Chapter 18

Sixth floor dining room private room.

Ye Jinchen sat comfortably on the leather sofa, took a sip of tea, put down the teacup and slowly said, "What do you think of Xu Wanwan?"

"Bro, what's up? Are you interested in her?" Shi Shuan looked up and joked when he heard this.

According to their ages, Shi Shuan was one year older than Ye Jinchen, the boss; Ye Jinchen was second brother, He Junting and Shi Shuning were the same age, but He Junting was two months older than Shi Shuning, so He Junting was third brother and Shi Shuning was fourth brother.

"Cut it out," Ye Jinchen glared at Shi Shuan, then roughly told them what Ye Jinmeng had said to him before.

"Does second brother mean that Xu Wanwan might hurt Jinmeng?" Shi Shuning's eyes turned cold when he heard this. If it was true, he didn't mind taking care of her personally.

"First time seeing her, not very clear yet, but it feels like she's quite introverted." Shi Shuan patted Shi Shuning on the shoulder and analyzed lightly.

He Junting also frowned, pondered for a moment and said carefully, "I saw her once at the beginning of the school year when the freshmen entered school. At that time Jinmeng took her to eat together. She gave me the feeling that she could see through life and death, but this time seeing her, it feels okay."

"Well, but the information found shows that people familiar with her say she is very lively and outgoing, which seems to have nothing to do with being introverted at all." Ye Jinchen knitted his brows, "I don't know what the problem is, but Jinmeng wants to be friends with her, so I plan to observe her first before making a decision."

"This little chubby Jinmeng is just too naive!" Shi Shuning thought to himself, and would definitely have to teach little chubby Jinmeng properly whenever he had the chance. She couldn't be fooled by bad people!

At this moment, the private room door was pushed open, and Ye Jinmeng and Xu Wanwan walked in slowly.

Xu Wanwan was still wearing the same dirty clothes as before, only now they were clean and dry, with no traces of being splashed by milk tea.

"Didn't you buy clothes for Miss Ye?" Ye Jinchen looked at Ye Jinmeng in confusion.

Ye Jinmeng pouted and said, "I originally picked out a beautiful dress for Wanwan, but she stubbornly refused it, so I could only ask the store clerk to take Wanwan's clothes inside to wash and dry them."

Xu Wanwan also nodded gently and said, "It was just splashed with a few drops of milk tea, not noticeable if you don't look closely, and you gave me a membership card earlier, which is already very valuable, so I don't want to spend more money."

Ye Jinchen could only murmur, "Well, okay," then pointed to the empty seat next to him, "Please sit down, I'll call the waiter to serve the dishes."

Ye Jinmeng pulled Xu Wanwan by the hand to the dining table and sat down, excitedly saying to Xu Wanwan: "Wanwan, the food here is very delicious, you must eat more."

After finishing shopping for clothes, the milk tea in Ye Jinmeng's stomach had been pretty much digested. She also went to the bathroom again, and her stomach was now empty.

Soon the dishes were served. Shi Shuning was on Ye Jinmeng's right, clipping dishes for Ye Jinmeng with one hand while observing Xu Wanwan with the corner of his eye, as if the chopsticks in Xu Wanwan's hands would turn into weapons to hurt Ye Jinmeng if he didn't pay attention.

The others were also chatting casually with Xu Wanwan.

"Your name is Wanwan, right? Where are you from?" Shi Shuan asked first.

"Uh... my home is a small village near Linyun City. You probably wouldn't know it if I told you the name." Xu Wanwan was caught off guard by the sudden question, stunned at first, then smiled lightly and responded.

"Linyun City is quite far. I heard the score line there is pretty high. Getting into Haida University means you're definitely a top student!"

"Oh, I'm alright." Xu Wanwan smiled awkwardly.

"You're also studying fashion design, right? What plans do you have for your future?" Ye Jinchen took a sip of red wine and asked slowly.

Plans? Xu Wanwan's hands holding the chopsticks tightened.

The Xu Wanwan of her previous life didn't have any plans before coming to Haicheng, only knowing that as long as her grades were good she could get a scholarship. But in this life, the only thing on her mind was revenge.

But now... Xu Wanwan glanced at Ye Jinmeng, who was eating like a little pig. This revenge plan didn't seem to be going smoothly.

Xu Wanwan didn't know that her subtle movements were seen by the others. She just settled her mind, turned to look at Ye Jinchen, and said, "I don't know what to do for the time being. I think I'll wait a few more days before making plans."

Ye Jinchen nodded in acknowledgment. "Indeed, just entering freshman year of college, it's normal not to have plans yet. After some time, you'll know what you want to pursue."

Xu Wanwan nodded lightly when she heard this.

Shi Shuning of course also noticed Xu Wanwan's subtle movements just now. His eyes were cold, with a sardonic smile, he said, "Junior sister Wanwan looks introverted, doesn't like to talk much. It must be hard on you to live in the same dorm as my whimsical little chubby Jinmeng."

Xu Wanwan smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe because I've come to this unfamiliar city, I feel a little uneasy. After all, there are no familiar friends..."

When Ye Jinmeng heard this, she finally looked up. Hurriedly swallowing the food in her mouth, she looked at Xu Wanwan and said seriously, "Wanwan, from now on I'm your friend. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you at school!" I, Ye Jinmeng, must make Wanwan become the lively and cheerful girl described in the information again!

"Alright, you'd better take care of yourself first, eating like a little pig." Shi Shuning seemed to dislike it very much as he used a paper napkin to wipe the oil stains from the corners of Ye Jinmeng's mouth, but his actions were extremely gentle.

Can I really trust you? When Xu Wanwan heard what Ye Jinmeng said, she wanted confirmation but didn't dare confirm it.

However, the hardened heart wrapped in hatred had softened a little without her noticing.

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