anger!

What's so great about that <Xu Wanwan>? Other than a pretty face, what's good about her?

The more <Lu Renjia> looked at <Xu Wanwan>, the more she disliked her. She wished she could rip off that vixen's face.

Just as <Lu Renjia> was about to get up to sit next to <Wu Mingshi> and chat with him, she saw <Wu Mingshi> get up and leave the room.

Is he going to the bathroom? A thought struck <Lu Renjia>. Why not follow him out and chat with him alone for a bit when he comes back?

With this in mind, <Lu Renjia> also got up and left the room to look for <Wu Mingshi>.

When she reached a corner, she saw <Wu Mingshi> stopping a server and saying something to him in a dodgy manner.

Recalling the scene after class today, <Lu Renjia> realized what was happening. She hid behind the corner, luckily blocked by a potted plant. She was close enough to record their conversation on her phone.

<Wu Mingshi>: "I'll give you 50,000 yuan. Help me with something."

Server: "Wha...What is it? I won't do anything illegal like murder or arson!"

<Wu Mingshi>: "Don't worry, I won't ask you to kill or set fires. I'll give you something." He handed over the small bottle of drugs.

"Take 11 fruit juices to Room 607. Put this into one of the drinks and mark that cup. That's all you need to do."

This was the safest method <Wu Mingshi> could think of. Order fruit juices for the 10 girls in the class, and get <Xu Wanwan> to drink the spiked one. The rest would be easy.

The server relaxed upon hearing it was just spiking a drink. Nothing new at this club. As long as he denied it, it wouldn't trace back to him. 50,000 yuan for such an easy job.

The server pocketed the bottle and got out his phone to show <Wu Mingshi> the QR code to transfer the money. <Wu Mingshi> rolled his eyes but still transferred it.

Server: "Don't worry, I've done this many times. I'll put a lemon slice in every cup, and an extra small slice in the spiked one. Just look for that."

Hearing the server's experience put <Wu Mingshi> at ease. It seemed this was common at the club, so what did he have to worry about?

With this thought, <Wu Mingshi> turned to head back to the room.

Seeing this, <Lu Renjia> quickly put away her phone, pretending she was on her way to the bathroom. But inside she was shocked.

She didn't know what <Wu Mingshi> was planning or what was in the bottle, or who he intended it for. <Xu Wanwan>? What was his relationship with the person she saw this afternoon? Did that person ask him to do this?

<Lu Renjia> couldn't figure it out yet.

<Wu Mingshi> was only startled for a moment seeing <Lu Renjia>, and hearing she was going to the bathroom, didn't ask further before returning to the room.

<Lu Renjia> heaved a huge sigh of relief. Who knows how nervous she had been, discovering this secret and not knowing what to do.

"Forget it, I'll just see what Mingshi is up to first."

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